Sit back and relax

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30th July 1987 Olivia's PoV

I open the door as the knocking was becoming relentless now.
I open the door to see a large man I look up at him with questioning eyes "how may I help you??"

"Bill" he smiled softly reaching out his hand for me to shake...
Bill?? Bill?? Bill. I've heard that name before— ohhhh. Michael's driver Bill!!
I smile back at him and shake his hand "Olivia" I nod
"I know," he nodded smirking making me laugh awkwardly and blush nervously. He pulled a massive bouquet of flowers from behind his back making me frown. He hands them to me so I grab them "Michael sent these... he said he's been trying to call, you must not be getting them.." he raises his brow. This man knows I've purposely been ignoring Michael, oops.
"He apologises greatly for his actions the other day.. and he told me to tell you that the invitation is still open to go to the Bad set" Bill spoke sternly, but with kindness.. this man means business.
I nod softly "I'll come.. and uhh, I've been- busy. That's why I haven't answered his calls"

"Yeahhhh" he said not believing me "being a 17 year old is a busy life, right??" He asked sarcastically as he played along. I laughed and nodded "sure is"

"Are you free today?? The first on set recording starts today.. he'd be honoured if you showed up. He said not to pressure you, if you want to go then you want to go. He doesn't mind if you turn him down, he said he'd understand" Bill in his own way guilt tripped me.
I laughed playing the flowers down on the stand I have next to my door "I'll come.. what time does it start??" I look at him
"It's already begun, filming started at 6am this morning... and it's now 9am. You can come along as soon as you're ready, I'll drive you.. I'll be in that black SUV down there" he pointed over the railing. I stepped out my apartment and looked down below.. from the 4th floor. I nodded "I'll be there as quick as I can, I need to shower and change, and everything" I smiled, he smiled back and started walking backwards "take however long you need Miss West" Bill nodded and turned around walking towards the apartment block stairs and elevator.

I shut the door and jog to the shower. I showered for five/ten minutes. It was good that I washed my hair last night otherwise I'd have to wash it today meaning I'd have to blow dry it and straighten it talking and hour and half max.

I jump out the shower and put on a pair of black ripped jeans with a pair of white ankle socks and a white pair of trainers.
I put on a leopard print belt. And I put on a cropped black top with the word 'kindness' written on it in white writing.

I brush my hair and tie it up in a messy bun. I wash my face quickly and pat it down with a towel. I grab my tooth brush and put some paste on it, I brush my teeth as well as trying to get moisturiser on my face and rubbing it in at the same time.
It's a job and a half, I'll tell you that for sure.

Once I'm all done I grab my apartment keys and walk out the door grabbing a black denim jacket.
I lock the door behind me and jog to the elevator.
When I reach ground floor I jog towards Bill's SUV and jump in the back.
"Sorry to keep you waiting Bill, I was multitasking while trying to get ready.. and let me tell you" I breathe putting my seatbelt on. When it clicks in place I sit back and sigh "it doesn't work!" I carried on making him chuckle heartily
He pulls off and drives down the road.

"So how far has Michael got into filming??" I asked making conversation "surprisingly," Bill clears his throat "he hasn't done any filming.. it's more so going over the dance routine, and going over his lines"

"Lines.. you mean lyrics??" I ask confused.. but why would he need to go I've ether lyri—
"Noooo" he laughs jiggling in his seat. It's confirmed. I love this man, even though I've only known him a day.
"He always has a story to his short films... have you seen the video to thriller??"

"Ugh duhhhhh" I exaggerate looking at the rear view mirror at his eyes
I can see his eyes crinkle meaning he is smiling widely.
I love making people smile. It's makes me feel like I've achieved something in life.
"Well you know the beginning part.. at the theatre when he was on a date with Ola Ray. Well he obviously had lines, they both didn't wing the speech" he laughed softly.

"And this song has an important message behind it. This song is based on a true story. He'll probably tell you about it," Bill shrugged "so he created a script.. he has a few other main characters who speak too" Bill informs me.
"Ohhhh" I say creating a 'O' shaped face. He looks at me through the mirror and chuckled.

When we get there... it's like a parking lot/ station. Which is interesting. It gives me gangster vibes. And when I listened to the song repeatedly... over and over again for 6 hours the other day I came to realisation that it is a gangster song.

"Hey, you made it" he touches my arm, I turn around and face Michael. He's smiling widely, he takes off his aviators "glad you could make it"
I nodded smiling "I'm glad I was still invited"
He scoffed playfully "of course you was"
"About that, I wanted to—"

I stop him by touching his arm "I know Bill told me, I'm sorry I didn't answer your calls. Bill said you've been calling, truth be told I was ignoring them, I didn't necessarily know it was you.. I had an idea. But obviously I won't of known unless I picked the phone up. But I didn't want to. Everything is just so overwhelming at the moment so I just wanted to sit back and relax. You know? Take time to get my heard around everything"

He nodded his head understandably "you don't need to explain to me Olivia, it's fine, I understand. I still do it to this day and I've been in this business since I've been a child. You never get used to it" he shook his head sighing as he looked around
I smiled widely "Michael?" I call his name, he looked back at me.. looking in my eyes "thank you for the flowers, they were beautiful"
He smiled and blushed "it was the least I could do... follow me I actually got you something else" he grabbed my hand and walked me to a little room. He opened it up and leaned inside grabbing something. He turned around and handed me a box of chocolates.
"Michael you didn't have to—"

"I know I didn't," he shrugged looking into my eyes "I wanted to"
I smile at him, I pull him in for a hug as I rub his back "thank you so much"
He laughed softly "it's okay..."

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