I might have done a back ground check

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3rd August 1987 Michael's PoV

I woke up with my front pressed against Olivia's ass.
I rubbed my eyes sighing as I turned around grabbing my slacks, I looked at the clock to see it was 9am.
I put my slacks on and crept out of the room.
I went and made a coffee for myself... I leant up against the kitchen counter sighing.

I don't even know what I'm doing any more. I'm getting involved with a 17 year old girl... is that even acceptable?
I rub my forehead in frustration... it obvious we're attracted to each other, otherwise everything that happened last night wouldn't of happened.
She's amazing, and I've always thought she was.
But is it appropriate to be starting a sexual relationship with her while she's still 17??
I mean I'm not going to have sex with her until she feels ready... if she even wants to have sex with me at all, that is.

Am I thinking too far into this?? probably.

I should distance myself from her really, it's not fair on her.

I sip on my coffee as she walks out with a red silk dressing gown on, again only going down to her mid thigh.. maybe a bit higher. I widen my eyes slightly and clear my throat, she is so hot.
I turn around and pop the kettle back on for her.

"Hey," she says walking past me, I look at her and our eyes connect I smiled weakly "hey" I watch her as she bends down and gets something out of the pantry.
She got up and looked at me "are you okay?"
I nodded and smiled "yeah, um- I'm good" I said softly looking into her bright blue eyes.

She nodded lowering her head, she turned away and went off to do something. Before she could walk too far away from me I grabbed her arm and swung her around. I pulled her close to me and planted my lips on those luscious lips of hers.
She doesn't kiss back straight away, but once I press my lips on hers harder and grab her waist pulling her body to me, she engaged in the kiss.

She was the first one to pull away "am I getting that drink or what?" She smiled up at me. I laughed looking down "thank you Michael"
I frowned and looked up "what for?" I asked making her shrug both shoulders "you've been good to me, I appreciate it" she said softly "and I want a cup of tea... thank you" she nods at me and walks off to do whatever she was going to do before I kissed her.

11:20am rolled around and Bill turned up at the door like planned "thank you" I smiled at him grabbing the bag from him.
He grabbed my hand and pulled me outside making me giggle "what??" I laughed searching his eyes
"Nothing happened between you and the girl right??" He asked me seriously.
I shook my head truthfully "no" we only kissed... nothing wrong in kissing right??
"You promise me?" He raised a brow at me "I promise" I laughed softly then cleared my throat "why did you ask??"

"She's not the person you think she is" he claimed looking behind me probably to see if she's there.
I frowned "what do you mean??" I looked into his eyes, scared of the outcome.
"Her dad— well, he's an extortionist— he's tried getting money out of Paul McCartney by using her. What if this is just another extortion plan Michael?? What if she's only here to do you over in the long run??"

"How do you know this??" I frowned.

He rubbed his forehead "I might have done a back ground check but in my defence boss I was looking out for you— that's my job— you're gonna need to fire her"

I scoffed "I'll fire her when she attempts something... I'm not going to accuse the poor girl. I don't believe it for a second, are you trying to tell me Paul, a dear friend of mine, is not only stupid but a bit of a weirdo on the side??" I asked frowning.
"What do you mean?" Bill asked frowning a little, I turned around and closed the door behind me
"She's 17, Bill, shes only just turned 17 too. Meaning when this happened— If it happened at all— she'd of been 16 or younger... in what way would her father use her to get to Paul.. she can't. She was only a kid then." I stick up for her and Paul at the same time "Paul is no weirdo" I shook my head

"I'm just telling you what I've found out" Bill shrugged truthfully "now you got me going crazy— so thank you" I scoffed to turn around to walk back into the apartment but he stopped me
"The paps know you're sneaking out of Hayvenhurst to go to some secret place.. so in a few days, there will most likely be a story up in the tabloids about you and Olivia. I just wanted to prepare you both for it" he claimed in which I nodded.
"Weirdly," I laugh softly "we had a talk about that last night, she knows how bad it could get.. and how bad it probably will get. I think she's prepared."

"No one ever is" Bill raised a brow at me "you weren't"
I scoffed "I was 6 and thrown into the music industry. I had no one to talk to. She has me"
Bill sighed "joker.. I know you really like her. That's obvious. But please," he begged looking me in my eyes "please be careful with her. Not only is she young and naive, and could get you in a lot of trouble, she also could be working with her dad again. I don't want your heart getting broken again Michael"

"...I'm looking out for you..." he claimed which made me smile a little. I nodded "I know you are, and I'm grateful. But honestly, Bill, she's a great girl"

"Boy you're being so blind right now... any idea what Joseph would say if he found out"

I raised a brow. Is he threatening me with my own father??
"He ain't gonna find out, ain't that right Bill??"

"Yeah," Bill nodded understanding me "of course not"

I nodded my head, smiling inside, "I'm gonna have to go, I'll be back out soon. Then we can leave."

"Is the girl coming??" He stops me again. I turn to him and frown "yeah she is... don't make her feel out of place around you. I want her as comfortable as possible, will all of my family, friends and workers. Don't think of her differently until you get an update on whatever you think she is" I rolled my eyes "she's not a bad person, so stop thinking she is"

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