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25th July 1987 Michael's PoV

"1,2,3" she instructs, we turn around quickly and clap twice, we swing our left leg around as we turn then clap twice again.. we move to the right and pretend I grab someone's shoulders to jump on the other side of them.
"Ohhhh" my voice is heard through the recorder

"Shamone" the jingle of buckles is heard through the recorder, we slap our arms together and hold them on top of our other arm then move our legs so we're in another spot on the floor then we so the arm thing again.
"Do the spin now" she instructs as we spin "I'm giving youuu on a count of three" the recording sings
"Walk, Strut strut strut" she says like a professional as we walk clicking our fingers in the air
"Head turn, arm up, and click" we both do as she instructs as we carry on walking to her massive mirror in her dance studio.

After a rough 6 hours of rehearsing we call it a day, I collapse on her dance studio floor breathing heavily.
She laughs heartily from the other side of the studio making me smirk.. I sit up and look at her as she gulps down some water and wipes her forehead with a towel.
"Wow.. I'm knackered" she says throwing down her towel "me too, you've outdone me girl" I sigh standing up from the floor. She laughs and hands me a water bottle as I walk over to her.

"So," I say softly as she sorts her hair out in one of the many large mirrors "are you excited to start the tour??" I question her. She looks at me through the mirror smiling, she then nods "is always been my dream to go on a world tour.. and I'm finally doing it. I've always wanted to travel the world; so thank you. One of my dreams are coming true already" she smiles proudly "no need to thank me" I shake my head "thank yourself.. your unbelievable amount of talent earned you a place in this tour, not me" I shook my head
"It's your tour that you're allowing me on and giving me the opportunity. So you are to be thanked" she turned and smiled
I blushed looking at her "thank you"

I think back to what Derek said the other day at rehearsals... 'I've seen the way she looks at you' his voice echos through my mind, and how he talked about her.. talking about her body and how he thinks she'd be a foxy woman behind closed doors.
I look her up and down as she bends over the massive station she has in the dance studio with a load of wires. She turns down the music as it continues to lap.
My eyes seem to be fixating on her round behind as she bends over, she grunts trying to pull out a certain wire "do ya want me to do that for you? You look like you're struggling" I laughed softly walking up behind her. I make sure to stand behind her slightly as I reach over for the wire. I put my hand on her waist as I reach over.
I pull the wire out and stand up properly, with my left hand still on her waist. She turns around and thanks me. I smile down at her as I'm a lot taller than what she is. Okay I'm exaggerating she isn't that small.
She is just a little smaller than I am.
Our eyes lock making me feel all sorts of emotions and feelings that I've never actually felt before. I gulp as my eyes flicker down to her plump lips. I look back into her eyes and smile softly, I go to lean in and kiss her, but before my lips touch hers. She pushes me away, not roughly, but still quite hard "you um— should go" she mumbled as she stepped away from me, like I upset her.. or worse, hurt her.
"I'm sorry," I say sadly as I reach out to grab her arm. She flinches and steps back again, I laughed softly "I ain't gonna hurt you, I'm sorry Liv"

"Like I said," she whispered looking everywhere else but me "you should go"
I nodded and respected her wishes as it is her home, I grabbed my water from the table and walked out of her studio walking down the corridor to the living room.. I grab my stuff and leave without saying bye to her.

I jogged my way to Bill's car who was still waiting for me outside for 6 hours. I jumped in the back and put my stuff on the seat next to me "you okay kid?? Enjoy yourself??"

"Yeah it was great" I nod looking out the window as he pulled off from the apartment block
"Did you get any work done??" He said with a playful tone... he's referring to... oh jeez.
I laugh softly "yes, 6 hours worth of it. We got a full routine. We recorded it all.. 6 hours of recording"

"That's great kid" Bill said happily, he always has been so supportive.
"Did you give her a cheeky kiss before you left??"

I laughed and looked down "um— no not quite"

"You didn't have sex with the girl did you??"

My eyes widened and I shook my head "no! God no. Bill!" I laughed after, he's crazy. Actually crazy.
"Did you?" He laughed grinning at me through the rear-view mirror "no!!" I persisted while laughing my head off.
He finally believed me making me sit back in the car seat properly.
"So you didn't kiss her??" Bill re-opened the conversation making me sigh and roll my eyes back.
"I tried to," I decide to just come clean to him "she pushed me away though.. said I should leave"

"Damn mike," Bill said making me nod "did you—"
I sigh knowing what he's gonna say "yes I read the signs wrong, I thought she was into me.. clearly not. I mean— why would she want a 30 year old man anyway?? She's so young, she wants someone her age"

"You're Michael Jackson, I'm sure she doesn't give a damn bout your age: no girl does. As long as they get a piece of you they're good"
I look at him through the rear view mirror "Liv isn't like that though, she's not one to flaunt. She's quite, peaceful, respectful. She's like—"

"You in many ways" Bill finished my sentence off making me nod "yes, she is"
"Kid," bill sighed "next time you see her, apologise if you haven't already, and even if you have. Still apologise. Send her some flowers to the address, man— you pick the flowers and I'll deliver them myself for you. Get her some chocolates just to really show you're sorry for trying to kiss her. Say you didn't know what came over you and it won't happen again. She's respect you even more after that, not many men actually apologise for the stunt you just pulled" he informed me like the father figure he is to me. I nodded understandably, while listening to him "yeah," I scratch my hand "yeah I will" I say looking out of the window.

"She's coming to the bad set with me, do you think I should tell her she doesn't have to come?? You know to save the awkwardness??" I say as I carry on looking out of the tinted black windows
"Nooo, Michael. Keep the invitation open, let her know it's still open. If she doesn't show up, it's her loss" Bill shrugged "she obviously doesn't know how great you are and how you'd treat her"

"What do you mean?" I frown, looking at the back of his head.
He laughed heartily "Michael, you think I don't know that you like her?? Even your mother told me when u was picking you up today that you haven't shut up about 'someone called Olivia who he works with'" he says in my mother's soft voice making me chuckle and blush.

"I don't like her" I shake my head, while my laughter dies down.
He looked at me through the rear view mirror with a questioning look with his eyebrows raised
"Bill," I say sternly "I do not like her" I grit.

"Okay kid, you don't like her" Bill shrugged sarcastically as we were driving up the road to my home.

I sigh and close my eyes. If Jermaine starts, I swear to god.

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