red lingerie

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2nd August 1987 Olivia's PoV

"Oh pleaseeeee come" Michael begs as he sits on my sofa
"I would but you literally just said that everyone is there... meaning your whole ass family. I ain't meeting the parents just yet" I laughed him off drinking on my cup of coffee
He leans forward grabbing his water bottle "you're saying it like we're together" he laughed "and anyways, my family are lovely.. well, my mother and Dunk are" he confessed sipping on his water.

"Exactly and there's still loads of your family members left. Your brothers, two other sisters. Their kids. Your dad"
He scoffed "Joseph won't be there, he'll be out with one of his mistresses"
I frowned "you call him joseph??" He looks at me and nods "he's no dad of mine" he shook his head sighing
"Sorry" I said softly, he looked at me and smiled "it's not your fault... but please come you'll love it."

"Ugh fine! Just let me change, I need to look somewhat presentable" I rolled my eyes getting up from the sofa.
As I walk out the living room I turn back to see Michael looking at me and smiling, I smirk "what??"
He shrugged shaking his head "you're crazy" he said softly making me laugh
"Imma need you to come with me"

"Don't you trust me on my own?" He laughed getting up and walking towards me I raised a brow at him "I know you Michael, you'll snoop around"
He gasped acting shocked "well I never" he said jokingly
"You're only coming with me to pick and outfit" I look at him "I wanna look nice for your family" I tell him making him smile
"You do know we'll end up rolling around in the grass and with the animals so you'll get mucky. Throw on some old clothes or comfy clothes"

"No way!" I raised my eyebrows, I grabbed his hand and made him follow me to my room.
I opened the massive walk in wardrobe doors and opened my arms wide showing off hundreds of clothes "take your pick" I say to Michael and turn to him "what should I wear?"
He shrugged and walked in the walk in wardrobe "ummm"
He looks around and then finds his way to my hung up two piece lingerie
He picks a pair up and turns to me

I opened the massive walk in wardrobe doors and opened my arms wide showing off hundreds of clothes "take your pick" I say to Michael and turn to him "what should I wear?" He shrugged and walked in the walk in wardrobe "ummm" He looks around and t...

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"Like I'd wear that to meet your family" I laughed it off
His eyes lit up "you could wear it under the clothes I am about to pick for you though" he smirked making me blush.
Why does he want me to wear something so sexy as that??
I grabbed it from him tutting and lay it over my arm "pick some proper clothes"
He picked out a white lace top with a baby blue blazer and baby blue trousers "cuteeee" I say grabbing it from him
"You do know if I wear this," I hold up the white lace top then place it down grabbing the red lingerie set "I can't wear this" I state
He pouted "damn, well just wear the proper clothes," he grabbed the red lingerie set and put it back.

 Why does he want me to wear something so sexy as that??I grabbed it from him tutting and lay it over my arm "pick some proper clothes" He picked out a white lace top with a baby blue blazer and baby blue trousers "cuteeee" I say grabbing it from ...

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I smiled watching him. He is so cute. He turned around and raised a brow "what?"
I shook my head and shrugged "nothing"
"I'll leave you to it then" he nods and walks out of the walk in wardrobe, when I hear my bedroom door being shut. That's when I go to my en-suite bath room. Take a shower and wash my hair.

When I jump out of the shower I put on my clothes, I then sit at my vanity desk and get the blow dryer and curlers out.
"Michael?!" I call out loudly, I hear footsteps coming towards my bedroom, he knocks on my door making me smile at his respect for women "come on in" I say.
He walks in shutting the door behind him, I turn around and pat the end of my bed directly behind me "come sit down, I don't want you on your own in the living room" I smiled up at him. He smirked and sat down with his legs open behind me. I turned back around so that my back was facing him I put the hair dryer on and started drying my hair.
I hear Michael singing behind me so I shut off the dryer and turned around, he blushed and looked down "Michael are you seriously getting shy?? I've heard you sing so many times— the whole world has" I laughed making his shrugged "you just caught me off guard"

I laughed at his reply as I turned back around and dried my hair.
After that I curled it quickly just so it gave my hair some style. I then lifted it all up into a messy ponytail.
I smiled at myself as I pulled out some hair from the side of my head making my hair style look better.

I grabbed my eyebrow pencil and pomade. I started off with the eyebrow pencil and created fake eyebrow hairs at the beginning of my brow, I continued to lightly brush through my eyebrow with the pencil. I put the pencil down and and grabbed the pomade. I put the pomade on the end of my eyebrow from the arch right to the tail making it bolder.. yet look more natural. I brushed it all out and did the same with the other brow.

I cleared up and messy parts with a bit of concealer "you do that so quick" Michael said softly I turned around and smiled "I've been into makeup since being little.. when you do it mostly everyday you get quicker at it" I shrugged smiling
"When did you start wearing it??" He wondered making me shrug "hmmm, probably like six. I remember always putting my mums red lipstick on thinking I was an adult" I laughed softly making Michael grin widely.

"I'm ready" I announce to him, he stands up reaching for my hand and helps me stand up. As I stand up straight I realise our chests are so close together. He looked down into my eyes with a soft facial expression, his eyes twinkled with a unfamiliar feeling.
He clears his throat and backs away "come on, we'll set off now" he nods and walks out of my room.
I breathe out shakily and nod to myself.

I walk out and follow him to Bill's car once I put some shoes on.

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