You ain't bad

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30th July 1987       Olivia's PoV

I sit back in the chair watching Michael with three of his actors do their scene as the camera records them intensely.

"I mean we got victims out there waiting for us" Wesley Snipes says turning his head to Michael
"What?!" Michael asked sassily "what?!" Gregory Holtz Sr. asked Michael as he mimicked mike.
Michael looked around
Wesley laughed "hah. homeboy ain't home, nah see he up in doomsbery playin' tennis wit his turtle shells" he says gangster like

Michael pleaded "back off me, man. Back off"
Gregory started smothering Michael mumbling something which makes Michael physically cringe "get off of me, man, stop it!" Michael says his voice cracking a little making it seem like he's actually pissed off. I smile watching him as he's leant up near the stairs.

Wesley, who was stood watching Michael and Gregory, asked "Are you bad, hmm" Then he gets more volley "or is that what they teach you up at that little sissy school of yours?" He then points to his chest "how ta forget who your friends are?? Well let me tell you somethin' I don't care what they teach you up there! You either down or you ain't down!!" He raises his voice then quiets down "so the question is, are you bad or what??"

Michael looks at him clenching his jaw "leave me alone" he spoke with such gentleness making me laugh softly and shake my head.

He looked over at me and I slapped my hands to my mouth.. damn it they was filming!

"Cut!!" Martin yelled through the set. Michael came walking up to me as I showed the most guiltiest expression ever "Michael I'm soooo sorry!" I explain "gurl, don't worry about it. I needed to give my voice a break anyway. It'd be cracking before we finished the script.. I'd be sounding like a little girl" he laughed and rubbed my shoulder.
"I'm still sorry" I pouted making him laugh.

"I'm hungry" I announce rubbing my head feeling stressed
"Eat then chocolates that I—" I interrupt him by tapping my stomach "they already setting in my stomach helping me make a stomach which be looking like I'm pregnant" I state jokingly making him laugh out loud
"A'ight" he nods looking around "whatchu want??" He asked looking back at me with dark eyes
I look him up and down, biting my lip, he fidgets a little.. do I make him nervous??
"Girl?" He laughed "I said what do you—"

"Pizza" I state "I want pizza" I look him in his eyes
He nodded "right" he turned and shouted for a girl named 'Lizzy' I don't know I wasn't listening. The only this I was listening to was my stomach growl.
"Can you get my girl here a pizza from that shop around the corner please??" He smiled at the girl brightly.. I wanted their interaction closely.
She flirtatiously smiled "what do you want?? Do you want anything??"

I sigh and frown crossing my arms over my chest rubbing my arms as it's cold.
Michael glances at me, looks at the girls again, the looks back at me "you cold??" He asked.
I nodded as a reply "you should of put a bigger coat on..." he sighed looking around for something to cover me
I roll my eyes and scoff "well sorrrrryyyyy, i didn't know we'd be filming your damn music video in Alaska"
He snapped his head at me with a frown.. he slowly started smiling and eventually it turned into a massive grin with a hearty laugh "you're the biggest idiot"

"No jackson, that'd be you"

"So would I be a idiot even if I gave you my coat??" He said in a playful manner as he ran his hand along his long coat for the gangster scene "no. Absolutely not. You'd be an angel" I smirked up at him as I'm still seated. He shook his head smiling bashfully. He removed the coat and draped it around my shoulders "you can put it on properly if you need to" he said to me "now what pizza do you want?" He said to me softly "just a cheese pizza please" I said softly looking into his eyes. He licked his lips and turned to lizzy.
"Just a cheese pizza then, Lizzy" he nodded at her and she smiled bashfully while checking him out "I would ask if you'd like anything again but looking at your figure.. I'm assuming you aren't as bad as you make out and you're very dedicated to your diet"

I raise my brow, that was the lamest fucking way of trying to flirt with him. I laughed out loud. He looked at me and gave me a look to say 'don't draw attention to it'
"Umm— yeah you're right. I'm a loyal man to my veggies" he laughed it off "I can tell. You're perfect in all the right places"

"Oh jeez" I mumbled blinking, I stand up and put Michael's coat on properly while he watches me.
"you know what?" I say looking up at both of them "I'll go for the pizza myself.. you can just carry on flirting while I grab the pizza doing your job for you" I slit my eyes at Lizzy making her frown at me.

I start walking off, when I get near the car I hear someone jogging up behind me. Whoever it is grabs me and pulls me back "ah ah" he says and turns me around, it's Michael.
I slit my eyes at him "oh, it's you"

He grins at me "was you jealous??"
I cross my arms and bend my right leg so that I'm stood sassily, I give a small shrug "of what?"
He smiles even wider "of Lizzy, she was hitting on me, and your face was a picture. You were—"

"My face was a damn picture because she sucks at flirting.. and what is she. Like 30. I'm 17 and do a better job of it" I say bashfully making him raise a brow at me "you do?" He bites his bottom lips slowly
I look at his lips and smirk "yeah" I nod looking back in his eyes

"You ain't bad" he slits his eyes at me accusingly "you're a sweetheart really"

"I grew up in the Bronx, Michael, if I really wanted to I would beat that bitches ass and then—" he covered my mouth before I could say anything else he laughed gently "I've never heard such vulgar language come out of a young girls mouth... except from Janet" his eyes widened slightly

"Mhsmvs mbmbnd majgvwhw" I say under his hand
"What?" He says louder, smiling. I lick the palm of his hand then slap it away "if you didn't have your damn hand over my mouth you'd of heard me!" I exaggerate making him laugh "stop cussing!" He warns.

"The bad man doesn't cuss?" I tease making him roll his eyes "back off man" I say mimicking his voice making him gasp and laugh. He shoves me away making me giggle "I'm sorry, I had to"
He rolled his eyes "you're forgiven"

He reaches into his back pocket and pulls out a $50
"Got get your food, and whatever else you want" he said gently. I shook my head pushing his hand away "I've got my one money, I can pay mysel-"

"Ah ah" he shook his head interrupting me then reached forward putting the $50 into the coat pocket
"My great" he whispered softly near my face as he removed his hand from the pocket and backed away from my face.

I smiled at him "thank you"
He nodded back in response.
I looked in his eyes and questioned him "do you want some food??" I ask politely
"I would... but no. Like I said to Lizzy, I'm watching my diet" he claims. I nearly growl at the mention of her name "is she just gonna be working on the set of bad or is she on the tour to??" I ask trying to look over his shoulder to find her "coz I ain't gonna be standing for her kindergarten flirty behaviour" I add. Once I realise Michael hasn't answered I look back at him to see him grinning "you were jealous"

I scoff "in your dreams Jackson, in your dreams" I turn around and walk away

"Not any more, Liv" he called back in a playfully manner making me smirk as I carry on walking. Not looking back at him.

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