Before it went wrong

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It was a bitter cold winter day in Gatlon. Ruby thought it would be a great idea for them to go for a walk and look at the scenery. Since they haven't gotten time just to hang out as friends for a while. So they all bundled up in their warmest jackets and gloves, slipped on their boots and joined up at the local trail along the lake.

Nova couldn't remember a time where she was so cold, yet so warm. Even though though they are around each other all the time, wether it's from patrols or just going on dates, every time he is around her she warms up inside. And that smile. Could make a girl swoon with one look. And she doesn't even try to pretend that his charm doesn't work on her too. She must have started to shiver a bit without even realizing it because Adrian reached for her hand and laced their fingers together. Which just made her even warmer inside. She looked up and gazed into his eyes as a faint smile touched her lips. He returned the look with that same heart stopping grin.

"Omg it's so pretty!" Ruby exclaimed, for the 3rd time since they started walking, drawing her attention away from Adrian and back to her friends. Ruby was practically skipping down the paths and Oscar kept having to remind her to slow down.

They stopped at a sitting area and gazed out towards the lake. then Oscar suggested something that, you could say, made everything go wrong. "Look at the ice. Do you think it's thick enough to walk on?" Oscar poked the ice a few times hard with his cane. "It doesn't seem to be moving so it looks like it should be fine."

"Oscar, no, that is a horrible idea" Danna said trying to persuade Oscar into not making a horrible decision.

Narcissa backed up a Danna "Yea Oscar, if the ice was to break and you were to fall in, it would be very dangerous. It's below freezing." Even though both Narcissa and Danna has a point Oscar didn't really seem to care, for he thought this was a brilliant idea.

Oscar was unimpressed, "Come on guys it'll be fun!" He argued in response

Oscar made his way to the edge of the lake and put one foot tenderly on the ice, putting more and more weight on his foot gradually. Then he moved his other foot on to the ice ready to step off if it cracks. "It seems fine guys!" He took a few more steps farther out onto the ice before waving his hand, beckoning Ruby to come join him on the ice.

She carefully put one foot onto the ice, then the other. Before walking a few more feet to join Oscar. Then Adrian released Nova's hand and for a moment all she could feel is how vacant and incomplete her hand felt without his untwined with it, before realizing what he was gonna do. "Adrian that doesn't seem like a good idea. I'm not sure if it can hold all 3 of your weights." but Adrian gave her a reassuring smile and responded "it'll be fine, it hasn't broken yet."

The he took one hesitant step then another and another. Nova felt the knot of worry in her gut untangle a little bit but still couldn't ignore the feeling of dread like this wasn't going to end well. Adrain was only a few steps onto the ice when he turned around with his arm extended toward Nova. He had that same heart-stopping grin as usual that reminded Nova of a adorable, energetic, puppy. "C'mon Nova, it'll be fine." He seemed very confident that nothing would go wrong.

"Are you sure?" Nova was hesitant and was listening to that aching feeling of dread she couldn't shake off.

"Do you trust me?" Nova still knew this was a bad idea, but she did trust Adrian and didn't want him to think otherwise. The ice hasn't broke yet, so it's very unlikely to break, right? She thought to herself. Ignoring the feeling in her gut, she reached her hand out and Adrain took it without hesitation, half pulling her and half sliding her onto the ice to where Ruby and Oscar were, laughing and shoving each other. Then Adrian twirled Nova around sending her even farther out onto the frozen lake. She almost fell but caught herself before she hit the ice. Adrian slid out a few steps and twirled Nova out farther again sliding her even farther out. Nova momentarily forgot all of her initial worry, as it was replaced with the feeling of pure happiness and what could only be described as childhood giddiness.

They were laughing so crazily now that Nova almost didn't notice the subtle first crack. Danna and Narcissa started yelling but Nova couldn't make out what they were saying cause she was too caught up in laughter. Then she heard the second crack, louder this time, their laughter cut off abruptly, and all her original feelings came rushing back to her like a tidal wave. "Come on!" Danna screamed frantically.

"Hurry!!" Narcissa yelled right after. Oscar and Ruby were not too far from the shore so they were off the ice in a few seconds. But Nova and Adrian were out farther than Oscar and Ruby were. "Adrian you go first and I'll follow behind. We don't want to put too much weight in the same spot or it'll break." Nova stammered quick. There was worry behind Adrian's eyes. He didn't want to leave Nova but he knew she was right. "Ok? I'll be fine, just go" Nova said trying to hide the panic from her voice not sure if she was entirely successful.

Adrian took about 5 steps before Nova started to follow. Adrain reached the shore and immediately turned around to see Nova. She was still about 10 feet from the shore when they heard the 3rd crack. Nova froze as she saw the cracks coming from where her foot just been placed. She glanced up at her friends and their looks were a mix of horror and worry. She started to lift up her foot to move away from the cracks but putting the extra weight on her planted foot cause another set of cracks. Her thoughts were going a mile a minute but suddenly all her thoughts became very small and dull.

Nova heard someone yell but wasn't sure if it was Adrian or herself, or even one of her other friends. The only thing she could hear was the gurgle of the bubbles next to her ear. And the burning pain of the ice water. She thought she distantly heard her name but it was so quiet she wasn't sure if she had just imagined it.

That was the last thing she remembered before blackness engulfed her.

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