Is she alright?!

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Everyone else came to see Nova eventually, Oscar and Ruby came in not too long after Adrian and nova's conversation. Oscar made no hesitation in joking and talking with his newfound best friend. It made everyone feel a lot less down and dreary, especially Nova. Then Narcissa and Danna came. They were relived as well but they also made a point to maybe listen to them next time and nobody will get hurt. And even max and Simon came, to ask how she was doing (max 'knew' that she was perfectly ok but proceeded to give her a big hug just to be safe). But then it was just Adrian and Nova in the room again. It was almost around midnight now.

"Don't you want to go home Adrian?" Asked Nova. She is sitting on the bed with her knees brought up to her chest and her chin resting in between them.

Adrian is still sitting in the chair right beside Nova's bed. "No, as long as you are stuck here. I am staying with you."

"Thank you Adrian but that really isn't necessary, you should go home and get some rest." Nova's tone was insistent but part of her didn't want him to leave.

"Nope this isn't up for debate. I'm staying." His face was stern but also still so kind.

"Alright." Nova pauses for a moment before adding "But could you do me a favor?"

"Yea of course what is it?"

"I was hoping you could tell Leroy I'm in the hospital. He is used to me not being home for days at a time, so he shouldn't be worried, but I want him to know where I am."

"Yea sure, of course" Adrian responded happily. "I'll be right back" He stood up and gave her a kiss on the head before heading out the door.

Adrian wasn't sure how exactly to contact Leroy. He couldn't use his communicator but assumed that Leroy probably had a phone but was just hoping at this point. Phones are not used as much as they used to but most apartments that haven't been built in the past 10 years still has one. Also to make matters harder, he doesn't  know Leroy's phone number. 

The only thing that he could think that would possibly work was to contact HQ and ask them if they knew it. (Since Leroy and Nova live together in a apartment the renegades gave them.)

So he contacted HQ using his communicator bracelet and then made his way through the halls to the front desk. Once he got there he asked a lady who seemed the least busy, "excuse me?"

She looked up and after a moment her face lit up with recognition. "Oh! Mr.Everheart, how my I help you."

"I was wondering if there is a phone somewhere that I could use?" He drummed his fingers on the desk while he spoke.

"Sure, there is one right this way." She lead him down a hallway to what seemed like an old payphone that they renovated.

At that same moment HQ responded and they were able to dig up his number! So Adrian thanked the desk lady and started dialing in his number. He lifted up the phone and as it was ringing he took in a deep breath not even knowing why he was nervous.

But before Adrian could figure out why he heard a voice on the other end of the phone. "Hello?"

"Yes, hi Leroy it's Adrian."

"Oh Adrian! Why are you calling so late?" He said and now Adrian could hear the grogginess in his voice, then he added with a bit less sleepiness, "did something happen?"

"Unfortunately yes, it's about Nova."

                           •       •       •

Adrain had returned to Nova's room after finishing up a brief run down with Leroy. Not too long after Adrian heard thundering footsteps running down the hall, then the door jolted open. It appears to have started raining cause Leroy was in a raincoat but Adrian wasn't sure how effective that was for he was still soaking wet.

"Oh my. Nova..." He spoke as he crossed to room to the opposite side of Nova's bed

"Leroy, really I'm alright! Adrian took care of me. And I've been through way worse." She said with a quick glance in his direction with a little smile on her lips.

At this Leroy turned to Adrian, "thank you Adrian."

"It's my pleasure." He replied with a grin.

After a bit of Nova and Leroy talking about what happened, (in all honesty Leroy didn't seem overly worried, more like this sucks that this is happening but I know you can handle yourself vibe) Leroy headed home to get some more sleep leaving Adrian and Nova alone once again.

"Thank you for calling him."

"Of course, Anytime!" He replied happily. "Oh! And before I forget, this is yours" Adrian said while including Nova's bracelet that he put on earlier. Nova gave a warm smile like she didn't even mind that he took it to beginning with
Adrian let out a yawn and sleepily leaned forward and rested his hands and head on the end on Nova's bed. And without realizing it he had drifted off to sleep only to be woken moments later by Nova nudging him awake.

"Are you seriously going to sleep like that?"

"Er..I guess?" He replied unsurely because of the fact that he hadn't really thought about it. But before he could think of a better response Nova grabbed his hand and pulled him next to her on the bed, so close that their noses touched. Nova then leaned into Adrian and placed a small kiss upon his lips. But once she pulled away Adrian pulled her right back again. Once their lips parted Adrian settled his hand on her waist and closed his eyes. And she laid her hand under his arm so that her fingers brushed his back. As they laid there, arms entwined with one another, it was pure and utter bliss. "I love you more than the world Nova."

"I love you more, Adrian."

"I love you most."

N/a I am sorry this took SOOOO long 😅 I had zero motivation. But this is the last part to this series! I may do a short story series but I am not sure (and don't have my ideas for mini stories), but I am so happy with how many of you love these stories 💖... if anyone had and ideas for a story let me know!

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