11) Fighting For...

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Shanakiel Hospital, Cork

(One Week Prior)

3rd Person P.O.V- The once headstrong, life of the party Demon Hunter extraordinaire now lays beneath a thin white sheet in a hospital bed. Every bone shattered beyond repair with machines helping him to breath.

Dr Killian- After running an additional set of tests, I walk into the waiting room as I glance from the file in hand to the large group of people. "Immediate family of Zachary Alexander Bagans?" A man and girl stand up, regarding me with looks hope. "What is your relation to the patient?"

Nick- After eight hours of sitting in the waiting room a doctor finally approached, asking for immediate family only. Briar and I immediately stand. "I'm Zak's husband and this is our daughter Briar." I gesture to our brothers and Kat. "This is our family."

Dr Killian- I make a gesture. "Just you two, please follow me." Leading them away from the rest of the family.

Billy- We all keep a close eye on Nick and Briar, though we can't hear the conversation their facial expressions could be read clear as day.

Nick- Having followed the doctor down the hall, we step off to the side out of the way in order to talk more privately.

Dr Killian- Taking a deep breath, then slowly letting it out. "I am very sorry to have to tell you this, but there is not much we can do. Your husbands body has sustained serious trauma, almost all of his bones are shattered beyond repair."

Nick- From the sounds of where this conversation was going, Zak being paralyzed would be a Godsend.

Briar- The words sink in and I'm rather confused as I hold up my hand interrupting the doctor. "I'm sorry, almost all?"

Dr Killian- The girl wasn't unnervingly young, but still quit young and this would be hard on an adult, so the news was probably wreaking havoc within her mind. (Hums Lightly) Answering the girls question directly. "I say almost because anything vital like your fathers neck, spine and ribcage are intact." I glance to the girls other father figure. "Everything else is shattered and from the looks of the tests we ran there is no way to repair the damage unless we do replacements, but that will take time and he won't survive the amount of surgeries needed."

Briar- Tears start to fall as I wrap myself around my mother, hiding my face in his chest.

Nick- Briar wraps herself around me as I rest my hand on her back and rub soothing circles. (Nods Understandingly) "So what are you doing for him?"

Dr Killian- Looking between him and the girl. "Keeping him comfortable until a decision to take him off life-support is made."

Nick- I go from rubbing my daughters back to wrapping my arms around her tightly as I kiss her temple. "Can we take some time to think about all this?" I notice her soft cries begin to rise in volume.

Dr Killian- (Nods Understandingly) "Take all the time you need." I point them in the direction of his husbands room.

(One Week Presently)

Third Person P.O.V- In one night it had all gone to Hell, quite literally as the GA Crew's lives had been turned upside down and after a lengthy talk Nick was making some very hard decisions that they were all in support of.
So, over a weeks time Aaron, Billy, Jay, Dakota, Rob and Katrina have all said their goodbyes to their ever brave and fearless leader.

Nick- Sitting in a chair close beside where my husband lays, I lean against the bed with my head against his chest listening to the sound of his very faint beating heart as tears fall staining my cheeks. "You promised me Zachary..." I look up into pained blue eyes that regard me with unconditional love. "You promised you wouldn't do anything stupid, you promised you wouldn't leave me or your daughter!" I notice a single tear rolls down his cheek. "I love you so, so much." Coming to a decision, one that Zak alone couldn't make. "I'm gonna go get your daughter, so she can say goodbye." Leaving him for a few moments I go out to the hall and walk over to where Briar sits on the floor with her back against the wall. "Briar, baby...it's time for you to say goodbye."

Briar- Glancing up through teary eyes. "I don't want to say goodbye though."

Nick- Wiping away her tears. "I know." Helping her stand, I take her hand as we enter Zak's room.

Briar- Letting go of my mothers hand, I walk over to the bed as I sit beside my father. (Smiles Softly) "I love you daddy, see you again." Leaning over I give him a kiss on the cheek.

Nick- Standing to the side of Briar as I brush my knuckles against the pale cheek she just kissed. (Smiles Fondly) "See you in the next life."

Dr Killian- I've seen death, but this? It was a lot and I very nearly lost my composure, but I had to stay strong for the family. (Smiles Sympathetically) Once they say goodbye, the blue eyed male looks at me and closes his eyes for the last time as I shut off all the machines an remove the breathing tube.

Nick- Zak closes his eyes and the doctor shuts off the machines as he flatlines.

Briar- I throw myself over my fathers unmoving chest, twisting my fingers into the hospital gown he wears pulling on it. (Cries)

Nick- The doctor removes the tube and I can't help but to lean down and press my lips to Zak's one last time. (Smiles Tearily) "I love you baby and we'll see you again."

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