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✨ "You can call it what you want, but imma call it dumb"✨

"Alex, wake up!" I called into Alejandro's room for the third time. Most mornings went exactly like this; me trying to get my brothers out of bed while simultaneously trying to get myself ready for school.

I started to straighten hair when Alejandro came into the bathroom from his room. Not caring that I was in there, he started peeing and I yelled at him.

"Ew Alex!"

"What?" He asked starting to brush his teeth. The small bathroom was connected to both of our rooms, sharing it was a lot easier when we were younger but, the older we got, the harder it got.

I continued to straighten my hair and Alejandro went back into his room to get dressed before coming back into the bathroom. He sat on the toilet and we talked as I tried to tame my curly hair.

"Athena, do you think you could drive Emiliano to school, they called me in early," our mom asked peeking her head in through the door leading to my room.

"Yeah that's fine," I tell her turning my straightener off.

"Okay, he's downstairs eating breakfast right now. Thank you so much Mija, I'll see you guys later," She waved and left. "Te amo!" She called back to us.

"Te amo!" Alejandro and I shouted at the same time.

"Jynx, loser has to buy dunkin'," I said to Alejandro earning a competitive glare from him. Being twins we spent a lot of our time competing with each other over everything and not to brag but I usually won.

Alejandro's glare remained on me as I applied my makeup and silently listened to my music, I was determined to win. I finished my makeup and turned around to face him crossing my arms over my chest and smirked at him. He copied me and crossed his arms. We sat staring at each waiting for the other person to make a sound until Emiliano walked into the bathroom from Alejandro's room.

"Can I use your hair jel?" He asked Alejandro looking up at him. Alejandro shook his head at him,

"Why not?" Emiliano asked. Even though I was nicer to him he always favored Alejandro and looked up to him, he even tries to style his hair like his.

"Because I said," Alejandro blurted out, "Shit! That didn't count," He said throwing his hands up

"Yes, it did," I stuck my tongue out at him and made an L shape with my fingers, "Come pito, I'll do your hair for you," I said laughing at Alejandro's loss.

After styling Emiliano's hair for him the three of us got into the car and started the drive to school. We stopped at dunkin donuts and got some drinks for the way, Which Alejandro had to pay for, then we continued to Emiliano' school.

I pulled up to the front of the school and unlocked the doors, "Bye mi perrito, have a good day," I called after him as he ran to the door, he turned back and waved before going inside.

"You baby him so much," Alejandro laughed at me.

"I do not," I sounded more defensive than I meant to, "He's just a baby," I said calmer.

"He's seven," He tried to correct me.

"He's a baby," I said, and he rolled his eyes at me.

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