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✨"And she's perfect and I hate it, oh so glad you made it"✨

Going back to school was kind of nerve wracking but Kairi promised me that he wasn't going to leave my side, for the first three days he kept his promise and waiting outside each of my classes to walk me to the next, I would sit with the boys at lunch then Kari would wait outside and walk me to my car at the end of the day.
It was now Friday and I was starting to get kind of annoyed and told him he didn't have to walk me to class any more and that I would be fine to walk by myself.

"Okay but what if you fall down the stairs and hurt your hand even more," He said before taking a bite of his pizza.

"Kai I promise you that will not happen," I told him and he opened his mouth to speak again but I cut him off, "I swear to god I am fine," I looked at him with wide eyes trying to get my point across. He sighed and agreed going back to his pizza.

The bell rung signalling that lunch was over and I stood up from the bench and reached for my bag. Before I could grab it Kari picked it up and swung it over his shoulder and started walking.

"Kai!" I called to him and he turned around raising his eyebrows, "Oh yeah I forgot," He handed me my bag and I put it on and he stood beside me watching me.

"Go to class I will be fine," He nodded and started walking out of the cafeteria looking back every couple of steps.

"Oh my god," I sighed and laughed before leaving to go to my own class.

As promised Kairi gave me space for the rest of the day and I didn't see him until I walked over to my last period class where he stood out side with Mattia, so I walked up to them and spun around.

"Look Kai, not a single scratch," I rose my eyebrows at him and he laughed.

The second bell rung and Kairi left to go to his own class leaving me and Mattia to walk into our Physics class. I sat next to him in the back as the teacher started talking. I tried to follow but I was completely lost. I looked over at Mattia to see him writing down notes.

"Eyes on your own paper," He whispered.

"I'm so lost," I looked closer at his notebook still not understanding the lesson.

Mattia briefly tried to explain it to me but I was still mostly confused, "After practice tonight when you guys come over I'll explain it to you," He said and I nodded.

It was now the end of the day and Mattia and I walked out of class together, he mad his way into the change rooms and I went out to the soccer field. I usually had volleyball practice at the same time as their soccer practice but I obviously couldn't go because of my hand and I couldn't drive so I had to wait till Alejandro was finished so he could drive us home. I sat on the bleachers as the boys started coming out onto the field. About halfway through the practice I felt someone sit next to me on the bench, I looked up to see Jenna smiling at me.

"Hey," She said and I smiled back at her, god I hated her.

"Hey," I tried to make it sound genuine.

"I saw what Lexi did to you, that's so messed up," She frowned at me and I nodded.

"Yeah it was pretty messed up,"

"Who were you even sending them to like how did she get them," She asked eyeing me. I think she knows that me and Mattia had a thing, there's no way someone in their right mind would ask someone else that.

'Your boyfriend,' I thought in my head.

"No one," I lied, "I just had them in my 'my eyes only' and she knew my snapchat password," I shrugged.

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