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✨"Tell me what you know about dreams (dreams)
Tell me what you know about night terrors nothin'"✨

The panel went really well, we were just finishing the meet and greet. A lot of people brought us little gifts like scrunchies and bracelets that they made for us. We stacked all the scrunchies up on our wrists after the meet and greet and laughed at how many there was covering our arms. We had to wait for the area to clear out before we could go back to our hotel rooms for safety reasons, so we decided to walk around and check out other panels.

Eventually we found the guys who were just ending their meet and greet, there was only a few girls left in line, so we got behind them. Once the girls realized it was us, they asked for pictures and we talked with them until it was their turn to go up. After they took their turn meeting the guys and taking pictures then left. The guys looked over to us and started laughing.

The security guy who didn't realize we were friends with them, moved the belt letting the four of us up to see the guys. I walked straight to Mattia, Riley walked over to Alejandro, and Amelie and Cynthia talked with Alvaro. Mattia pulled me into a tight hug once I reached him.

"How did it go?" He asked letting go of me.

"It was really good, I got a lot of scrunchies,' I held my arms showing him.

He laughed and ran to the table behind them grabbing a bunch of scrunchies, "I got some to," He said excited and started butting them all on her arms. I started laughing as we compared scrunchies.

"You girls gotta' take your pictures and go so we can close up," Once of the security guards called out to us.

"They're not actually fans, they're our friends," Kairi told them, and we started to laugh.

"Then all of you's can leave now," He said rolling his eyes.

The guys grabbed all their stuff and we finally left the room and started walking back to our hotel rooms. Someone brought up the prom that was happening later tonight and we started talking about who we were going with. Mattia stayed quiet and I looked up at him, wondering what he was thinking.

"Who are you going with?" I asked him quietly.

"Cynthia," He said, and I nodded. I can't lie it did bother me a little, but I couldn't be mad. Mark already asked me while back and I agreed to go with him while Mattia was in Italy.

Everyone separated off to their own rooms to get ready. We still had an hour until the prom started so we ordered food to the hotel and ate before getting ready. I fixed my makeup and hair before putting my dress on and waited for Riley and Amelie to finish getting ready. I scrolled through my phone until the girls were ready to leave. Amelie was meeting up with her friends to go to prom so she left to go find them after we took some pictures together.

We once again made our way to the guys room. When we got there it was only Alejandro, Kairi, Mattia, Roshaun, and Alvaro. Alejandro was the only one that was ready so him and Riley left since they were going together. Kairi was showering so the rest of us sat in their room and hung out for a bit.

Eventually Cynthia, Mark, Luka, and Max showed up. They all walked into the room and Cynthia sat beside Mattia and they started to talk amongst themselves, I watched as she showed him something on her phone and laughed. I tried to ignore them but the longer I watched the more irritated I got.

"It's almost 8, we should go now Mark," I stood up and grabbed his hand not giving him a chance to refuse.

We got to the prom and took some pictures in the photobooth before going to the dancefloor. It was still early so there wasn't many people there. Mark went to get us a drink so I scrolled through my phone while he was gone, I clicked on Mattia's story seeing him and Cynthia basically licking each other's tongues. I let out a deep sigh and turned off my phone and shoved it into the top of my dress as Mark came back.

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