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✨ "We both said this was just physical
Well, one of us lied, can't set feelings aside, truth be told, yeah"✨

The next morning I woke up early excited to go to the beach, we went every year but this year was better for two reasons. One being we were old enough to drive now so we didn't have to get rides from our parents, and two being last years beach trip I was dating josh at the time so it was hard to have fun because there was other guys around. But this year I wasn't going to let anything stop me from having fun.

I went over to Avas after a I was finished getting ready and we talked about how excited we were. Once she was ready we both went back to my house to pack the car and left to pick up Kairi and his new girlfriend. Ava sat in the front with me and Alejandro sat in the back.

"Hey guys, this is Michelle," Kairi said as he got into the car and a really pretty girl followed him.

"Kai I'm about to steal your girl," Ava joked and we all laughed.

We all introduced ourselves and she seemed really nice, she told us that she recently moved into Kairi's neighborhood and she would be going to PV when school starts again.

A while later we finally arrived at the beach, I got out of the car and stretched my legs while looking around to see who all ended up coming. I saw Mateo's car and waved over as Robert, Mateo and Mattia got out. I walked to the trunk of my car and grabbed my bag as I saw Pinto's car pull up. I waved at him and his girlfriend, Juliet, as they got out. I was about to go over and say hi to her when the back door opened and I froze seeing Josh get out followed by a guy and a girl I'd never seen before.

I went over and gave Juliet a quick hug and asked her how she was. She introduced me to the two people I didn't know, their names were Mikey and Kristen and they were dating. After greeting them I went back to my car before Josh tried to talk to me.

We set up all our stuff on the beach and all of the guys went into the water while all of us girls lied in the sun and talked.

"Okay so Josh is your ex and Mattia is the guy you like now but you can't be with either of them because your brother doesn't want you to?" Kristen asked.

"Like yeah basically," I said.

"That sucks I would never let my brother tell me who I can and can't date," She said.

"But it's my brothers best friend I feel like there's some kind of twin code that i'm breaking, plus I don't even think Mattia likes me like that," I said flipping over on to my stomach propping myself up on my elbows.

"Are we talking about the same mattia?" Juliet said, "He's like the biggest man whore in our grade and I haven't seen him talking to any girls since him and Jenna broke up. I'm pretty sure he's simping over you,"

"Maybe it's because of someone else, could just be keeping it private," I shrugged.

"You're his best friend, I think you would be the first to know if he was talking to someone," Ava said.

"Mikey and I were best friends before we started dating and he never told me he had feelings until I finally made the first move, maybe you just need to help him out," Kristen said.

"Yeah I made the first move with Kairi too," Michelle said.

I put my head in my arms and closed my eyes, "Why do all men have to be pussies, like why can't he see that I'm ready for his love," I groaned.

"You should talk to him tonight," Ava suggested.

"I don't think so, he's mad at me right now,"

"Because you were talking to Josh?" Juliet asked and I nodded.

"If he's mad at you for talking to your ex he's definitely into you," Michelle said.

We ended up joining the guys in the water where they were all wrestling. We swam out to them and Juliet jumped onto Pintos back dragging him down into the water. All the girls started laughing and joined in, Kristen jumped onto her boyfriend, Mikey and Michelle went to Kairi. Ava started splashing water at Alejandro and Mateo. My first thought was to go to Mattia but he was still mad at me and I didn't want to make him even more mad. I saw Josh who  looking at me expectantly, I looked between the two boys, not sure who to go to before going in between them and grabbing onto robert causing him to scream.

We all started wrestling the guys but they were easily winning considering it was eight against five. The guys were effortlessly picking us up and throwing us into the water until I was thrown under and I wanted to prank them. I held my breath and tried to keep myself under water for as long as I could until I saw everyone had stopped moving around and I could hear muffled yelling. I felt a pair of arms wrap around me and pull me out of the water.

"Oh my god, Thena are you okay?" Mattia yelled trying to hold me above the water.

I struck my tongue out pretending pretending to play dead and tried not to laugh.

"You fucking asshole," He said throwing me back into the water.

"I'm sorry," I laughed once I came back to the surface, everyone else laughed along and Mattia splashed me before starting to laugh as well.

The sun was starting to set and we had gotten food and we just finished eating, we were all sitting on our towels in a circle talking. Ava and I were wrapped in a blanket and I was resting my head on her shoulder.

"You should talk to him, he keeps looking at you," She whispered to me.

"Which one?" I asked looking around at the rest of the group seeing Mattia's eyes were already on me.

I looked up at Ava and rolled me eyes, "Help me," I said.

"Michelle you wanna come with us to the gift shop?" Ava asked and Michelle nodded and got up from her spot beside Kari.

The three of us walked up to a gift shop and I sat on the bench outside the shop.

"I'm scared," I said looking at them.

"Just do it," Ava said and I sighed and pulled out my phone.

My hands shook as I typed out the text.

Athena: come to the gift shop

Mattia🦕: For what

Athena: to talk

He didn't say anything back but a moment later I saw him come around the corner towards us, Ava and Michelle left to go into the gift shop once he reached the bench.

He sat down and looked at me, I could feel my heart racing, "I'm sorry for lying to you," I started looking up at him, "I should have lied about where I was I just didn't want you to get mad about me talking to josh again,"

"I just don't understand why you would lie," He said.

"Yeah I don't either, you're one of my best friends and deserve complete honesty," I said.

"I agree,"

I thought what the girls said about making the first move and I tried to hype myself up to do it, so know for sure all I want is to be with Mattia and if alejandro really wanted me to be happy he would allow it.

I opened my mouth to speak when Mattia cut me off, "Jenna wants to try and work things out," He said and I closed my mouth and looked at him.

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