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✨"And yes, I'm a mess but I'm blessed
To be stuck with you"✨

We had just finished eating dinner and I was in my room lying on my bed scrolling through tik tok. I decided to text Alejandro to see what he was up to.

Athena: water u doing?

Cochino🤢: Packing


Athena: no

Cochino🤢: Why

Athena: i don't want you to leave

Cochino🤢: It's only 10 days

Athena: iTs oNlY 10 DaYs

Athena: this is like the first time we're being separated i'm not gonna be okay

My eyes started to sting with tears as I sent the last text. I got up and walked into his room, I saw his suit case out on his bed surrounded by clothes. He turned around and looked at me and I stuck my bottom lip out feeling a tear spill over.

"Why are you crying?" He asked pulling me into a hug.

"I don't want you to go you're like my only friend, and you're gonna be gone for so long and Mattia  and Kairi's aren't gonna want to hang out with me if your gone and and even if they do they're leaving to Florida soon too," I remakes on as more tears spilled out onto his hoodie.

"You're being dramatic," He laughed.

"Am not," I scowled at him, "I'm just emotional right now," I sat down in his gaming chair as he kept packing.

"Well you'll have Ava, and Mattia and Kai will hang out with you even if i'm not here, and if they don't i'll facetime you," He said zipping up his suit case.

"Okay," I let out a sigh, "Can we watch a movie?" I asked getting into his bed.

"Okay but nothing sad," He said lying beside me and I put my head on his shoulder.

"Why not?"

We stayed up watching movies almost the whole night, finally falling asleep at 4:30 am. Almost the whole time I couldn't stop thinking about Mattia and wishing things were different. I thought about what would happen if he wasn't one of Alejandros best friends, would he feel the same way I do?

Our parents and brother came back Monday morning and we spent the day together before we dropped Alejandro off at the airport Tuesday.

That was two days ago and It was now Thursday and I was dying from boredom, Ava was at work so she couldn't hang out and I thought about asking Kairi or Mattia but I haven't talked to either of them since the day after the part and I was scared wouldn't want to hang out with me so I decided go for a walk.

I got to the park and sat down of the bench when my phone started ringing. I answered it after seeing that it was Mattia.

"Hey, what's up," I said into the phone.

"What are you doing right now?" He asked.

"Uh just on a walked with Miguel,"

"Who's Miguel?"

"My dog, dummy," I chuckled.

"Oh yeah," He said, "Well I'm bored,"

"And what does that have to do with me?" I joked.

"Hang out with me," He said telling me more than asking me. I thought about saying no because of what happened at the party but I didn't want to ruin our friendship over something he didn't even remember.

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