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✨"Sunshine living on a perfect day whilst my world's crashing down
I just want somebody to die for"✨

I turned back to the mirror and looked at myself as more tears spilled onto my cheeks. I felt pathetic, Alejandro was right Josh is just going to fuck me over it's what he does.

When we first started dating, everything was perfect, he was close with Alejandro and the rest of the guys and we would all hang out together until he started to change. Anytime I hung out with anyone but him he accused me of cheating and threatened to break up with me until the point where I cut off basically everyone but him and the boys.

Eventually he accused me of sleeping with them too and wanted me to stop hanging around Alejandro and his friends. For a while I listened to him, I would only see them at school or when they came over but I was too scared to talk to them in case josh found out and would start another argument. Eventually Alejandro noticed and brought it up to josh and it started a huge fight between Josh and all the guys then stopped being friends. This is when I finally came to terms with the state of our relationship and broke up with him.

I crawled into my bed and let my tears fall onto my pillow until I finally fell asleep.

Over the next few days I didn't talk to Alejandro at all, our parents knew we were fighting but we wouldn't tell them about what. I also hadn't talked to Mattia because I was scared he would call me out for lying to him and he would find out I was with josh. I had texted josh a few times, he apologized for lashing out at me when I picked him up blaming it on the alcohol but I knew I still needed to cut things off with him.

I lied in my bed bored, I haven't been in the mood to film or edit any videos so I've just been watching netflix for the past Three days. It was almost 9pm and Ava was working so she couldn't hang out so I texted Kairi.

Athena: hey what you doing rn i'm bored

Kairi👶🏻: I'm at taylor's come hangout with us

Athena: okayy coming

I changed into leggings and a hoodie then told my mom I was going to Taylor's before leaving. I got to her house and her mom let me in telling me they were in the basement. I walked down and to my surprise it wasn't just Kairi and Taylor, Robert and Mattia were also there.

"Hey!" Taylor yelled pulling me into a hug, I haven't hung out with her since Vic and Alejandro broke up.

I hugged her back and greeted everyone else before sitting on the couch next to robert and we all talked and Mattia went on live. We all joked around and danced on the live for a bit until Vic showed up.

"Hey," She said to me quietly.

"How are you?" I smiled at her. Vic and I used to be friends, we weren't that close but we still hung out but for some reason we stopped talking after her and alejandro broke up.

At some point Kairi mentioned that he was hungry and suggested that we go to target and get food so we all piled into my car and made our way there. Once we got there we made a bunch of tiktoks and fooled around until we ended up getting kicked out and had to leave without any of the food we came here for. It was almost midnight so I dropped Taylor and Vic off at taylor's then i dropped Kairi and Robert off at their own houses before making my way to Mattia's to drop him off.

"So you're back with Josh," He asked out of no where.

"What? No, who told you that," I asked with wide eyes.

"Alejandro said you were getting back with him,"

"Why would he tell you that?"

"He made a new group chat with just me him and Kai and told us," He said making me grip the steering wheel tighter.

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