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✨"All alone, we turned off our phones all the way
Your girl drivin' your ass insane"✨

On Monday I didn't talk to any of the boys at all except for Alejandro before school, I spent my lunch in the library studying and didn't say a word to Mattia during our class. No one was coming over after school so it was just Alejandro and I on the way home.

I hung out in my room until I got a call from Mattia, I hesitated to answer.

"Hello?" I said finally answering.

"I'm coming to pick you up," He said.

"Why? Isn't Jenna gonna get mad?" I questioned.

"I don't give a fuck, I'm coming to pick you up," He said again.

"K," I said then he hung up.

I wonder what his problem is, he's probably coming to officially cut me off because Jenna told him to. I put on a pair of slip on vans because it was the only shoes I could wear with my cast and waited for him to come. When he texted me he was outside I quietly slipped out the front door and texted my mom I was going for a drive with my friend, not wanting anyone to know I was with Mattia.

I sat in the passenger seat and looked at him noticing he had been crying.

"What's wrong?"

"You were right," His voice cracked and my heart broke.

"What do you mean?"

"She was cheating on me," He took a deep breath, he looked like he was trying not to cry.

"Oh Mattia, I'm so sorry," I took his hand in mine and squeezed it.

"How did you know?" He looked over at me.

"I didn't, I just know that signs, I've seen it before," I frowned at him.

"This fucking sucks," He sighed and started to drive out of my drive way.

"Yeah, it really does," I didn't know what to say to make him feel better, I know from experience how much it hurt to be cheated on and there's not a lot anyone can say to make you feel better when it happens.

He turned off of my street when he phone started to ring, "She won't stop calling me," He sighed looking at his phone.

"Here just turn it off," I said before turning off his phone making the ringing stop.

"Where do you wanna go?" He asked.

"Where ever you want,"

"I'm kind of hungry," He said and continued driving down the street.

A few minutes later we pulled into a mcdonald's parking lot. We went inside and ordered our food. Mattia and I stood in line waiting for our food when I looked up and saw Jenna walk in with two of her friends, Mattia saw me looking behind him and turned to see what I was looking at, I saw his face drop when he realized Jenna was behind him.

"So this is why you can't answer my calls?" She asked walking towards Mattia.

"Go wait in the car, I'll bring the food," I told him before she reached us and he nodded and walked out.

Jenna watched him leave then walked over to me with her arms crossed over her chest, "I see you got what you wanted,"

"What are you talking about?" I asked her.

"You wanted Mattia to break up with me," She said accusingly.

"He's heart broken right now, why would I want that for my friend?" I rolled my eyes at her.

"He's heart broken because you had to go and tell him all this shit to make him think I was cheating!" She started to raise her voice.

"But you were cheating!" I said matching her energy.

She looked around at the people starting to stare, "Whatever," She put her head down and walked back over to her friends.

I finally got our food and walked out to the car where we ate then drove back to my house. Mattia came in and we went up to Alejandros room.

"Yo," Alejandro said greeting him, "You wanna go get food?" He asked.

"Nah we just got back from Mcdonald's," Mattia said sitting on the bed and Alejandro turned to him looking shocked.

"Without me?" He looked genuinely hurt.

"Sorry bro, I was having girl problems and I needed girl help," Mattia said.

"With Jenna?"

"Yeah, we broke up," Mattia looked down at his hands.

"Congrats, I mean awe I'm so sorry," Alejandro jokes making us laugh.

"Okay well I'm gonna see if Kairi wants to get food and you guys can stay here and hang out since y'all are best friends now," Alejandro said getting up and leaving his room.

Mattia and I laughed and went to my room, He spread out on my bed and I sat at my desk facing him.

"What did Jenna say to you in mcdonald's," Mattia asked.

"She basically blamed me for you guys breaking up and said that I got what I wanted because your single now," I rolled my eyes thinking about how idiotic she sounded.

"Is that what you wanted?" He asked sitting up on my bed. I almost choked on my spit.

"Yes, I'm madly in love with you, this is all i've ever wanted," I tried to play it off.

Mattia rolled his eyes smiling at me when Alejandro burst into room.

"Kairi's busy so I guess i'm going to starve until mom gets home from work," He plopped onto my bed beside Mattia.

"There's literally food in the kitchen," I told him.

We all lied in my bed and watched a movie and I couldn't help but keep thinking back to Mattia's question. 'Is that what you wanted?' what did he mean by that? He didn't sound like he was joking when he said it but the possibility of him having actual feelings for me seemed impossible.

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