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"waa look at this restaurant," i said in amazement while looking around at the vintage place surrounding me. a man pulled the seat out for me and gestured for me to sit. "thank you."

"there are cupids on the ceilings." lia said,  making everyone lookup. a baby angel with wings had different photos of him all around the restaurant and i couldnt help but chuckle at the nakedness of the angel that is called cupid. i took my phone out and decided to take a photo of chaeryeong who looked stunning with the view outside. "unni! you look so nice." i squealed as she posed glamorously at the camera.

"bonsoir, welcome to the oldest restaurant in Paris."  i couldnt believe that this was so old. "it doesnt look super old," i stated. the waiter gave out the menus while giving gentle smiles to everyone. "his aura is so calm, i like it!" i said in korean so he couldnt understand me. "shall we try snails?" ryujin asked exaggerating the word, 'snails'. everyone nodded, eagar to try the slimy creature. the waiter explained the different courses and we decided to get them all. as soon as he left the room, we started to talk about him. "he was looking at me in a sweet way.

the appetizers came out and immediately i was drawn by the snails. i always heard about them as a child but never actually believed that people actually ate it. i poked the snail with your fork, slightly nervous about trying but i finally ate it. "how is it?" yuna asked. "its actually really good, a bit weird but good." 

it was the main course time and i really wanted the steak. i cut the tender steak and fed it to yeji, who was across from me. "is it good?" she nodded aggressively. "very!!" i took a bite from it and even when it was inside my mouth, it didnt fail to make my mouth water. "give us a review!" lia asked with the camera in front of her face. "it was good? haha i dont know how to describe it!"

"ive actually never had creme brulee before so im excited to try it!" i confessed to the camera. "really?! im excited to see your reaction." the famous creme brulee came out and i was eager to try it. "mmm its so warm, it feels like im next to a fireplace."

at the hotel 

"ahh im so full!" and with that, i plopped onto yunas bed. "get offfff" she said and patted my butt harshly. "lets discuss what we wanna do tomorrow." lia said. "i really wanna go to the montmarte, it looks so nice and the view is !!!" i said while taking my pyjamas and walking out the room to put them on. i came back in the room with my fuzzy pyjamas on, a freshly cleansed face and ready for bed. "so chanmi-ssi youre going with yuna and yeji to the martemont. okay?" ryujin told me. "the montmarte?" and with that you both cracked up laughing due to ryujins funny mistake. "ahh i need to go to bed." everyone went to their beds, to recharge their batteries for the next day.


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"hiiii!" i was walking down the quiet street with the camera in my hand. "we are going to the montmarte  by classic car!" yeji said excitedly. "its gonna be so cute!" yuna replied.

"woah! look at it!!!" a red car with no roof and a classicly dressed man were parked on the street, waiting for you three. yuna and yeji sat at the back while i sat in the front next to the chauffeur. "bonjour!" you said to the man. he nodded back. "i would like to play a song" yuna said as the ride started to start. i started to take some selfies, moving a bit to get some good lighting. sucker by the Jonas brothers started to fill the air. it was good vibes 🤙 i turned around to the very excited girls behind me and started to dance to the beat. the driver started to get into it which made us laugh. "yuna-ah youre matching with the chauffeur!" she laughed and sneakily filmed him.

we arrived at the montmarte, very excited to enter. "im nervous!" we entered and it was filled to the brim with people. i ran onto the grass and and did multiple cartwheels to express my excitement. "woohoo!" you ran back to them tired. "not tired at all." 

we walked to the top and took photos of the view and eachother. i heard a nice voice singing a song that captivated me. we walked over to where a group of people were crowding. it was the voice i heard before. he sang very nicely and when the song ended, he came oveer to us to say the last word. "meeee" and we giggled. 

"we came to this cool accessories store and this store is so cozy!" i said to my camera. i did a close up on the pretty rings on display. "shall we get friendship rings?" yuna asks, browsing the store. we ended up getting rings that looked similar but also matched our nails. we went to a nearby bakery, eyes widening as soon as our eyes met the food. "ahhh im so excited!" 

we sat near the window with our sweets in front of us. "can i have a bite?" i asked yuna who was eating a very good looking croissant. she fed me a piece, "wow! its very buttery!" we started to walk through a street, filled with street painters and sketchers and their art everywhere. "i wana get my portrait done!" yuna says. we all separate, trying to find someone who is free. i finally find a quite old man just finishing someone's portrait. " would you like one drawn?" you nodded quickly.

i took a seat and trying to sit as still as you can. i successfully stayed  in place despite hearing the shouts of yuna and yeji communicating with eachother and trying to get me involved in the convo. "done! youre a very pretty young lady." the sketcher smiled. "thank you very much!" i found yeji and you both waited for yuna to come. "how do you think yours went?" i asked. "not very well... but the drawer was nice." i laughed. yuna finally came with her drawing in her hand. "okay lets compare. ready, 3, 2, 1!" we all rolled our drawings out. "yuna-ah that doesnt look like you!" yeji exclaimed. "chanmi's kinda looks like her.. if you tilt your head maybe." they both tilted their head in unison. "yejis eyes are on point!" you said pointing at the sharp-looking eyes. "it actually really does!" yuna says. "well this was a good experience." yeji says as we all walked away to meet the other members.


imma end it here and save the macaron part for next ep! i havent watched ep 1 yet but itll be up in a couple of days! im starting school tomorrow so uploads will be less frequent. thank you for reading 🤍


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