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my hands were shaking so badly so i grabbed onto the hem of my skirt in an attempt to calm myself down. today all of the female trainees were called into the main practice room for an allegedly important meeting. but everyone knew what it was about. who was gonna debut, everyone came in chattering non-stop. "i heard that i am in the lineup!"  "somi and chaeryeong are definitely going to debut" "i don't really care because i know i'm not gonna debut." 

"do you think chanmi will debut?" a girl behind me asks her friend thinking i can't hear her but i can hear her crystal clear. "obviously! she is so talented! if she's not this thing is rigged." her friend responds even louder, "thank you.." i say in my head as if i can telepathically send it to her. suddenly a large hand grabs mine and pulls me into the room. "yuna-ssi what's the rush!" i say when i finally realise who's grabbing me. "come on slowpoke!!" she exclaims as she runs for literally no reason but at this point, i'm used to her silly antics.

"chanmi! yuna! over here!" a loud voice booms from the other side of the room, our heads look at the source of the voice. some other trainees are standing by the windows, waving us over. we run over to them waving to some other trainees on the way. "eunjoo do you know what's happening right now?" yuna asks while putting her arm around the nimble girl. "of course doesn't everyone know?" eunjoo says back. as they both drown in their conversation, i scan the room trying to find some familiar faces. i smile at some of my fellow friends, despite being here for a short amount of time, everyone has been very kind to me.

"alright, everybody! firstly thank you for being here!  i know a lot of rumours have been going around so i would just like to clear it up. we will be announcing the debuting members of the new girlgroup!" everyone nods, extremely nervous. i slowly walk over to some of my other friends i see daeun, hyejoo and seojoon. i smile at them and hold their hands. they were obviously nervous so i gave them a comforting smile.

"so this girl group will have 6 members and will have to afterwards head to JYP's office." the tension was so thick i could cut it with a knife. i'm not gonna lie i really wanted to debut, the whole reason i left my old company which i considered my home was for a better chance of debuting. " the first member is.... hwang yeji." everyone claps, the tension still high. i look over to yeji who had the biggest smile on her face, she truly deserved to debut. she looks at me and gives me a thumbs up.

"the second member.... choi jisu." the room again filled with applause, i tilted my head, trying rack my head for a choi jisu. all of a sudden her face popped in my head and i nodded. i heard her singing and i have to admit she's a really good singer. "thirdly..... jeon somi." i smile as i hear her name leave the announcers mouth. somi has become a really good friend of mine and has been through a lot so i was superrr proud.

"fourth member.." i crossed my fingers. "shin ryujin." i smile at the girl in front of me, hugging her from the back. ryujin turns around and gives me a fat hug, i could tell she was so nervous by the sweat on her hands. ryujin was the first girl i knew from jyp and one of my closest. "fifth member.... lee chaeryeong." my hope decreased more and more as each name was called out  but that didn't stop me from cheering for chaeryeong. chaeryeong is one of the oldest trainees here, so i wasn't surprised she was chosen. "chaeryeong-ssi!" i holler making her look at me with her tear-stained eyes and she came over to give me a hug. she releases her hug and holds my hug and puts her chin on my shoulder. 

i turn to my friends eunjoo, yuna, daeun, hyejoo, seojoon and more. they were all on the verge of crying, shaking so hard that if they were holding a cup of water, the water would be out of cup in 0.5 seconds. i close my eyes as the last name is announced, "and last but certainly not least....park chanmi!" my eyes widen and i let out a deep breath. my hands stop shaking and my eyes fill up with water. everyone claps and my friends engulf me in a hug. all my hard work finally paid off, as i cry i remember what my old ceo told me. "i promise you chanmi, one day you'll debut whether it's under my company or not you have so much talent that the world would be a worse place without it. so please never give up."

the 6 chosen ones made a group hug and we all cried our eyes out together. "congratulations to the six girls and please make your way to CEO's office." we all made our way to JYP's office, hugging some of our friends on the way out. we went to the 24th floor, on our way we were still all in disbelief and were silent on the way up. "wow." i say still half crying, making everybody chuckle, them still half crying. we arrived and made our way inside. we bow at jyp and he just smiles. 

"did something happen that i missed or?" he joked trying to break the ice. after he explained everything, he congratulated us and told us to leave except for me. "chanmi-ah, you are a very talented trainee and i would just like you to know that you deserve this position so much okay?" i nod and i take my leave. i walk out to see everyone telling their parents that they're debuting, still crying... i take my phone out and press the first person that comes to my mind.

"jimin oppa.." i sob. "shit, chanmi are you okay? i'm with the boys right now," he says worriedly, practically shouting. "i-i'm debuting!" 

"WHAT ARE YOU JOKING UCNNISBFIWUV" 'how can you keyboard smash in real life wtf' i say in my head confused by his words. he continues to shout at his members that his sister is finally debuting. "GOOD JOB CHANMI-AH" they all shout causing me to bring the phone away from my phone and letting everyone hear them screaming. i thank them and i call my parents, "eomma, appa,, im debuting!" i say excitedly. "FINALLY ITS BEEN 6 YEARS!" they shout, i'm going to be deaf by the end of this. i continue the conversation before hanging up. i text my other brother jihyun the news since he's probably working. i sigh and slide down the wall. the other 5 girls join be and we just sit there in disbelief.

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i swear i didn't mean for this to be so long,,, also i'm getting a new phone and IM SOEXCITED LIKEWHAT. if anyone cares, my second term just started so online classes for the next ten weeks ✌😎 also fyi, yuna was added after somi left so..... that explains why but i still wanted to add yuna in this story somehow. THIS IS DEADASS 1301 WORDS LIKE I HAVE A PROBLEM

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