Chapter 3: Packing for Tour

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:Roxy's POV:
"Babe have you seen my extra guitar strings?" Brandon yells from the other room trying to finish packing last minute. Andy and Brent are supposed to be picking us up in 10 minutes to take us to where the tour buses are.
"They should be in your nightstand cabinet!" I yelled back while rolling my last suitcase to the front door. Hayden was saying goodbye to Caity because she's not coming with us, but we'll see her when we play in LA. I know, kinda weird that we're already in LA but our last show is in LA. We're pretty much going in a circle around most of the country.
"Okay I'm ready," Brandon said while walking into the room with his last suitcase. Just then I got a text from Andy saying they're here. I gave Caity (and Rosie of course) a hug goodbye and we went to meet our other boys. After figuring out how to get all of our suitcases into the back of Brents car we were finally able to leave and meet with the Palaye guys.
"I feel like I'm being crushed" I complained while seated between Brandon and Hayden.
"Don't worry we're almost there," Brandon said putting his arm around me. Just realized we're not going to be able to get much alone time for the next month considering we're gonna be on a bus with the guys for the next month. That's not ideal.
Finally we made it. When I got out of the car I was greeted by a tackling hug from Remington. I've gotten really close with the Palaye brothers this past month, playing music with them and just being around them in general has just gotten so natural for me.
"Ready to play with the best band on earth for the next month?!" He asked me excitedly.
"I thought I was playing with you guys, not Crown," I joked back. He fake pouted.
"You know I honestly walked into that one"
"Yeah, you did. Now let's get our stuff on the bus!" We began to unload Brents car and get things onto the bus.
"I assume your staying in the Crown bus," Brandon whispered in my ear, tapping his arms around my waist from behind.
"I'd say yes, but I don't know if I can be that close to Andy for a month," I replied to Brandon, facing him.
"Hey! I heard that!" I heard Andy yell from behind me. Brand and I laughed then he helped me get my stuff into the bus. Then off we went.

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