Chapter 4: It's Showtime!

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:Roxy's POV:

I stared at myself in the mirror. Tonight was going to be my first time playing live with the Palaye brothers. Fans' were going to have high expectations and I didn't want to disappoint them in any way. I was sporting jeans with beetlejuice style stripes, a studded black belt, a black cropped tank top, and doc martens. I decided I would try to fit in a bit more by applying some red eyeshadow with black eyeliner, I added a small cross under my eye like the kind Remington sometimes does. I didn't look half bad.

I made my way into the venue where sound check was beginning and was greeted with a kiss on the lips from Brandon. I swear his kisses still manage to make me weak in the knees as if it were our first.

"You look great," he told me as his eyes looked me up and down.

"Oh shush," I told him and playfully whacked him in the arm.

"It's true," he grabbed me by the hips and pulled me in, I wrapped my arms around his neck and rested my forehead against his. Then this moment was ruined by none other than his other girlfriend...

"BRANDON! Stop being sickly cute with Roxy and get your ass on stage!" Andy practically yelled into the mic. Brandon rolled his eyes, gave me a quick peck on the lips, and left to join his fellow band mates.

"Ready for tonight?" A voice behind me asked, I turned around to see Emerson.

"I think I am," I replied tucking a strand behind me ear nervously.

"Your makeup makes you look a lot like Rem," he said, eyeing me.

"Haha yeah, that's what I was going for"

"No. I mean you really look like him, like a girl version," Emerson told me. Before I could think of a response we were called up for our sound check.

~ Time skip brought to you by Andy's "never drinking again" tweets ~

I got off stage sweating only to be met with a hug from my boyfriend. The feeling of playing with Palaye was absolutely exhilarating.

"You did amazing babe! See I told you you'd do amazing!" Brandon told me. I wiped the sweat from my face and kissed him, but had to pull away to catch my breath.

"Oh my god that was amazing," I told him, "I'm so ready for the rest of this tour if every show is going to feel like this.

"Trust me, it is," I turned to see the Palaye brothers approaching us.

"You did a really good job," Sebastian told me, tossing me a bottle of water.

"You guys did too," I replied before practically chugging the water.

After the concert had finished we were leaving the venue only to be bombarded by fans that waited around to ask for autographs and pictures. I just kinda stood out of the way allowing the two bands to greet their fans. Then something I didn't expect happened. A young girl approached me.

"H-hi," She asked me shyly, "You were really great on stage a-and I was wondering if I could get your autograph?" She held out the t-shirt she bought at the concert and a sharpie.

"Oh my gosh thank you so much," I replied kindly, "Of course you can have my autograph!" I signed her t-shirt and she was on her way. People seemed to notice and started asking me for pictures and autographs. It was honestly super flattering.

When we got back to the busses I was absolutely exhausted. I just wanted to collapse. But of course the boys being boys they wanted to party.

"Hayden where'd we pack the alcohol?" Andy shouted across.

"I got it!" Brent yelled back before Hayden could reply. The Palaye boys brought shot glasses.

"You know guys I think I'm just gonna head to bed.." I started making my way towards the bunks.

"Come onnn, Roxyyy," Andy complained, grabbing my arm, "You never drink with us!"

"I usually can't drink with you," I remind him, "I'm really tired tonight Andy, maybe I'll party with you guys tomorrow." I patted him on the head and turned away. I said my goodnights to everyone and made my way to Brandon and mine's bunk. I quickly fell into a deep sleep that blocked out the yelling of the guys in the other part of the bunk.

A quick note from your author

Thank you all for the votes! I know I'm not the best at updating stories but I'm going to try harder since we're in quarantine.

- Gee ;)

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06 ⏰

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