part 28

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Sofías POV:
As we pulled up to the party i was starting to get more and more nervous, not really knowing why. My gut kept telling me to leave, but i wanted to stay. "Parties are supposed to be fun! I'm gonna have fun tonight!" is what i kept telling myself.
When we went inside there was barley any room to walk around. The floor was full and there were people playing beer pong, taking shots and just dancing and jumping around. In the back of the living room there was a big glass door that led to the backyard which was also full and had a big pool which people were jumping into from the deck. It was unreal, like in a movie. I didn't really think parties like this existed, but here i was standing in the middle of one just looking around like a freshman on their first day of high school.
After a while, Vic saw Ale and ran up to him and they hugged. I'm really happy for her, she liked him since kindergarten! They're not dating yet, but they will soon, i just know it. As Vic was talking to Ale i was just sitting around, waiting for her to come back till someone bumped into me and spilt their drink on me

Sofía: What the fuck?
Unknown: Shit i'm so sorry-

As he turned around i couldn't believe me eyes. It was the cute boy from walmart!! I was so happy i literally couldn't believe it. What were the odds of seeing him again? Especially in the same day? Hold on, i need to calm down, he can't know i'm this excited!

Sofía: Oh.. uhm it's ok
Unknown: Wait.. you look familiar
Sofía: Haha yeah you too
Unknown: Walmart?
Sofía: Lmao yeah omg
Unknown: No way! I wanted to get your snap but you guys left before i could ask you
Sofía: Omg i literally tried airdropping it
Unknown: Bruh-
Sofía: I'm Sofía by the way
Unknown: I'm Diego
Sofía: Well, i should go, but we'll talk soon
Diego: You're leaving?
Sofía: Yeah, i mean, not the party, but i'm gonna meet up with my friend
Diego: Before you go, don't you wanna get cleaned up?
Sofía: What do you mean?

He looked me up and down and then grinned. I had forgotten he spilt his drink on my dress

Sofía: Oh my dress-
Diego: Yeah..
Sofía: It doesn't even matter, i never really liked this dress 😂
Diego: Well you look good in it
Sofía: Thank you
Diego: Cmon let me help you
Sofía: Haha ok fine

I walked past Vic and Ale and she just winked at me, she knew it was him. We walked inside laughing and talking and then went upstairs to the bathroom to rinse it off. As we were walking up the stairs i saw Mattia and Jenna talking, actually, it seemed more like they were arguing, but i didn't really care. When Mattia saw me and Diego coming upstairs he grabbed Jenna and started eating her face

Mattias POV:
Me and Jenna were arguing and i heard people coming up the stairs. It was Sofía and some boy. I had no clue what their intentions were but i had an idea, and i didn't like it. I started making out with Jenna for more reasons then one, but the main one being to make Sofía jealous or maybe even mad?

Jenna: What was that?
Mattia: I don't know what you're talking about
Jenna: Why'd you kiss me when we're fighting?
Mattia: To make you shut up
Jenna: No that's not why. Tell me why. Who was coming?
Mattia: No one?
Jenna: Cmon Mattia just tell me
Mattia: Chillll you're being mad annoying you know that?
Jenna: Me? How am i being annoying?
Mattia: Can you just calm down? Like for real you're pissing me off.
Jenna: It was Sofía wasn't it?
Mattia: What?
Jenna: She was coming upstairs and you tried making her jealous.
Mattia: Whatever. Can we just go downstairs?

Jennas POV:
Mattia honestly broke me in more ways then you can imagine, but i loved him, or i thought i did. I don't really know what i'm feeling, or how to even put it in words, but i did know one thing. Sofía will have to pay.. tonight. Tonight i am going to ruin her life and make her wish she didn't have one.

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