❤ Midoriya × Male Reader ❤

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Title: Valentines Day

Y/N's POV•

As I jogged to school, I felt warm and hopeful. Today was, of all days, Valentines Day, and something told me it would be remarkable.

When I entered the school building, I found my usual cluster of friends huddled in the long halls. Uraraka was chatting with happily with Iida, though something seemed off. That was, until I noticed their hands intertwined.

'About time,' I thought, smiling.

"Oh, hey, are you two together?" I asked, grinning widely. Iida blushed furiously and nodded, his unoccupied hand waving wildly. Uraraka smiled in response, and told me about how Iida asked her out.

"Hey, sorry, but where's Izuku?" I asked. Uraraka grinned knowingly at me. I made the huge mistake of telling her about my crush on him, and I guess that's an even bigger mistake with today being Valentines Day. But I don't think he's even gay, to my dismay.

"I haven't seen him, but I'm sure he'll be here soon," she giggled. We talked for a while longer, mostly about the holiday and an upcoming exam, before Kirishima jogged up to me, smiling.

"Hey, man, Midoriya is by the stairs in hall 3-F. He needs your help."

"Ah, okay, sounds good. Thanks," I lowered my voice, winking at Kirishima. "Did you ask Bakugou out yet?"

He blushed and nodded, quickly explaining that they were now dating. Kirishima and Bakugou were one of the few other gay kids in my class, and I'd grown a bit close with them. However, Izuku needs my help, and I don't want to keep him waiting.

I walked to the hall Kirishima said he was in, trying to calm my heart which was beating wildly. When I got there, I saw Izuku sitting on the steps, a bouquet of roses resting on his lap. His face was immensely red, and I knew mine was growing red as well.

"Izuku? You needed my help?" I asked hesitantly. He looked up at me, before diverting his eyes.

"Um.. Y/N, yeah. I-I, uh.. Happy V-Valentines Day.." He stood up, shoving the bouquet into my chest. "I-I know this is farfetched, and th-that you probably like girls, b-but.." He trailed off anxiously.

"What makes you say that?" I asked, intrigued.

"Do you?" He made eye contact with me, his emerald green eyes shining, the shade of an enticing forest.

"I don't," I stated calmly, "And, as a matter of fact, I happen to like the very boy that gave me this bouquet." I had a cool and calm facade, but as he stood there, shocked, I felt it slowly crumble.

"Y-You like m-me?" He asked. I nodded, and he did something completely out of character.

He leaned forwards, and slammed his lips into mine, throwing his arms around my neck. I placed mine gently on his waist, and pushed myself towards him to deepen the kiss.

"Hey, guys-" Kirishima paused, awkwardly taking in the scene. "Sorry, I'll go."

Suddenly Bakugou ran to us, before laughing. "Didn't think Deku had the balls.."

We pulled apart, before Kirishima congratulated us and they left. I tilted Izuku's face up towards mine, and whispered, "Izuku, will you be my boyfriend?"

He gasped, before nodding feverishly. "O-of course, Y/N~San!"

Later that day, we walked down the halls, as we usually did. Except we were holding hands. And kissing. And yeah, we did get a few odd glances, and some people (cough-Mineta-cough) gave us crap, but in the end it didn't matter in the slightest. We didn't need society's approval or endorsement. We were in love, and that's enough on it's own.

*A/N: Hii! SO, this book is LGBTQ+ friendly, as you might've noticed. Even though it's short, I think this is adorable. Have a good day!
Song of The Day: Something For Your M.I.N.D - Superorganism

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