❤ Sero × Reader ❤

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Title: Pool Party

A/N: This one is gender-neutral! Made for bros or girlies ;) (or anything in between)
(H/S = His/Her or He/She)  to indicate gender :^

Third Person POV•

It was another ordinary day of summer. Everything was immensely hot, and the ice cubes that tinkled in Y/N's glass melted within mere seconds.

Y/N was currently relaxing at another one of Mina's pool parties by laying on a tanning bed. A big blue umbrella rested over (his/her) head, providing the oh-so valuable shade.

Kaminari was jumping into the pool, like he had been, except almost every time before he had nearly drowned. Kirishima was splashing Bakugou with water, before Bakugou attempted to suffocate him in either a hug or reinforcing grip. Their was red blushes evident on their cheeks, but everyone knew it wasn't from the heat.

Mina was chatting with Uraraka and Jirou, deciding what to do if Mineta showed up. Nobody exactly wanted the perverted boy here, but usually he trespassed anyways.

Sero? He wasn't anywhere to be seen. Y/N Was tempted to get up and go find (his/her) crush, but decided against it. Instead Y/n texted Sero.

Y/N: Hey. Where are you? You disappeared.

Sero: Hm.. I dunno. Maybe you should look behind you ;)

Y/N rolled (his/her) eyes and sighed, but looked behind the bed. Just as expected, Sero was nowhere to be seen. Y/N laid back down, facing forwards, only to be met with a grinning Sero.


"Ah- what the fuck? Don't do that," Y/N playfully punched Sero's arm.

Sero shrugged with an innocent grin, before sighing. "It's so damn hot. Can we go inside?"

Y/N nodded, thankful Sero was the one to lay down the request. They picked up their towels and walked into Mina's large house. They sat on the couch, allowing the crisp and cold feeling of the air conditioner cool them. Y/N was sitting rather closely to Sero, enough that their thighs touched, which made Y/N blush.

"Mm, this is nice. So much better than outside," Sero whispered. He was looking directly into Y/N's eyes, making (him/her) flinch away.

Suddenly, a cool hand brushed against Y/N's thigh, and Sero grinned. "You look stunning."

Y/N smiled softly, and gestured to Sero. "You do too. Especially your six-pack."

"Don't be like Kami," Sero laughed. Though, if he were being honest, he couldn't keep his eyes off of Y/N's chest either.

"Sero. Um, I- Would you, maybe, I dunno, wanna be my boyfriend," Y/N blurted, unable to control the verbal vomit spouting from (his/her) mouth.

Sero laughed, which took Y/N by surprise, before grinning even wider. "Of course! I would've asked you, but.. I didn't think you'd ever really like someone like me."

"Why wouldn't I?" Y/N asked, frowning.

"I guess I'm really... Plain. Someone as amazing as you would be expected to be with someone more flashy, I guess."

"But I love you," Y/N whispered. "Not anyone else."

"And I love you, too," Sero whispered back. Their lips met briefly,  before Bakugou walked in the room, yelling "IT'S ABOUT FUCKING TIME!"

Sero laughed, before kissing Y/N passionately.

Together, they were invincible.

*A/N: I'm bored. Yeah.

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