💔 Todoroki × Reader 💔

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Title: Breakups Are Hard

Another gender neutral one!!

•Y/N's POV•

I stared at my phone, tears welling in my eyes.

I can't do this anymore. You're too pessimistic and I love Momo. Please, don't be upset. Surely you can manage your depression. Bye.

Todoroki. My asshole of a boyfriend. He knew I had depression. He'd promised me he'd be with me my whole life, for better or worse. And that fucking bastard is breaking up with me because I had a slight mental relapse.

How should I even respond to this? Should I play it off? Should I beg for him back? But then I remembered the day I walked in and found him having sex with another one of my old friends. He cheated, and I pretended I hadn't ever even seen it.

This surge of anger rushed through me, and I angrily typed back my response.

Fuck you. I don't need you and your bullshit.

Feeling as if I were suffocating, I left my dorm room and walked down to the common room, in hopes to receive some fresh air. It was about 4AM, everyone was asleep, leaving me alone. Maybe I wanted to be alone.

But deep down I knew I needed someone. Someone to cry on. And while Todoroki was usually that person, I guess in this specific circumstance he wouldn't be able to do that again. Not ever.

I flopped onto the couch, staring at the TV and beanbags nearby. The more I thought about the text, the more confused and helpless I felt. Soon I was crying softly, trying not to wake anyone else.

After 10 minutes, there was a click, and I looked at the entrance to the common rooms to find Bakugou flicking on the light.

"Y/N? Is that you?"

I wiped away my tears quickly, but I suppose not quick enough.

"Why are you- Fuck. Are you okay?" He walked over, and sat by me on the couch, trying to meet my eyes.

"Uh.. I.. Yeah, I'm fine."

"No you're fucking not. What happened?"

I felt more tears spill out of my eyes, and I pulled up my text conversations on my phone. Showing him what Todoroki sent me, I gasped for air.

"That asshole! I'm gonna kill him!"

"Don't. Just... Shit, Bakugou, I really liked him." I said, looking up into his crimson eyes.

He bit his lip, before sighing. "Come here."

"What?" I asked. He pulled me onto his lap, and gave me an uncharacteristically gentle hug. I threw my arms around him, glad I could have someone to hug. I needed a hug.

"Mm, you'll be okay. Breakups are hard, and they may seem like the end of the world, but Todoroki isn't worth crying over," he whispered into my neck. He mumbled something else quietly, but when I asked him to repeat himself, he shook his head, a red hue forming over his cheeks.

"Thank you, Bakugou."

He hesitated, before saying, "You're welcome. I-.. I'd never do that to you, though."

My mouth parted into an 'o', and I felt myself smile. "Do you want to prove it?"

"Yeah. Y/N, will you be my lover?"

"Yes. I will," and with that I kissed him on the cheek.

*A/N: You are a strong and independent man or woman, and you don't need tOdOrOki. (Sorry, Todobaby.)

Edit: My mom just suggested getting a divorce with my dad. Um... Yeah, shit.

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