🍋Shigaraki × Fem. Reader🍋

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Title: You're Mine


I was in a club. Of all fucking places I could be at, it was a club. I didn't usually enjoy such loud and rowdy areas such as this one, but my best friend, Toga, convinced me to come.

She also, somehow, convinced me to wear the quite possibly sluttiest outfit ever. It was a tiny mini skirt, pleated at the end, and a cropped top that had a v-neck so low in might as well just have been a bra. I was wearing a black cardigan to hide my breasts, and sat in a corner, glaring at every man that tried to approach me.

At one point, a tale and pale guy with mint green hair walked over, and sat beside me. I nearly flipped out, until I identified him as my other friend, Tomura Shigaraki.

"What're you doing here?" I asked, quickly adjusting my cardigan as to cover my breasts which were so obviously spilling over my top. It was one thing to wear something so revealing in a club full of drunk men, but another to wear it in front of my villainous colleague, whom also happened to be my crush.

He shrugged before mumbling, "Dabi dragged me along, the fucker."

I nodded, sharing his pain, and I could tell that it wasn't exactly his scene either.

"Why don't we sneak away?" I suggested. Toga was flirting with some random girl at the bar, while Dabi was talking to some guy angrily. Tomura nodded feverishly, and we walked out, luckily remaining unseen by our friends.

We walked in silence through the streets, and I wrapped my hands around my body, trying to protect myself from the harsh winds. The stupid cardigan was thin, and hardly did me any good.

Tomura noticed, and uncharacteristically did something sweet, pulling off his hoodie and handing it to me. I thanked him, and pulled it over my body, where it just covered the extremely short skirt, making it look like I had no pants on. I thrusted my hands into the pockets, and felt much warmer.

"So, how's life? We don't really talk about anything other than 'work'," I muttered. He nodded.

"It's okay. Haven't thought of any other plans to get All Might, but... I guess I'm alright. You?" He asked, looking at me expectantly. I couldn't help but notice how intimate the moment was, me wearing skimpy clothes and his hoodie, and us walking in the deserted streets to our hideout.

"It's been fine. I've felt more occupied since I've joined the league of villains," I explained, not really having anything remarkable to say. There was a rustling behind us, and I jumped, quickly grabbing Tomura's hand.

Dabi appeared behind us, glaring daggers.

"The fuck? Why aren't you guys in the club?"

"Because it sucks ass," I shrugged. Dabi noticed our hands entangled, and smirked.

"Go get some!" He yelled, before jogging back into the direction of the club. I blushed, not exactly suspecting that'd be happening. But life will sometimes surprise you...


We were back at our so-called hideout, or as I'd come to recognize it, home. Tomura sighed, and muttered how glad he was nobody was here.

He and I weren't exactly social butterflies, and I was glad we could relate over that.

"Hey, wanna come up to my room? We could watch a movie," I offered, handing him back his hoodie. He nodded, and we walked to my room, sitting on the bed.

"What should we watch?" He asked, picking up the remote to the TV. I shrugged, and he turned on a random trending movie.

At one point, I noticed a pair of crimson eyes resting on me, and I began to feel self-conscious. I turned around, smiling at him, before snuggling under my sheets. I'd change out of these damned clothes, but he was in my room, and I was too lazy. That club really drained me.

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