🍋Bakugou × Fem. Reader🍋

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Title: Popsicles

•3rd Person POV •

It was a hot summer's day, and Bakugou swore he was melting. He and his girlfriend, Y/N, were sitting in her backyard on an old swingset.

"Babe, I'm fucking dying of heat," Bakugou moaned, complaining as he had been doing for the past twenty minutes. Y/N shrugged, unsure of what to do to fight off this horrific weather. The clouds seemed to have all disappeared, leaving hardly any shade.

"Hm.. Oh, I know! I have popsicles!" Y/N grinned, pleased she had thought of a solution. She stood up, and scurried away into her house to retrieve the cool and sweet treats. When she returned, she held up two different flavors.

"I'll take orange," Bakugou grumbled, eager to experience something slightly cold. That left Y/N with cherry.

They unwrapped the already melting desserts, before popping them into their mouths.

Y/N was generally oblivious when it came to things such as sexual matters. So when she licked the top of the popsicle, before swirling her tongue down to the bottom, she had no idea how it had captivated Bakugou. His pants tightened, and he squirmed uncomfortably in his swing.

"Mm, these are good. Feel better?" She asked, looking innocently at Bakugou. He mumbled something nonsensical, looking anywhere but at her.

She continued talking, and he noticed how her tongue was painted an enticing dark red.

She eventually began practically deepthroating the popsicle, and Bakugou felt himself grow fully erect.

Once they finished the popsicles, Y/N announced she was tired.

"Man, this heat sucks. I need a nap." She sighed. They walked back into the house, and stalked into her room. She tried to cuddle with Bakugou, but he merely pushed her off of him.

"Don't touch me," he growled, voice venomous. Y/N was shocked by his sudden harsh attitude, and she huffed.

"Why are you so grumpy all of a sudden? I mean, more than usual."

"What the fuck do you mean? I'm not grumpy!" He raised his voice, sexually frustrated. He didn't mean to take his anger out on Y/N, but he didn't know how to casually say "Hey, I have a boner. Let me fuck you."

Y/N crossed her arms and mumbled "Fine. If you don't want to be around me, whatever," and she inched away from him on her bed. Bakugou immediately knew he had screwed up, and touched her shoulder.

"I shouldn't have snapped.. I just.. Fuck, I feel like shit."

Y/N turned to look at him, and after asking why, he struggled, fumbling for words.

"I.. Uh, the popsicle, it- Well.. I. I'M HORNY!" He yelled, flustered. Y/N grinned, finding it hilarious. She hadn't actually meant to turn on her raging furball of a boyfriend, but now that she had she knew she'd better help him out.

"It's okay, love. Would you like me to deepthroat you?" Y/N asked sweetly, innocently poking Bakugou's cheek. He grunted, and nodded.

"Only if you want to.."

Y/N wanted to. God, she wanted to. This was one of the few times she could put him into his place, and watch him wriggle submissively. She quickly removed his shirt and shorts, before staring at the large bulge in his boxers. There was a slight wet spot from his precum, and she felt her tongue beginning to water.

Once the boxers were out of the way, she kissed his flushed tip just barely, and her lips had flecks of white on them. He snapped his head back and groaned softly, before asking for more. She smirked her again, appreciating being the dominant one. He wouldn't usually let her, because he didn't want to come off as 'weak' or some shit, but occasionally she was granted person, and God, was it magical.

She kitten-licked the slit, before sliding her tongue up from the base and all around the tip.

"Hahhh, F-fuck," he whimpered. He was extremely sensitive from being pent up for so long, and receiving this much needed action made his knees go weak. Part of him wanted her to stop teasing, but the other part wanted to purely indulge on the high dose of bliss he was being prescribed.

However, the need was towering up in his stomach, and he eagerly bucked his hips upwards, pushing the rest of his member into her throat. Y/N's eyes began to water, and her throat burned, but somehow, she managed to find pleasure in it. Call it masochistic, but the pressure being applying from his large dick inside her throat was nice. Feeling confident, she slowly bobbed her head up in down, allowing her throat to loosen and coat his cock in her saliva.

Bakugou was, at this point, mewling out small moans of pleasure constantly. It were as if he were a record player, stuck on repeat. All he could think of with some shred of coherency was he fucking loved this. He knew Y/N sometimes appreciated dirty talk, so he opened his mouth, letting deep purrs resonate from his throat.

"Goddd~, Y/N, you're such a slut... Do you like my cock shoved down your throat? So kinky, mnnnaaahhh," he gasped.

Y/N smiled, and hummed in response, the vibrations sending her hot-headed boyfriend over the edge.

"I-I'm fuckin' close," he warned, grinding his pelvis against her throat. Extremely gently, she scraped her teeth along the underside of his dick, and he completely lost all sanity. "OH FUCK YEAH!! A-AHH, BABY~"

And within mere steamy seconds, thick ropes of his bitter cum shot out into her mouth. Much to her luck, Y/N didn't gag. She pulled away after he rode out his orgasm, grinning as his seed dripped down her chin slightly. She sat up, and adored her boyfriend's facial expression.

His eyes were half-lidded, rolled into the back of his head, and his cheeks were delectably flushed with pink. His chest heaved as he desperately tried to catch his breath.

"Was I good?" She asked, giggling. He sat up too, nodding feverishly.

"Hells yeah."

Y/N laughed, and leaned over to give her boyfriend a sweet kiss on the forehead. Sweat dripped down his chest, and she grimaced as her hands slid down it.

"Katsuki, you're hella hot, don't get me wrong, but maybe we should shower." They both chuckled together, and Bakugou stood up with wobbly knees as he smiled.

"I love you so damn much... But.. This is gonna be one long summer."

A/N: Ughh, it took me decades to finish this one. It's like, I got stuck, and I've had slight writers block. Anyways, I'm due in court tomorrow to bring justice to myself. I was abused and mistreated in a mental facility, so, that's what the whole case is about. Except the fuckin guy who should be representing me is an asshole. 

Song of The Day: Boyish - Japanese Breakfast

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