❤Tokoyami × Fem. Reader❤

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*A/N: Feeling a bit sadistic, so I'mma throw a classic angst at you. There will be mentioning of rApe and such, and I'd like to warn others to be cautious when reading this, as to avoid altercations with mentality. I haven't been raped, only groped, and so this isn't based off of personal experience. If there is any correction that must be made, DM me and I'll look into it :).

Title: Awkward Introduction

He.. He touched me. I remember one night Daddy came home from work, and he smelled sour. He slurred heavily on his speech, and pinned me to the couch. And he hurt me.

Stop, daddy, I had cried. But he wouldn't listen. Later that night, he left our family for good. Mommy was heartbroken. I told her about what he did, and she cried for the whole next week. She still cries.

I'm not an innocent and naive girl like I used to have been. I realize the seriousness of the ordeal. I attend counseling with my own therapist, and tomorrow night I should be starting a new group for sexually abused victims.

I don't miss that piece of shit at all, though. My therapist will ask me, and mother would too sometimes, and I'd say, "He isn't worth missing. He isn't worth anything."

And he really wasn't.


It was 5PM, and I quickly threw on a black hoodie and some jeans. Mother was trying her hardest to smile as she drove me to the therapy group. When we arrived, the room was completely empty, except for one boy rather familiar.

"Y/N?" He asked, nearly dropping his dark red apple.


This wasn't the ideal place to meet your classmate. Y'know, in a room full of teenagers who'd been raped. As a support group thing.

The instructor walked over to us, saying she was glad we already knew each other, and told us to take a seat in the circle of chairs.

I didn't know whether to sit by Tokoyami or not, because without doubt that'd be immensely awkward, but I figured I didn't know any of the other kids, and I might as well play my cards right before it was too late.

Tokoyami's feathers ruffled as I sat by him, and I apologized, but I'm not sure what for.

As soon as the other kids attended, we sat down, introducing ourselves and our stories.

"I'm Y/N. I'm 17, and I was raped by my dad.." There was a long pause. "And now I'm here."

Tokoyami's turn was next, and he anxiously cleared his throat, clearly uncomfortable at being put on the spot.

"I'm Tokoyami, I'm 17, and I was.. raped.. by my Uncle." He rapped his knuckles together, fidgeting apprehensively.

The circle finished telling their stories, and the group was the same as usual. Sappy, useless, and unremarkable. The instructors, I mean. The kids were all very kind, and I enjoyed meeting them, I guess.

After it ended, I waited outside of the building by the curb for my mom to come and pick me up. Tokoyami walked beside me, thrusting his hands into his pockets.

"So.. That sucks.. Your dad, I mean." He shrugged, unsure of how to start the conversation.

"Same thing with your uncle. But, um, at least we can relate over this," I sighed.

"Yeah. We can," he smiled ever so softly. When my mom's car finally pulled around, so I grinned at him, asking if it was okay to hug him. He nodded, and I did so, before waving meekly and hopping into the car.

Maybe, just maybe, Tokoyami is different. Maybe not all men are like my dad.

*A/N: Mm, met a new kid in therapy today. He likes Nirvana too, and he may be the one with schizophrenia. I like him, he's polite. bUt IlL rUiN tHaT wItHiN sEcOnDs ;))

Here's the motherfucking tea, sis.

Song of The Day: Guns For Hands - Twenty One Pilots

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