Friend Zone 4

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"Lee Jungmin!," Shouted Jungkook at the exchange room. The called boy smirked, "Oh you're looking for me Gguk?,". Without any second, he was pulled by the colar. "What did you do to Jisoo?,"

"Chill man, I was joking around," Jungmin tried to get off from his grip. "I asked you one more time, Jungmin WHAT DID YOU DO?," he was in anger and everyone in the room was looking at them. "Just put me down, first okay. We'll talk about this,". Jungkook tried to calm down and put the poor boy away from his grip. "I heard from the boys you touch her -,"

"Ass," Jungmin cut him off, "Yes, I did and I know she enjoyed it,". Jungkook looking at him in disbelief, he might kill this guy any minute if he doesn't stop talking or even sorry about it. "She smiled at me though, she's easy,". Jungkook laughed sarcastically before land a punch on the boy's face. Either a junior or a senior, he doesn't care because this guy need to learn a lesson. "You son of a btch," Jungkook cursed and keep punching his face.

Jungmin pushed him back and his punch was land on Jungkook's eyes.

"Mr. Jeon and Mr. Lee in my office now!,"

few months later..

Without I even realised, time flew and it was almost the end of my senior year. Jungkook was busy focusing on his team and studies, based on what I heard, he'll moving school next year, maybe that's why he want to enjoy his last year,before leaving this town.

"Jisoo, Nayeon ! Did you guys heard? Mrs Lee talk about home coming," Whee In started the topic."Yeah, I heard Jennie and her crew were talking about the theme for the night," said Nayeon who're excited about it she even prepared for this home coming since last year, if I'm not mistaken she bought a hundreds of dresses. "I can't wait!," she squealed excitedly.

"I heard your Jungkook is moving next year, is that true?," now they changed the topic just in a blink of an eye. "News spread faster than I thought," I murmured but I know the both was smirking cause they heard me, clearly, "Yes, he's moving to Seoul,"

"Wait! You're signing up to Hongdae University, right?," Whee In gasped as if it was big deal, "Yes, So what?," I narrowed my eyebrow in confusion. "Seriously, Jisoo. After Seokjin sunbae left. I thought you'll realised that," Nayeon sighed in the end. "Realised what?,"

"Jungkook was into you!," they both say in unison after they look at each other with the tired looks. "How could that possible?," I puffed, "He hate me with all his might and either do I," I told them which is obvious, cause we fight a lot.

"You're going to Hongdae next year, and he's moving somewhere in Seoul. Which mean?," Whee In asked me, and I still don't think it's a big matter. "Which mean, I'm continuing my studies and he's moving to persue his path," I sounds dumb because I don't know what I'm saying but it sort of what it is.

"And the path is?," Nayeon smirked. "To chase after his dream in art?,". They rolled her eyes in unison and that scared me, where the hell they got this twin instinct. "Puhlease..," Whee In was irritated. "Don't you see?," Whee In with her oh so called simple question again, make me headache, "Guys, I'm not in a mood to play Q&A, your friend here is helpless, so pretty please just say forward,"

"Jungkook move school to Seoul so he could see you," that's it, my friends are in their delusional mind. "Pfft, what are you guys? Mind readers?," I joked I know that make them both even more annoyed as they ready were. "No, silly but you're just dumb for not notice that," "Whee In, she's just being denial,"

"Guys, among all boys in school. Why must you both paired me with Jungkook? We're grow up together!," Whee In face her giving her a look, "So, Seokjin oppa doesn't?," she mocked the oppa sounds. I sighed, "Okay, at least give me some evident other than your assumptions,"

"Remember at the sport day, early this year?," I nodded my head of course I remember it felt like yesterday. "Yeah, I do and it's the last thing I want to talk about,"

"That Jungmin guy was assaulting you," I closed my eyes shut, yes and I still feel disgusted. "Do you know that Jungkook fought with him and he even got kick out from the basketball team,". I paused at my step, the flash memory of his dark eyes was playing inside my head. He's pretty good at avoiding me ever since.

"So, he got injured because of me?," I was totally shocked, why do I found out about this after months. "Yeah you can say that,". The urge to find him right away, cross into me. "Where are you going?,". I turn my shoulder to face them, walking backwards. "I need to find him, you guys should have told me months ago,"

I ran to fasten my pace, that freaking skinny Jungkook was good at avoiding for that long. Now, I've reasons to confront him again. I walked pass his locker and it was right on time before he leave.

"Jeon Jungkook!," I shouted. I saw his eyes widen and waited for me to come near. "You're looking for me?," he blinked his eyes once as he asked. "Yes,"

We stared at each other for awhile, I'll admit. I do missed him maybe a little bit. "What do you want? I'm kinda busy actually," he said, I know very well that he making excuses to avoid me. Didn't he had enough?

"I want to talk to you," I told him and look away, suddenly it's feel wrong saying that to him. "Then, speak, I really need to rush because I've assignment to hand in," I pouted, do he really need to treat me coldly. He never pushed me aside in every occasion, he'll put me first, well, that was back in our childhood day.

"If you don't say a word, I'm going. Bye Kim," he was about to leave me but my pulse was fast enough to stopped him by the wrist. " I miss you," - well that was reflect -- but I mean it. His stern look slowly became soft and a smile also rosed on his lips. "I'll meet you after school, let's hang out at my place, is that okay?,"

"Just like the old time?,"

"'Just like the old time,"

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