Friend zone 20

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She looked at herself in the mirror before went down to wait for Bobby. "Turtle Rabbit Kim!," shouted someone from somewhere.

As she looked up to the person it was Bobby with the eyes smiled was showing. He went down from his car and went near her, "Hi, Jisoo. It's been a long time," he said. Jisoo don't even blinked once, she still feel it's surreal. "Is this really the Bobby I know?," she turned him around with all forces.

"Damn, you're getting tougher and a lot of muscles," she said in awed. The last time she saw he was skinnier. He chuckled at her reaction. "The same Jisoo, I know. Ready to go?," he offered his hand to hold which with gladly she take it. "How's life? I heard you're a song writer now," said Jisoo trying to opened up a topic. "Yup, I'm a song writer and a producer at YG entertainment,".

"No, way! It's a block away from my work place," her eyes shown excitement. "Really? We should have lunch together sometimes," he suggested. "I'd love that idea," he answered as she remembered how horrifying lunch for her lately. For the past, 3 days, Jinyoung always waited for her at the lobby to have lunch together. Jisoo found him a little bit pushover.

"Where do you want to eat?," asked Bobby, it's better to went on her appetite. "Can't we just go to McDonald's?," she smiled shyly. Beside of them wearing something casual not to formal. "Yeah sure, I'd love that as long as you're okay and comfortable,"

Bobby parked the car and Jisoo can't hold the excitement. She feel young again, she remembered back in study's year. "Do you remember we used to have a little argument every time we met?,", He nodded. "Yeah, I do.. funny how we're in different courses but we met a lot,". Jisoo pouted for awhile as she was trying to remember, "Whee In and Jay was the reasons why we always hang out back then,"

"Ah yes," as soon as they reached the counter, Bobby and her made their choices and grab their food to the seat nearby. "Say, Jisoo.. why do you up for a blind date? As far as I know, dating isn't your 'priority'," he quoted the last word with his two fingers. "And I remembered you always talked about this guy.. Soojin? Seokmin?," he tried to recalled the name.

"It's Seokjin," she sighed, "Yes.. but now he's married," she said with a little weak smile. "You okay?," he hold her hand and cares it. "I'm fine," she assured.

"I'm sorry for bringing that up," he looked away, feeling a little guilty. "Nah, it's totally fine," she chuckled. He's cute.  "Anyway, what do you look up in relationship?," he questioned.

"Actually.. to be really honest, I haven't think of it. I'm not even ready. The reason why I went to blind date is because..," she stopped for awhile as Jungkook came across her mind again. Bobby ate his fries and take a sip of his drink, waiting patiently to her to speak up finishing her words. "It's because..?," he snapped her out from her own thought.

"I want to know how love work," Bobby laughed. "Love work? You sounds like you're in confusion. Want to share about it? I'm all ears," he crossed his arms on his chest. "Are you a mind reader?," she joked.

Bobby grinned, "Nah, but I see that you're spacing out when you're searching for the right words,". She took a big bite on her burger, "There this one guy..," he hummed. "What about him?,".

"He's my childhood friend.. you can say. He's also Seokjin's brother. So, we grown up together but the problem is when he confessed..  I was overwhelmed. If I'm in relationship with him, I don't want him to feel he was just a replacement and I,myself don't even sure about what i felt for him in the future," she explained. "So, you say, you went on a blind date to get rid of him?," he asked.

"Sort of," she took her drink. "What if you actually have a feeling for him too but you're denying it?,". Jisoo sat properly, "I do have feeling for him but I'm afraid that when time goes by, I realised it wasn't the actual 'love' as a lover," she explains.

"Point taken," he mumbled.

The both of them spent time talking on a lot of things especially something they had in the past. Jisoo feel comfortable around Bobby and it wasn't feel like a date either more like a hang out with an old friend. "Ready to leave?," asked Bobby as he looked at his watch."Oh wow. We've been here for hours," exclaimed Jisoo as she does the same. Bobby grinned widely, "I guess time spent well?,"

"Yeah it is. Thank you for your time Jiwon-ah," she make a cute voices. "Oh please, don't called me that," he cringed at his korean name and she knows it. "Let's get you home, Turtle Rabbit,".

They were at the corner of the building where she lived, he was about to dropped her off but she stopped him from driving near the entrance. "Oh shoot! Bobby stop the car!," she said while holding the steering.

"Woah woah! What's wrong?," he asked. Her eyes was widen as she look at someone on the entrance. "Shoot. That's Suho guy. How did he knows where I live?," she whispered.

Bobby looked at the entrance at the building and saw a man in a white long-sleeved. "Who's that?," he asked again as he don't have a clue. "The man that I went with for the first blind date," she answered. Right after then, her phone was vibrating. "Damn, now he's calling,"

"Answer him," he suggested. "Man, I've been avoiding his calls for day. I don't want to anwer it," she said sounded a little panicked. "Relax okay, don't freak out,"

Jisoo leaned herself to her seat and trying to calm down. "So what are we gonna do?Wait here until the guy leave?,". Jisoo bit her lower lips and thinking something. She pity Bobby because it's prettt late, she don't want to burden him with her problem. Here's goes nothing, she thought.

"Can't you drop me off somewhere?,". "Sure, where do you want to go?," She gave him the address and he dropped her there.

"Are you sure you're okay?," Bobby asked before she went off the car. "I'll be fine beside it's my cousin house," she assured. "As you say so, take care and good night Soo," he drove away leaving her at the house.

She stared at the house for a moment and pressed the bell, waiting for it to be open. As she heard a footsteps, she sighed silently. "Who is it?," asked the voice but Jisoo went speechless.

As the door was opened the lady gave her a loving smile, "Jisoo, what are you doing here at this hour? It's pretty late,"

Jisoo gather her energy together. "Fay unnie, can't I sleepover here for a night?,". Fay took her into her embrace, "Sure you can, Jisoo-yah,".

"Who's that, Honey?," a voice went near them, Seokjin was also surprised to see him at their front door. "Jisoo," he called and saw she was shaking, "Are you okay?,"

"I'm okay oppa, just missing home. So, I went here," she excused. "Of course, Jisoo-ah. This is your home too," he said genuinely.

The least thing she could do, to lessen her miss for him.


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