Friend Zone 6

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"So?" Hyeri looked at her son with the teasing looks. "Mom, it's not what you think okay?,". Hyeri hummed and pouted her lips, "How did you know what I was thinking?," she teased.

He groaned, "Mom!,". Hyeri laughed at her son before decided to defeated, "Tell me, are you and Jisoo a thing?," his mom won't let him alone until he spoke out. "We're just friends okay, nothing more,"

"Oh come on Kookie, I saw the way you look at her and I even saw you kissed her in her sleep,". He closed her eyes shut feeling cringed when it came out from his own mother. "Fine! I have a crush on her, and maybe it's a little too much," he confessed. Hyeri squealed like a teenager and jump in joy as she took his hand. "Mommy is so happy for you! I ship!," she exclaimed before pinching his cheeks.

"Don't tell Jisoo or even Aunt Dara, promise me?," he want to make a deal to make it secret between the two, as a mother of course she said, "Yes, your secret is safe with me," . He sighed in relief, "Good, I'm going to take a shower," Hyeri make sure he was out of the sight and far away from her before she took her phone out from her pocket. "Hello? Dara-ya. Is Jisoo home?,"

"Not yet? Oh that's good. I have something to share..,"

She can't believe she'll attend the homecoming. Especially , her date was Jungkook. She was actually want to rejects the offer but her mom forced her to go or else her allowance will be cut off. "Jisoo, honey! Jungkook is here," her mom shouted.

"Okay, I'll be downstairs!," she shouted back, checking herself in the mirror for the last time and went out from her room. It was just a like any scene from the movies where, the girl went down stairs while her parent and the boy was waiting for her at the front door, "So, this is how it feel like," she thought to herself.

Jungkook was breathless and his tongue was speechless. Jisoo look stunning in the dress, "How do I look?," she asked but he just stayed staring at her. "I look hideous am I?," she huffed, "I should change,".

"No, you look beautiful as always," he said while holding her wirst to stopped her. Sandara grinned and hold the camera tightly. "You guys make a good couple together," she commented. "Mom!,"

"Okay, let's take photo. I don't want to miss this moment," she said before she pushed her daughter to stand beside Jungkook. "One, two.. smile!," she was satisfied with the photo she took. "This is cute, I'm going to frame this on your wedding day," she murmured but they heard her. "Mom! Seriously?,"

Jungkook was sweating because he feel a little nervous especially with both of her parent was there, "Aunt, Uncle.. we're leaving," he excused. "Oh, sure..have fun okay and make sure be back before midnight," said Soo Hyun.

"Pfft, what are we Cinderella?," Sandara rolled her eyes at his husband, "Be back whenever you want, I don't mind if she don't come back either but don't make baby just yet,"

"Mom! Seriously? Do you have to say that?," her daughter whined. Jungkook and Jisoo was blushing hard, and even Jungkook doesn't know how to respond. "Go, be wild but not so free!," Sandara pushed the two from the house and closed the door shut.

The two of them was outside alone, in silence either both don't have a thing to say, "That was awkward," Jungkook blurred out his thought. "Yes very, and thanks to my mom," she walked ahead before him. "So, you bring your motorcycle?," she asked looking around for his bike. "No, my mom rent us a car," he pointed to the Limousin. "That's our rr-i-de?," she blinked and shake her head, this feeling so unreal. "Did I stuttered?,". He grinned and took her by the hand, "Come on,".

The hall was filled with loud music and noises. "You think I can survive?," she asked her date, Jungkook with eyes shown regret about coming there, she should have just asked him to go somewhere. "Just stay by my side, you'll be alright,". To be honest, her heart was fluttered by his simple words, Why do I find it's sweet? she thought. "Euw, please, it's weird when you're being sweet talker to me," she told him.

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