Friend Zone 5

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She waited for him at the front gate, as cliche as it may sounds but she feel nervous. She haven't talk to Jungkook for months even she know she won't feel awkward but she's afraid she might fight with him again. "Ready to go princess?," those question bring her back from her thought. It was Jungkook with his black Harley-Davidson (a motorcycle)

He hand her the helmet while she blankly just stared at it, "I come prepared, I always bring extra in case my friends need a ride," Jungkook said as if he could read her mind. "Oh, is that so," she took the helmet and wear it, he notice she was a little struggle so he came near and help her. "There," he smiled once it's button perfectly.

Did my heart just beat for him? She shake her thought away, nonsense. "You okay, Kim?," he questioned because she keep spacing out. "I'm okay," "Then hope in,". She sat behind him and put her hand behind her seat. "Just hold on to me," Jungkook ordered referring to his body.

"No, I'm fine like this," he look at her through the side mirror with eyes narrowed, "Are you sure?," she was actually not sure if it's safe but holding him was the last thing she want to do. "Y-Yes,". He smirked and started the engine, "Okay, what ever you said so, Kim," he fasten the speed making Jisoo quickly move her hands to around his waist. "You stupid Jeon! You do it on purpose don't you?," she asked, eyes closed. Instead answering her question, he laughed it off. You can say, he's enjoying it.

The whole ride to his house don't take that long, He waited for her to get off first before he does. "So, princess. How's the ride?," he wiggled his eyebrows at her. Jisoo took off the helmet and slam it to his chest, "Remind me, this is the last time I ride with you!,". He truly enjoyed her reaction, so he laughed at her making her more mad than she already was.

She walk ahead before him to open the door because his house was like her second home, even though she haven't been here for months. "Is your mom home?," asked Jisoo. Jungkook just nodded his head as the answer, "Aunt Hyeri! I'm here!," shouted Jisoo through the front door. "Mom, Jisoo's here," he joined her. The called lady came out from the living room with the smile on her face.

"Oh, Pretty Jisoo! It's been so long you haven't seen you. Did you lose some weight?," Jisoo shyly smiled, "No I don't, probably I'm just getting taller," she said then she heard the boy beside her, giggling. "Yeah right," said the boy. "Mom, Jisoo and I will hang out in my room play video game," Jungkook pulled her away with him. "Oh, okay.. I'll bring some snacks upstairs for you later," her mom offered. "Thank mom, you're the best,".

"No, Aunt.. you don't have to do that. I'm okay," said Jisoo feeling like a burden. "It's fine, you're my guest anyway," said Aunt Hyeri cares her cheeks before patting her to go after Jungkook. "Jisoo, let's play bowling!,".

"Okay, and as usual the loser will buy the ice cream," she added, "Let's change the rule, the loser will be the winner's slave for one day," he smirked looking upon her reaction. "Slave?," he nodded his head, "You heard me,"

"Then, I don't want to play with you,"she sat at the edge of the bed. "Oh come on, the game haven't started yet and you already gave up," he almost whining but she still don't care, "I know you'll win because I always lose to you," she put her hand on her chest as a protest. She don't want to take the risk to be his slave.

"Fine if that scared you then, the loser will buy the ice cream," he gave in just so she'll agreed. "Okay, game on!,". While they're were playing, Jungkook suddenly have curious about the home coming, "Say, Kim. Who's your date for homecoming?,"

She was focused on the screen but she heard him talking, "I don't know, probably me, myself and I," she pouted. "I heard you've rejected every boys who asked you,". She turned to him and nodded, "Yes, pretty much like that because I don't think I'm going," she sighed and shrugged her shoulder.

"Do you want to go with me?," he asked, indeed she was a little surprised by the suddent question, "You're going?," she asked him back. "Yeah, I'm the school's athlete. So, I have the access," . "I thought you got kicked out from the team?," he laughed and shake his head, "No, I left the team myself, because it's not fun anymore,"

"Is it because the fight between you and Jungmin?,". He coughed and looked away, "Where did you heard that?,". She sighed, "Did you fight with him because of me?,". He stood up as it was his turn, "It was months ago.. you don't have to bring it up again,". The screen written strike, and he jumped a little excited trying to ignored her again.

"Jeon.. Why did you must involved yourself in my business?," she won't gave up in bringing up the topic. "Look, Jisoo, I got involved in that fight because I want to and if keep myself silent he'll do the same things to other students too. So, it's not just about you,".

She shut her mouth and look up to him. "Ok, can I ask you something?,". He nodded and gestured her to continue, "Sure,". "Why do you avoiding me?,"

"I'm not, I was busy for these past months and I just happened not seeing you at school," lies. "I saw you that day, there's a mark on your eye but you ran away from me,".

"It's just.. I don't want you to make fun of me," he excused. "So, about the homecoming, will you be my date?," he brought back the topic. "It will be our last year together because I'm moving school next year,"

"Where are you moving?," he sighed, "I forgot the name but it's a private boarding school,". The both of them suddenly forgot the game and lay down at the bed, side by side while looking up to the ceiling. "I can't believe we're growing up," she murmured.

He chuckled, remembered how they used to lay down at the field while staring up to the evening skies. "Yeah, we should hang out sometime before we leave Busan," he suggested.

She doesn't answering, "Jisoo?," he heard a soft snores. He looks to his side and the girl was already in slumber. "This girl really like to keep me hanging,". He went closer to her poke her cheek with his finger. "Your skin is still soft like a baby," he whispered.

He kisssed her forehead and patted her hair gently, while at the same time the door was swung opened and his mom saw he kissed her. "Mom!," his mood went to panicked. The mother and son looking at each other with the shooked looks on their faces.

"It's not what you think it is,"


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