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"...Excuse me, what?"

"Well, if I'm going to get something precious taken away from me, I might as well make my wish worth while." Y/N elaborated, smile still as bright as day, causing Hanako and Yashiro to look at her in absolute disarray.

"Y...Y/N! This is too much! I was supposed to wish for something first! I never agreed to your deal in the first place! You just rushed into the bathroom before I could say anything!" Yashiro pouted, pulling on her friend's sleeve. To be quite frank, the entire situation was quite jarring to the young Radish. First of all; a ghost, they thought was fake, appears out of no where and then her best friend just gives up her happiness just for the sake of others' well being? It was absolutely absurd!

While Yashiro interrupted Hanako and Y/N's introduction, the boy took the time to compose himself and get back to his regular personality. He smirked and floated in front of H/C haired girl, giving off a playful aura just like he usually did.

"Well, that was quite the show! I expected you to at least scream or even introduce yourself! You really skip formalities, don't you? Well, we should at least introduce ourselves first!" Hanako grinned as Yashiro tried to touch him, but resulted in her just going through him, startling the poor girl.

"H... Hanako? Are you really a.. a... ghost?" Yashiro flinched as she immediately hid behind Y/N, using her as a shield.

"I prefer apparition," Hanako started as he floated on top of the third stall toilet for a dramatic flair "I am the seventh of the Seven Wonders of the school, Hanako of the Bathroom!" Hanako smirked at the two girls. "It's a pleasure to meet you both."

"Now then," Hanako started as he floated to the sink and sat on top of it, only to point at Y/N, "I think you should introduce yourself first, selfless stranger!"

"Selfless? No, I act on what I believe is the right thing." Y/N shook her head before placing her right hand on her heart and the other on her hip. "My name is Y/N L/N, first year at Kamome Gakuen High School, which you should already know! I'm also an exorcist, but no need to worry! Since I absolutely hate my job and I don't like exorcising any ghost or spirits that haven't done anything towards me."

"Too bright..." Yashiro thought as she stared at Y/N's expression during her introduction. Meanwhile, Hanako was absolutely ready to disappear from existence hearing the title "exorcist."

"A.. And I'm Yashiro Nene! Also a first-year at Kamome Gakuen High School! I don't have anything too special about me, but I really want a second-year boy to like me back!" Yashiro cheered after recovering from hearing the newfound information of her best friend being an exorcist.

"That's nice and all but Yashiro, since your friend here is an exorcist," Hanako started as he turned his back to head back to the third stall with a gloomy aura "I'm not granting her wish and I'll just be on my merry way."

"Wait a minute!" Y/N grabbed him by his shoulder and spun him around, startling the poor ghost. "You need to accept my request! I'm not going to do anything to you, I swear it!" The determination in her eyes and how close the two were are what made Hanako blush and decide to give in.

"Fine, fine.. I'll grant your wish." Hanako sighed as he pulled away from the H/C haired girl's grip, slightly smirking now. "Though, you still have to pay the price in full."

"Whatever price it is, I'm willing to pay for it." Y/N complied, as Hanako got out a Mermaid scale and gave it to her. "What exactly do you want me to do with this?"

"Swallow it." Hanako replied simply, as he held a scale up to his mouth as well. The smirk on his face definitely put off Yashiro, but Y/N on the other hand was definitely not going to back down from a deal. As Y/N swallowed the scale, Hanako did the same.

"Across the border from this life and the next, we have been linked." Hanako smiled as he jumped off the sink and stepped closer to Y/N, completely ignoring Yashiro in the moment. "The mermaid scale has a curse but don't worry, I minimized the effect it had since I also swallowed one. And in exchange for this, I want.." Hanako trailed off, gently grabbing Y/N's chin and tilting it up to his face, making Y/N completely and utterly flustered. That is, until he pulled away and gave her a peace sign "you to protect me from any other exorcists and to be my friend!"

"... What?" Y/N deadpanned, a blush still present on her cheeks. Yashiro looked beyond flustered as she had witnessed the scene before her very own eyes.

"What? Were you expecting something more?" Hanako teased, causing the poor exorcist girl to tense up and her cheeks to flare up even further. "Oh why Y/N, we just met! You're quite dirty aren't you?" Hanako shook one of his fingers, an illegitimate blush evident on his features, before the said girl smacked him straight in the face.

"Shut up, you stupid ghost! What else was I supposed to suspect if you get that close to me?" Y/N argued, a blush clearly visible as the girl scowled at Hanako.

"E... Excuse me, but.." Yashiro mumbles, causing the other two to look at her. "Could I make a wish as well?"

Hanako blinked at the Radish girl before shaking his head, making an "x" with his arms. "No way!"

"What!?" Yashiro and Y/N screeched in unison. "That's no fair! You granted Y/N's wish and she's an exorcist!"

"Yeah well, she was the one who knocked on my door first, Daikon." Hanako smiled as the white-green haired girl fumed.

"Not to worry, Yashiro!" Y/N smiled, putting her hand on Yashiro's right shoulder, causing the said girl to look behind her. "Huh?" Was all Yashiro could respond with. "What could she possibly mean?"

"My wish is to make people's lives better! Which means," Y/N grabbed Hanako's hand, pulling him towards Yashiro "we're going to grant your wish! So Yashiro, what's your wish?"

"Hey! I never-" Hanako was cut off by Y/N blankly staring at him "I feel like she's staring into my non-existent soul somehow" the boy thought before getting out a notepad to write down Yashiro's wish. "Okay Yashiro! What is your wish?"

"I really want a boy to like me back!" Yashiro pulls out her phone to show a picture of a blond haired boy as a blush appeared on her cheeks. "His name is Minamoto, a second year! He's amazing! Cool, smart, and nice to everyone! One time I dropped my pencil case and he picked it up for me!"

"How do you fall in love with someone who just picked up your pencil case?" Y/N thought to herself as she sweat dropped at not only her friend, but at the notes Hanako was writing.

"Alright, I have just the solution!" Hanako smiled, handing her a book, "100 Methods of Love: This is Love."

"A how-to book.." Y/N deadpanned at the ghost. "This is what I paid my freedom for?"

"Now wait just a second!" Hanako raised a finger to Y/N to silence her before floating to the bathroom window, the book hanging from his hand. "If you want my ghostly powers to help, you need to pay a bigger price. So trust me, this is the safest option to go with."

"Well, if he says so..." Y/N sighed before turning to Yashiro again. "Alright Yashiro!" The Radish girl looked at the girl with admiration in her eyes.

"Let's start operation: Yashiro's Desperate Love!"

{ Hey guys!!! First of all, I only started this book two days ago and I am aLREADY AT #11 FOR HANAKO???? THANK YOU SO MUCH YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW HAPPY I AM THAT YOU GUYS LIKE THIS BOOK SODNSKSKKSKS

I was like "updateupdateupdate" right when I saw the ranking. I was already halfway through but I just had to finish it. Thank you for the comments and I'll see you next time!!! ♡ 👻

Word count: 1.4k
Status: Unedited }

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