Chapter 3: The Beginning

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With Emma I didn't realized how the 2 years passed and it was time for our big adventure. We left NY and wandered almost all of America, capturing different faces of America and learning about different cultures and stories about different parts of America.

It was a mesmerizing experience, as we freelanced for some local magazines of America.

During our last week of touring, i.e. November 2019, we both decided that this Christmas we'd be visiting India and we'd stay in India with my family till Thanksgiving 2020, then we'll fly to Wales, to spend the thanksgiving and Christmas with Emma's family.

She told me she does not want to spend much time with her family. So we decided to leave for Wales in mid- November 2020 and stay there till mid-January 2021, whereas, we'd be leaving for India in mid- December 2019 and stay there till mid-November 2020.

Who knew that our so perfectly planned plan would not take place as we expected it, the destiny had its own plans.

'So, now we have planned our stays for the next 2 years. Lets' enjoy our last day of tour in Texas.' I said as I rested in our warm cosy hotel room in Texas, we had just returned from our last shoot.

'No D, get up. We should go out and celebrate. You know, it's like our last day in America. Lets make it memorable.' Emma said as she beamed with excitement.

'No Em, I am too tired after our today's shoot. Lets just Netflix and chill, and enjoy all the facilities that this 5-star rated hotel has to give.' I pleaded not wanting to get up from my bed.

'Ugh! You're so boring D, you used to be so fun, but here you are now, boring human.' Saying so she stomped off into bathroom.

'Boring!? I am boring, if a guy wants to rest after a tiring day he is called boring. Huh!' I said to myself.

'What about that time when I wanted to go clubbing and you wanted to sleep, even though you had been sleeping the whole day. Biased people.' I said to Em as she emerged from the bathroom, in her comfy clothes, she ignored me, made a face and ordered some food.

We spent our last day in Texas lazying around in our hotel, eating all the delicacies offered and watching Netflix.

The next day was our flight, to Delhi. We reached at the airport early in the morning, after going through security we went up to the lounge.

I had informed my mother about my arrival and stay 1 month before. I called her again form the airport to confirm the timings.

'Yes mom, we'd land tomorrow at 10:35. Yes mom, I have all my luggage with me. and listen na, a close friend of mine is also coming. Yes ma, it's Emma, please make the guestroom ready. Ok, bye, yes, I'll message you as I board the flight. Be there. Ok ma, see you. Love you. Bye!' I cut the call with a big smile on my face.

'So, Miss Emma Anderson, ready for your stay in India for the first time.' I asked Em, as the boarding for our flight started.

'Ohh yes D, I am soo excited.' Em said her excitement visible on her face.

'And I hope you know even Shaun would be visiting India during Februrary.' I said and winked at her. Shaun was Emma's crush in NYIP, also he was one of the few people over there whom I could call my friend.

'Yes, I know.' Em said and blushed as I gave her an all-knowing smile.

We got seated into our seats. Emma was all too excited to get the window seat.

'Finally! I am so stoked D. It had been my dream to visit India, ever since I heard my uncle talk about his visit. I wanted to experience it first hand and finally my dream is coming ture.' Em said as we took off from America.

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