Her ex is back

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Someone's POV

I didn't mean to cheat on her she's just too busy to give love that I need. I miss her so much it's been 5 years and she's still the one that I love.
And now I'm entering her Cafe to win back the person I love.

"Welcome to moon caf- no Tzuyu you're not at all welcome here"

Yeri's POV

When I saw the girl who broke my friends heart it made my blood boil.

"No you can't- " I was vut off by Irene
"Calm down a bit why is she not welcome here?"
"She's Seulgi's ex that cheated on her" I whispered to Irene. Irene smiled at me and walk towards Tzuyu who is standing at the door. Is she gonna slap her?
"Oh please come in sorry for her attitude towards you you can take a sit over there" she pointed at a empty spot. God what is she thinking right now.
"Oh it's ok I know her. And Thank you for letting me in." Tzuyu smiled at Irene
"No problem I'm Irene by the way" Irene said to Tzuyu
"Im Tzuyu" she smiled at her

Sungjae popped out of no where.
"Hey who's that and why is Irene the one who is entertaining her"
"She's Seulgi's ex" I blankely said to him
"Does Irene know? And why is she here and why is Irene talking to her?"
"She knows and I don't know what's going on her mind as soon as I said that she is Seulgi's ex she calmly walk towards her and accompany her inside and being friendly with her?"
"She is crazy to be honest. She looked like calm right now but I know something's cooking on her mind" Sungjae silently observing her

"Hey Yeri one order of chocolate cake and one Americano" Irene said.
"Hey what are you doing you are nor t an employee her Seulgi will be mad at me if she knows that you are serving here especially her ex" she just smiled at me and waited for the order so that she can serve it to Tzuyu.

"Ok here it is" she thanked me and i go back to Sungjae to observe what is happening.
"Yeri do you think this will end up good I got a text from Seulgi she is coming her with Jennie." Oh that's why Irene is calm
"I think she she is planning big look at her smiling like she won the lottery. She has a secret weapon." Sungjae looked at me very confused.
"What is it"
"It's Jennie do you forget that Jennie is calling Seulgi her mommy." I said while smiling
"I told you she maybe a cute bunny outside but she can be a a bad bitch from time to time." I nodded.

Sungjae and I are watching Irene and Tzuyu talking like they're friends from a long time. But all of a sudden the door open and we saw Seulgi with Jennie entering. I saw Tzuyu is smiling but her smile was cut off when she saw Jennie and heard what Jennie called her. The show begins.

"Mommy Seulgi I want some cake and juice mommy Irene will be here right?" Jennie said.
"Yes baby she wil-" Seulgi's facial expressions suddenly change when she saw Tzuyu with Irene.

Tzuyu is about to stand but Irene sand up first and walked towards Seulgi. When she reach Seulgi and Jennie she kissed Jennie and tell something to her that we don't hear.
Jennie suddenly run towards me and Sungjae and kissed us on the cheeks. Then we watched Irene wrapped her hands towards Seulgi's nape and leaned for a kiss. But it's not just a peck on the lips they are now making out in the middle of the cafe.

"Sungjae cover Jennie's eyes I think her mother got crazy."
It's going to be a very long day.

To be continued.

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