My Girlfriend

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Irene's POV

It's been a long flight from Korea to Philippines. I'm bit tired but I'm here to enjoy and spend time with Seulgi. Seulgi planned it all and it's a bit over the top for a first official date.
We are now riding a van from airport to our hotel. I noticed that there are some houses that are still in poor condition. I noticed that Seulgi is just looking outside so I've decided to talk to her.

"Hey Seulgi are tired why are you so quiet?” she looked at me and smile.
"I'm just amazed that despite of the poor condition of those family they can smile genuinely. It's true that you have to taste the bitter side of life before you can appreciate even the smallest amount of sweetness that life gives you." I rested my head on her shoulder.
"You're right Seulgi. These view of people who are still happy despite their problem makes me appreciate more of what I have."
"Will you still love me even if I have nothing?" Seulgi asked
"Yes of course Seulgi it's you who I love no matter what you do what you have what you don't have I will love you."

She just smiled at me and rested her head into mine. We arrived at a hotel with a view of the beach. It's amazing how it looks. I changed into one-piece bikini. As I go out of my room I see Seulgi in a two piece bikini. Shit I think my cheeks are really red right now. I can see her toned body just perfection. I know that we had see but I can't remember her body that night because I'm too wasted.

"Seulgi don't you think it's too sexy for you to wear."
"No it's just normal we are on the beach. Are you sick you are really red." She touched my forehead
"No just that it's the first time I saw you on that kind of clothes."
"Oh this is your style I see."
She walked towards me in a very seductive look. Her hips are swaying from left to right. She stopped infront of me and held my hands and dragged me outside the room to the beach.
"You're checking me out too much Irene I think I'm gonna wear this kind of stuff more often."
"No I'm not checking you" shit she caught me
"Ok let's swim then let's walk around at the night market here."

We ar enjoying our self running around, playing in the water hugging and exchanging kiss. It's very romantic especially when the sun is setting.

We are now siting in the beach and I saw a lot of people staring at Seulgi. Cuz damn who wouldn't her wet look with that bikini is too hot to handle. Even girls is checking her out. Then one man suddenly approach her.

"Good evening ladies especially to you" he held Seulgi's hands and kissed it. Seulgi blushed a little. Is this bear turning into woman now ?
"Uhm excuse me can you take off you're filfty hands to my GIRLFRIENDS hand." I said in a very flat and cold tone.
"Oh I'm sorry I thought you're just friends I'm sorry for offending you" I smiled and signaled him to go.
"So I'm now your girlfriend?” Seulgi teased.
"No! Why are blushing when he kissed your hands as far as I know you're a lesbian." I said while tapping my fingers.
"Nah I just got embarrassed on what he did" Seulgi explained but I turned my back and started to walk away.
She suddenly hugged me from the back and kissed my neck. Shit she hit me on the right spot. It makes my legs weak.
"I'm sorry Irene I don't like men." She still hugging me.
"Ok ok just don't do that again." She made me to face her
"Irene can you be my girlfriend I'll do my best to make you and Jennie happy." I can see how much she loved me through her eyes. And eyes don't lie.
"Yes I'll be your girlfriend." She smiled and kissed me I kissed her back.

To be continued
The next chapter will be hot
Happy Valentine's day to everyone.

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