Chapter 2 - New Friends

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I lay in bed wishing I was home. I missed my friends and whatever family I had left to lean back on in my hometown. As I lay staring at the white ceiling, swimming in my thoughts, I heard voices come from the end of the hall behind my door.

I slid my legs out of bed, planting my bare feet on the cold floorboards and made my way to the door quietly, listening deeply for the voices which resided behind my door. I pressed my ear up against the door, placing my palms either side of my head softly on the wood. 

"You shouldn't be in here," I heard a male voice speak in an almost sarcastic tone, yet it sounded like no one I'd ever heard speak before. 

"I-I kno-sorry but, who are you?" I heard a familiar voice answer the boy, the stuttering not unusual for her. 

"I'm Miles, I live here," The boy began began, his voice highering as he seemed to make himself sound innocent, "You should go to bed," I heard the boy reply, a heavy pause spacing his sentence before the dismissal. 

Just as he finished speaking, I felt a sudden urge for a drink as my mouth had grown dry, or maybe I was just too curious for my own good. I tightly wrapped my warm fingers around the cold metal of the doorknob and swung open the door, stepping outside into the long hallway as the cold night air wafted against the exposed skin on my face.

"Hey?" I heard the same male voice on my left as I stood in the hallway, except this time, he was the one who sounded confused. 

I turned my attention to the boy. I noticed he had long, curly black hair which sat comfortably on his shoulders which seemed to follow a narrow frame. He wore a tie around his neck which was perfectly straight, along with a navy blazer which seemed to be far too oversized for his figure.

As he approached me, I could feel his eyes study every inch of my body, making me feel uncomfortable yet not intimidated. I wrapped my arms around my body as I felt exposed to him, like I knew he was able to see right through me, or more through my shorts and shirt. 

"Hey, I-I don't believe we've met" I copied my aunties stutter as I forced my body to face his.

He situated himself before me and leaned his shoulder on the wall casually, forcefully shoving his hands in his pockets with a small, toothy smirk on his face.

I saw his eyes travel from my legs to my face, causing goosebumps and raised hairs to shoot up every area his eyes met, "I'm Miles, you must be Elizabeth," He said with confidence, almost like he owned the place. 

I smiled subtly, diverting my eyes to the floor and back up at his. I couldn't help but grow nervous under his gaze, my stomch tying itself into untiable knot. 

"So, I guess I'll see you tomorrow" I dismissed him as I turned quickly on my heel and made my way towards the steps of the mansion, finding myself wondering how he knew my name. The bare skin on the bottom of my feet swept against the soft carpet which coated the landing and staircase, causing memories from my old life to intrude on my current thoughts. 

"Where are you going? You don't want to walk this house alone, trust me," Miles warned as he strode past me, grabbing my wrist and guiding me down the steps, instantly wiping the memory from my head. 

His skin felt cold but soft against my own, his boney fingers pressing against the veins in my wrist and making me squirm ever so slightly from the pressure. 

"Okay?" I muttered to myself as I was forced to follow the boy, feeling him tug gently on my arm as he guided me through the lit corridor. 

I walked into the kitchen, the cold tiles on the floor making the goosebumps rise all over my body this time. I suddenly got a very negative feeling about Miles, like that feeling when you're sixth sense kicks in, that feeling of dread in the pit of your stomach. The hairs on the back of my neck stood on end and my chest felt tight, not from the cold air filling my lungs or wafting against my bare skin. 

Thoroughbreds//The Turning [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now