Growing up in the streets of new York isn't easy, especially if your new York is filled with gangsters and mad men to the casing and the filler.
Meet delorean soll, a strapping young black gentlemen, though he can act dark at times and sort of pessimistic, he still possess a pure heart.
Meet Christopher Liam, the whole opposite mostly of delorean, a strapping and young black gentlemen who's always optimistic and enjoys life despite his neglectful, at times, parents, he's pure of heart, although, he follows the rules and dislike vigilante justice usually. This adventure changes the both of them.
Meeting in the 5th grade, these two best friends fight crime as the hero duo known as "the dignified sticks", Two young black teens trying to make it rich at the young Age of 15 in more industrialized and crime filled, new york. As 2017 was their year, they thought to be happy, of course until...
Delorean sees an antique shop seeking old weapons and artifacts for his brother like close friend. Inside the shop with glass doors and an old bell ringing each time someone enter, delorean sees a 40 to 50 year old looking man standing at a Cash register, delorean checks out the old looking things on display like they're supposed to be for an old antique shop.
The man was white, atleast 6'0 feet and had no facial hair, he wore regular jeans and a regular T-shirt. He looked like your average older white man who runs a small shop.
Nothing special looking one bit.-Delorean: (Just as he walks into the shop and the bell rings like normal)
"Hey old man, I'm looking for some presents two great friends could enjoy together."-Antique shop clerk: "I'm not old, I'm ancient, I could be your grandfather's great times 20 grandfather young man!"
-Delorean: "Yeah right, I'm just looking for some gifts, not your life story old man!"-Antique shop clerk: "Well... feel free to look around my shop, this isn't just an antique shop, it's a unique shop, there are many artifacts and ancient things in here that i collected from the universal author's story books!"
-Delorean: "Those books are pure myth, those books remind me of comic books and clearly, those are made up, there's no "Supreme forge" or "Angelic family" Who has run away children in this world."
-Antique shop clerk: "Ok, well... just feel free to look around and enjoy the many authentic, amazing artifacts here then young man!"
<Delorean turns his head towards a shelf and that's when he flashbacks to his friend telling him in the 7th grade that he enjoys Bo - staffs and spots a pair of escrima, each filled and customized with weird symbols, he's never seen before and decides to buy them, escrima sticks for him though!-Delorean:"Hey man, how much for these custom wooden weapons?"
"Are they for decoration or something, which is why they're weird like this old man?"-Antique shop clerk: "Oh no, young boy, these are very powerful and old works of magical weapons custom enchanted."
-Delorean: "Ooohh, sounds fancy, sounds like these can be pretty dangerous for some wood then, we all know magic doesn't exist."
-Antique shop clerk: "Fun fact actually, I made these myself!"
-Delorean: "So you carve shapes from wood and can make symbols, woopee..."
-Antique shop clerk: "They'll be 20$ kid, 10 each, cheap deal for what they're actually worth honestly, I'm just on a clearance sale now!"
-Delorean: (Delorean pays the 20$)
"How much for that copy of the Universal Author's, "Stories of universe 1" you selling there?"-Antique shop clerk: "They're cheap but the stories in this book are very real and assumably, as well, the other books, one story is more than real atleast young boy!"
-Delorean: "Yeah, yeah, yeah, we all know they're not real one bit!"
-Antique shop clerk: "that'll be another 10$ young man!"
<Delorean pays the money and goes outside and walks home as it's 5:00 PM, of course, he walks home.
It all begins when delorean wanted to celebrate Christopher's birthday, finding a weird antique shop, delorean was always a nerd, he knows how much Christopher likes swords and weapons and so from some creepy man who work at the shop, delorean bought a wooden bo-staff and 2 wooden escrima sticks to celebrate the day, however...(The night of Christopher's birthday after school, March 15th, 8:20 PM, dell and Chris is on the phone with eachother)
-Christopher: "What did you buy me?"-Delorean: "Yooo, I got you some wooden decoration weapons bro!"
-Christopher: "What the heck?"
"I thought i told you that i don't like wooden weapons anymore though!"-Delorean: "Ohh, that's right dude, didn't you say your mom slipped on your kendo staff you left laying around and she slipped on it falling down the basement stairs so badly, she needed some surgery done?"
-Christopher: "Bruh, that was my grandma man!"
"Yeah though, that's why, sad day."
"Don't you ever put the drugs down and listen man?"-Delorean: "NOPE!"
(Delorean begins to laugh!)
"OK.. OK, I'll return the damn things!"-Christopher: "Thanks.. YOU BETTER NOT HAVE GOTTEN ME SOME OF THOSE WOODEN STICKS, like that one guy who wears a tight blue suit and is always being cheerful and nice, ugh, I can't stand that character dude, I'm not that into comics anymore, but he still is lame to me honestly!"
-Delorean: (Begin to laugh nervously!)
"Yeah man... I know you hate that character... why I didn't get you them, just a staff, of course like your old one."<There is some truth to what he said, he's a big fan of that character as he's the only one of them that actually reads comics, Chris just skims over his comics and isn't a die hard fan of them, he's not that much of a reader.
Just as Delorean walks back to the shop... he's greeted by 5 thugs who wants to rob him for his money, being scared, Delorean does the only thing that makes sense.
Just as one of the thugs come after him, Delorean tries to run but all the thugs tackle him down quickly and begins to jump him and stomp him until he begins to bleed and the thugs rip off delorean bag and one of them tries to reach into his pockets.Delorean is rolled into a cradle like a baby, beaten and hurt.
Delorean is having flashbacks of his best friend, his mom who's missing and his abusive dad, the thugs beat delorean to a bloody pulp constantly as he puts up a struggle, finally delorean has gotten hit enough and his head bashed in and is really brought to near-death.The thugs finally quit and just as they have robbed him of everything he has, one of them picks up an escrima stick and begins to walk off with the others but before they could get too far away, Delorean gets back up but has changed, delorean's eyes are electric blue with electricity flowing all around him and the sky's become grey and groups up above the situation going on!
One of the thugs begin to say "Heh, cheap trick kid!" But half of the rest are cowering in fear.They all stand where they are for a while as the sky gets worse and worse, then finally, delorean screams out, "FOR THE KING OF KLESE AND HIS KLESIAN ARMY, YOU SHALL DIE!" As electricity is crackling all around him.
However, faster than the eye can see, he grabs one of the thugs and hold him up by an arm with one hand, a feat no normal man can do, however, he passes out but everything the thugs saw was enough to make them pee their pants and quit crime for good as they all run away and cower in fear dripping pee and dropping what they robbed from delorean as they run.
The angle cuts to a mysterious being up top a roof looking down on poor, hurt delorean, the 15 year old kid.
The mysterious character says as he was watching, "Nope, not demons but men" then jumps off leaving the story of course!
Delorean wakes up 15 minutes later, remembering it all but is still hurt as he muskers up strength to make it back home again!
The dignified sticks!
Poesia4th book published! This story is about two friends battling criminals and monsters alike with the power of what one calls... THE POWER OF THE STICKS!... merely wooden sticks. Longer running books! I'll keep adding more until possibly part 20-60? Th...