Two Kangs?

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( Teacher school AU:
Where Jae and Brian are married yet none of the students realise)

Wonpil sighed deeply, trying to block out the irritating remarks of his best friend and focus on the teacher who his dear friend was blabbering about. This was the first time they met their new music teacher, the other one dropped out, probably because of him and the others to be honest. But hey, if you sign up to be a teacher you have to be prepared to put up with snarky college students.

The blonde professor smiled to the class, placing his laptop and notes onto the desk.

"Omg he's so hot though. Do you think he's single?

Should I ask him?

We're only two years apart apparently.

That's not much right?

What if he's straight. Gosh that'd be awkward.

However not as awkwa-"

"OH FFS JINYOUNG SHUT THE HELL UP!" He snapped, glaring at the unbothered man next to him. "He is literally wearing a wedding ring. Are you blind or just stupid?!"

Jinyoung rolled his eyes and finally decided to pay proper attention on the professor.

"Hey guys my name's Mr Kang but you can just call me Jae for short cause none of y'all are babies anymore and tbh I don't care for formalities," he started, writing his name messily on the board, "I'll be your new music teacher from now on. So, any questions?"

No one spoke a word before Jinyoung slowly started to raise his hand. Wonpil closed his eyes and prayed he wouldn't ask what he thought he would.

"Sir.....are you single?"

There it is. Wonpil sighed and shook his head, he's so embarrassing.

Jae raised his eyebrows with surprise from the sudden question before smiling gently and lifting up his left hand, pointing at his ring finger. "No sorry bro, better luck next time,"

All the students sniggered before the lesson finally began.

"And then he asked if he was single," Wonpil giggled whilst explaining the interesting story to his boyfriend Dowoon and his friend Sungjin during lunch.

"Gosh he's embarrassing," Sungjin started, shaking his head fondly.

"Do you know what I heard though," Dowoon began, intriguing the other two men on the table, "Apparently theres been rumours on how two teachers were making out in the hallway after school yesterday. No one could figure out who they were though as their faces were covered."

The two boys gasped at the new gossip before Sungjin groaned, slamming his head on the table.

"It'll be impossible to find out. There are so many teachers here that I don't even know half of their names," he sighed, the other two agreeing.

They all discussed about the new couple before a loud obnoxious whisper interrupted them from the table behind.


All three students turned their simultaneously to the not-so-quiet voice and their eyes widened at the sight.

Jae was smacking another teacher around the back of the head and the thing was the other didn't even look bothered. To be perfectly honest he didn't even looked like he minded.

The others teachers chuckled knowingly at the pair of music professors before continuing their previous conversation.

Dowoon, Wonpil and Sungjin all looked each other questionably. Before Dowoon broke the silence.

"Did that seem weird to you?" 
Both boys nodded at the maknae before the bell went off signalling the end of lunch.

As Wonpil was walking to Chemistry, he stopped in his path and dropped his jaw.


They're both Kangs.

This just got interesting.


As soon as last period ended, Wonpil ran to Sungjin and Dowoon, frantic and desperate. Dowoon frowned at the odd sight of a panicking Wonpil and asked, "Babe are you alright you look like you're running from a stampede?"

Wonpil panted before taking a deep breath and standing up straight and began to explain. "Ok listen guys I think might have a lead on the secret couple,"

Sungjin gasped, "Do tell."

"Ok so when I was in music the guy who was whispering in lunch, very loudly might I add, was my new music teacher and introduced himself as Mr Kang. Now he's the juicy part. The other man who he was 'attacking' was explained to be called Kang Younghyun. See where I'm going here?"

Dowoon thought for a moment before a wave of realisation hit him. His eyes widened before he choked out, "They're both Kang!"

Wonpil nodded enthusiastically, jumping up and down. "THEY COULD BE MARRIED!" He squealed loudly.

"Now, now," Sungjin started, "We can't assume that. They could just have the same surname. Kang is a common last name. However they did seem fairly close..."

The pair of boyfriend's nodded at the eldest.

"That's why were going to spy on them after school today..." said Wonpil sneakily, smirking at his two friends.


"Babe you've gotta stop shouting at me, I swear I'm gonna go deaf," the fox-eyed man told his partner who sat on the edge of his messy desk inside the empty classroom. The blonde rolled his eyes at his exaggerative husband before sitting on his lap and wrapping his arms around the others neck. The younger smirked before smashing his lips against the others, the taste of strawberry chapstick on the elders lips. He slid his tongue over the blondes bottom lip, the hands around his waist getting rougher against the thin cotton. Jae moaned quietly at the contact before Younghyun pulled away, leaving the two panting and breathless.

"We should probably go soon it's getting late and Jisung needs picking up from the babysitters at 6:30" the brunette mumbled, rubbing his hands lovingly against the sides of his lover before planting another small peck on his plump lips.

Jae sighed before gently resting his head in the crook of the others neck, "Brian we really need to stop kissing in school. Did you hear the rumours?"

Younghyun chuckled, kissing the pouting blonde again. "Yeah I heard all right. Students are too dumb to figure it out though. We've been married three years babe"

Jae chuckled and nodded his head, "True. I'm still surprised no one figured it out yet. I literally have your surname for crying out loud"

Brain hummed and wrapped his arms round the frail boy's waist, grabbing his red chequered scarf and wrapping it round his neck but not before kissing it of course. Kisses always come first.

"Let's go home baby" the younger locked his hands with his husband and walked out the music room hand in hand ready to pick up their son after a long day.


"I TOLD YOU THEY WERE MARRIED!" A loud whisper erupted from behind the wall.

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