The Life of a Captain (part 1)

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(Pirate AU: where Jae and Brian are the captains of the ship and are fed up with their son)

Brian hummed gently, smiling at the feeling of the calm breeze caressing his face as he looked ahead onto the shimmering sea, the familiar taste of salt sitting on his tongue. The red feather sticking out of his black hat fluttered as did the fabric of his white cotton blouse, the rolled up sleeves showing his tanned forearms and the couple of undone buttons revealing his toned chest. The golden earring that hung from his ear and the silver sword strapped to his hip sparkled in the Mediterranean sunlight, the large wooden wheel resting in his hands as he moved the ship to his command, sparing a few glances at the crew working in front of him on deck in the daytime heat.


Captain Kang was raised and born on this ship and inherited it from his late mother, who was known to be one of the greatest pirates of the decade, giving great power to the family name despite the sexist remarks. He never understood why people thought she would perform worse as a leader due to her gender as to him, she was his greatest inspiration. After her death, he became the new captain and stood behind the wheel triumphantly, seeing the entire ship in a new perspective before beginning the journey to who-knows-where.

A couple of years had passed and the young captain decided a long-earned break was needed for the crew members so decided to stay at the nearest port for a couple of days. The captain's men all stayed at the inn, drinking beer all night and flirting with women to their hearts delight however disgusting both ideas seemed to Younghyun. He happily stayed on his ship, guarding it in case any intruder decided to waltz their way onto his property, a mistake they'd soon regret.

He sat on the tilted chair, his legs resting on the wheel and his hat laying on his face peacefully until his parrot squawked loudly. Brian frowned and removed the accessory covering his sight, standing up silently from his place at the top of the ship. He stared curiously at the slightly grubby blonde boy who walked with astonishment across the deck, his finger gently tracing the lines of the planks holding the boat together as if they were the most interesting part of the ship.

Younghyun couldn't clearly see the boy's face that well so walked closer towards him, trying to be as quiet as possible before clearing his throat at the unwanted guest.

The stranger whipped his head around, his eyes widening at the sight of the intimidating pirate. Brian wasn't gonna lie, even with the dirt smudged on his face, the boy was kind of cute.

Personally the stranger had never seen a pirate before but he'd heard stories of them, scary ones at that, of murders who sailed the seas to kill people for fun. The boy knew they were dangerous but couldn't help but be interested by them, wondering what it felt like to be free on the ocean. He thought they'd be ugly and shit but he didn't expect them to be so......handsome? Although it didn't matter if he was pretty or not when the fact still stood that he could chop his head off at any moment.

"Do you have a certain reason to be wondering around my ship?" The scary man asked, his deep voice sending chills down the boy's spine.

He cleared his throat before answering shakily, "I-I'm so sorry Mr C-captain but I'd always heard of pirate ships and t-this one fit the description so I decided to check it out...." The boy did not dare to look the man in the eye in case he was decapitated for doing so.

The pirate frowned in confusion and questioned, "Why did you come here when you knew pirates could be dangerous?" To be fair the man had a point.

"I find them q-quite cool," the other whispered, almost embarrassed about his answer as he blushed and rubbed his neck. Younghyun chuckled at the nervous stranger finding it slightly endearing how the man would risk his life due to his curiosity.

"I like you, you're interesting," he replied, laughing even further when the boy looked as if he'd seen a ghost. "What's your name?"

"J-Jae," the blonde replied, smiling very slightly at the pirate, still cautious but not as terrified as he was. The latter extended his hand and said,

"I'm Captain Kang but you can call me Younghyun," Jae nodded and slowly reached his hand to meet the others, shaking it hesitantly. "Don't worry I'm not gonna kill you or anything," Brian said, rolling his eyes before chuckling at the red man standing in front of him as if he read the other's mind.

"You like kinda scrubby I'm guessing you have it rough around here?" Jae nodded at the pirate's question before replying with a bit more confidence.

"Yeah I live on the streets by myself. My parents left ages ago," Younghyun frowned before smiling at the idea that popped into his head.

"You said you found pirates cool right?" Jae's eyebrows furrowed in confusion but nodded anyway, "So would you like to become one yourself?"

"What do you mean?" Jae asked, not understanding where the captain was going with this.

"Join my crew," Brian explained, smirking at the other's surprises expression. "You don't have anything here so why not leave it behind and start living you life properly?" Jae grinned, laughing slightly at the impossible invitation he had just received before nodding furiously at the pirate.

Brian chuckled and strode towards the door leading to the cabins, his parrot landing on his shoulder excitedly as if he understood the situation. "Come on Jae, your training starts now, we have 3 days until we leave port so we better get started," he said before opening the door and motioning the elder to follow him. Jae grinned and replied,

"Yes Captain!"

Years had passed since the two had met and the two gradually grew closer together, Jae finally living his life to the fullest and not one bit regretting his decision of leaving the island. The two boys were only young but they were experienced having gone through hardships and carrying heavy responsibilities. The duo became best friends, Jae basically becoming Brian's left hand man.

The two were inseparable until one day the captain confessed to his best friend, realising he's been in love with the other for the entire time but was too stupid to realise. Jae obviously accepted, after all, he had also been hiding his true feelings for last few months. Brian immediately removed him from hard chores after announcing his new boyfriend to the crew. He wasn't going to make his lover work for him like that, he was too special.

Soon after that the couple were married, Jae becoming the second Captain of the Red Rose and helping Brian with the jobs of a leader, standing with him as they led the large ship together.

It wasn't long after that the two debated on whether or not to start a family, thinking that the position they were in was too stressful and dangerous to have a little one running around on the deck.

"I know it's dangerous baby but if we don't do it now when will we ever have the chance?" At this point Jae was begging his husband, knowing too well that the other was arguing purely for the fact that the pirate life was a dangerous path and could endanger their child. The blonde was relentless until the other finally caved in and agreed, accepting the fact that it will have to happen at some point.

That's when baby Jisung was born (idk how just use your imagination). The small child cried as Jae held him in his arms swaying to and fro, smiling at his husband who was attempting to make the baby stop sobbing by making funny faces. Jisung sniffled and gurgled at his fathers, waving his small arms around in the air cutely.

The boy continued to grow, becoming more handsome every day, taking after his parents.

"Wow looks like Sungie is already acting like a pirate," Brian chuckled as he stared at the toddler sitting on the deck, his daddy's hat halfway down his face as he tried to tie the knots in the rope. Jae giggled at his son, agreeing with his lover before pecking his lips and helping the crew with the cargo.


Soon the small innocent toddler became a teenager, a dashing pirate of the age of 17, his sword skills almost as good as his father's and his heart as pure of gold.

And that's where we are now, the age that really started to tick his parents off had arrived.

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