Paint Ball

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(Where Brian betrays Jae in paint ball but somehow makes up for it)

"Why did I agree to this?" Jae complained, strapping on his helmet tiredly, zipping up his plastic outfit. Unfortunately, Jae had been dragged out of his room to do something 'productive' by his group members because apparently his health was at risk. He hardly believed that one outing to the paint ball centre would do him any good to be honest. Actually he was positive that this would bring him more pain and bruises compared to if he was laying in his bed peacefully on his phone. He couldn't see how tweeting shit on Twitter and reading memes would be worse for his health than being hit multiple times with paint balls. Yes, he was confident nothing good would come out of this. This was a bad idea but it's not like he could get out of it this time.

Sungjin rolled his eyes and helped Dowoon with his outfit before replying, "Hyung stop being pessimistic. It's good to go out once in a while whether you like it or not."

Jae frowned, "Stop sounding like my mum it's creeping me out," Wonpil laughed and nodded in agreement, Sungjin mumbling furiously at the two ganging up on him.

"Is everyone ready?" Brian asked, an excited grin plastered on his face as he gripped his gun. Jae couldn't understand how he thought something like this was going to be fun. However, Brian was always more adventurous than him and this proved it.

Everyone nodded before running into the black room, the multicoloured lights flashing frantically to the beat of the loud music as excited screams and shouts could be heard throughout the massive centre. God this was going to give him a headache later.

"GO!" Dowoon shouted before sprinting down the nearest ramp, Wonpil soon running after him. Either they had made an alliance beforehand or Wonpil was targeting him. It didn't matter to Jae anyway, he would probably hide in a dark corner for the entire game. It was the least exhausting and safest explanation. But for now he had to run to actually find that place so he did just that. He gripped his gun tightly as he sprinted up the ramps, ducking behind walls to avoid incoming paint balls and shooting attackers.

He ran until he finally found a spot to hide, a small corner behind a wall on the top floor, not too obvious but not the safest place either. But then again, was anywhere safe? He sat down with a huff, panting and sweating more than he had all month, his throat parched as if he'd been in the desert. On the bright side, at least he hadn't been shot yet.

'I wonder how the others are doing' he thought 'I hope they've all been shot. Serves them right for forcing me to come here'

All of a sudden, the sound of heavy stomping could be heard from the other side of the wall, their pants more of a wheeze as they gasped for air. 'Wow they actually tried' he thought. Jae shut his mouth and controlled his breathing, trying not to make a sound so he wasn't heard by the person next to him. He didn't want to be shot thank you very much.

The footsteps slowed down but grew closer, coming to the end of the wall.

'Please don't see me, please don't see me' Jae prayed in his head. He watched as the front of a shoe peered round the side, the tip of a gun facing towards Jae's chest menacingly.

Jae gulped, waiting to see the face of the attacker so he could forever hold a grudge against him and fortunately for him, he did. The room was dark but Jae could clearly see the man's defined face and even the sweat dripping down his tanned forehead.

"Brian?!" Jae shrieked, surprised that his annoying attacker was his best friend but he wasn't completely dumbfounded or disappointed, that means Jae could blackmail him later on. However, that didn't mean he would go down without a fight.

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