The Life of a Captain (part 2)

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Brian's tranquil memory train was soon cut off by a soft kiss to his neck and the feeling of his husband's head laying on his shoulder. He smiled and wrapped his arm around the blonde's small waist, noticing the absence of the large black hat that usually sat on his blonde hair.

"Jisung hid it again," Jae groaned, knowing that his lover was going to ask about it sooner or later. Brian rolled his eyes and spun the wheel slightly, making sure they were on the right track.

"That little fucker, what's gotten into him recently? It's like he's trying to piss us off on purpose," he sighed, scolding his son mentally for causing so much trouble. He didn't spend 17 years of his life raising his son to be a salty brat.

"Tell me about it. The other day he waxed the deck so it was slippery for an entire day. I didn't tell the crew it was him, I was too embarrassed," Jae complained, rubbing his head in annoyance and stress. Brian frowned at the action and kissed his forehead, patting his husbands backside fondly.

"Go and get some rest, I'll take care of everything. I'm thinking of changing course so we meet up with Sungjin's ship. I'm sure Jisung will be happy to see him and maybe it will stop him from acting like a little bitch," Brian smiled at Jae's cute giggle and watched as his husband nodded and retreated to their bedroom for a rest.

He'd check up on him later, but right now he needed to have a serious talk with his mischievous son. He looked at the parrot on his shoulder and stroked its feathered head.

"Bring Jisung over here," he said to the bird, tightening his bandana as the parrot flew towards the teenage boy who sat on the edge of the ship, practising his rope knots. The boy saw the multi-coloured bird land next to him and sighed with agitation.

"Dad wants to see me huh?" Jisung asked the bird, not expecting an answer but feeling the need to do so anyway. Crackers was his buddy, he had to talk to him. "I cannot be bothered to do this shit," he moaned, standing onto his feet and jumped off the side. He slowly slumped up the stairs towards his father, his grunts over-exaggerated and moody.

Jisung looked towards his father to see him taking his hat off and placing it onto the steering wheel, Crackers returning to his place at his shoulder once again. The teenager gulped worriedly, hint number one, his father doesn't take his hat off unless something is serious or if he's in big trouble. Getting on the bad side of Kang Younghyun, captain of the Red Rose was a big no-no. The crew members saw the action and looked away quickly, also knowing that the outcome was not gonna end well, deciding that not even listening would be a good option.

"So Kang Jisung," Brian started, hint number two, his father only uses his full name when he is not happy with him, increasing the pounding of the younger's heart even further, "Your father tells me you've been up to some mischief is that correct?" He asked, his eyes seemingly calm but raging behind the relaxed facade as he leaned against the side of the boat, his arms crossed against his chest.

Jisung gulped, so this what it was about. Yep, he was screwed. He just nodded, looking down at the ground hoping that he wasn't going to make him prepare the entires crews' dinner like his last punishment.

"Do you want to explain what that's all about then?" Younghyun asked, honestly curious as to why his angel son had turned so devilish.

Jisung bit his lip, to be honest he was quite embarrassed about the reason and didn't truly know why he did it either but there was no other choice than to tell the truth.

".......I have a crush on this crew member and I heard he liked bad boys," he whispered, his cheeks turning the colour of the feather on his father's hat as Younghyun just stared at him with no expression whatsoever.

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