Chapter 6

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(I love this picture it's beautiful)

Shoto Todoroki P.O.V

I opened the door and was surprised to be honest. Bakugou had Deku pinned to the bed though a leg pressing his groin Bakugou was trying to force feed him the heat pills. He looked over at me "Help me would ya?! Its a little hard to hold back when he looks like this!" I held back from laughing and crawled onto the bed. I grabbed the pills and put them in my mouth, i almost choked on the taste. I gripped his jaw and kissed him pushing them into his mouth.

"There" i said making it seem like it was easy, he bit my tongue. Deku calmed down after about 10 minutes finally letting him go Bakugou rolled over panting, "that hard?" He scoffed looking over at me "of course not, this fat ass is hard to control." He slapped Dekus ass and earned a squeak. "D-Dont do that, i said i was S-sorry!" Bakugou shrugged it off.

"Hey Deku" he hummed looking up at me "You should move in with us" his face reddened and his eyes widened. "Wh-wh-what are you sure?!" I gripped his hands and leaned close to his face "of course" i then kissed him. His lips are soft, warm, and inviting. I pulled away and he practically melted into my arms "O-K" Bakugou chuckled "he's broken now" he said sitting up and crawling over to us. Deku sprung up when feeling Bakugous hands on his thighs. "Wah!!" Deku screamed when He pulled on his thighs to put him in a laying position. "Go to sleep" Deku tried to resist but yawned.

"Ok fine...." He turned over and snuggled into the blankets. 'So cute' "ill wake you up for dinner later" he nodded and we soon heard cute breaths.

Bakugou started making Katsudon peacefully for once while i watched TV. "Done!" He yelled to me placing it on plates.

I stood up and walked into the room seeing the cutest thing ever. Deku was curled slightly in a ball gripping part of the sheets, his mouth slightly parted with a little drool on the side. You could still see the red hue from his heat. I crawled onto the bed and over to him, "Deku~ Dinners ready" i rubbed his cheek lightly "5 more minutes~" he said flipping onto his stomach trying to drown out the noise.

So i did what everyone would do....

I laid on him, my legs on each side of his and my hands hugged his waist tightly. "You have to get up babe" i whispered into his ear. "Nooooooo~ i don't wanna" He grumbled.

I scattered kisses up his bare neck before lightly biting down and sucking on the pale tender spot that laid right next to his scent gland. "A-ah~" he moaned as i nibbled on the patch of skin. "Sh-Shochan~" he crackled my name out "hmm?" I hummed as more of a question continuing my 'work' "P-Please ah~" i moved to a new spot creating a new one, rubbing his sides warmly "Ah hng~" he started panting lightly and i moved my arms up intertwining our hands.

"What are you two doing?" I felt Deku flinch and i slowly pulled away keeping him pinned down. "Nothing much" i looked at him "Your making his scent go crazy" he scowled "Well dinners done so hurry up and get up" he walked back out.

I sat up and off of him helping him up. I used my sleeve and wiped his neck from any wetness. I laid my hand on his cheek "To cute" then i walked away.

Izuku Midoriya P.O.V

"W-w-what?! I am not!" I ran after him and my mouth started watering, Katsudon "MY FAVORITE!!" I ran over and hugged Kachaan "thank you!!" I kissed him on the cheek and quickly sat down. "Mmm delicious Kachaan" i smiled scarfing it down.

I finished pretty quickly but ended at the same time as them. "Are you sure i shouldn't sleep at home tonight?" They both nodded and i sighed "i dont want to intrude" i mumbled "you wont" i jumped in surprised "you guys could hear me?" They nodded and i sighed "Alright"

"Is it ok if i take a shower then?" I said putting my bowl in the sink after rinsing it off. "Yea ill get you a towel and some clothes, Shochan said walking into the room. I was washing the dishes and reaches to the cupboards to put the bowls away. Two hands pinned me to the counter and I shivered from the breath on my neck. I turned my neck to see Kachaan "wh-what are you doing?" He growled possessively wrapping his arms around my body holding me tightly. I liked it because i felt warm and safe. I felt his breath on the side of my scent gland that Shochan hadn't touched before he roughly bit on it and began sucking "Wai- Ah~!" I suddenly moaned "why all of a sudden?" He hummed into my neck licking over the what i can assume was purple hickey and moved to the next empty space starting another one before responding to me "Done. I was still hungry~" he whispered into my ear before walking away. I shivered at the thought, my face was bright red for sure.

I walked into the bathroom and seen the towel and clothes ready there. "Thanks Shochan!" I yelled out hearing a muffled 'your welcome' before i closed the door.

I stripped out of my school clothes and placed them neatly on an empty part of the counter. I then started the shower turning it to the perfect temperature not to hot and not to cold. After i hopped in I immediately started scrubbing myself clean, making sure to wash my hair with the cool cinnamon shampoo and conditioner i used a mint body wash. I paid extra close attention to washing my ears and tail. When i got to my butt i felt my heat linger but i quickly shut it away. "Damn heat" I mumbled  turning the water off and wrapping the towel around me. 'So soft' i snuggled into the towel for a while before deciding to dry off.

"Today was.... Interesting" i looked in the mirror and almost shrieked when i seen the purple bruise like hickeys on my neck. They didn't hurt but Whyyyyyy?

I pulled the black volleyball shorts along with a white t-shirt that for some reason said Karasuno on it.... hm (don't know wtf is wrong with me just making a reference)

I waddled out of the bathroom before making a run to the bedroom as soon as i seen how dark it was. I jumped on the bed and crawled under the blankets to get in between them. "Hey~" i said quietly and they both turned my way. One set of arms around my waist and the other around my chest. "Hmmm thanks you guys" "i love you" we all said in unison. "Hehe" i lightly giggled. After a while of silence i felt myself loosing consciousness "Haahm Goodnight" (that was a yawn btw 😂)

Here is another wonderful chapter if i do say so myself. I know my terms like 'your' aren't used correctly but... you guys know what I'm saying in the story and I'm not trying to be a professional writer.

Feel free to.....




Follow me because I'm desperate

See ya guys next week~~

Word Count: 1261

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