Chapter 9

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Im just kinda putting Haikyuu Pictures i guess Lol...

Katsuki Bakugou P.O.V

I woke up before the others heading to the bathroom to fully wake up. I pissed and Washed my hands before marching out to the Kitchen. I turned the stove on and quickly made the batter for pancakes. It didn't take me long to make them so I set a few on a plate and put them in the microwave for the others to eat. I ate mine with lots of syrup, like normal. I watched as Todoroki grumbled walking out of the room and to the microwave grabbing his serving.

He sat in the chair across from me and started eating, I had just finished so I got up and washed my dish. I walked to our room to wake up the little bunny. I quietly walked in the room and closed the door half way, crawling onto the bed and over to the peaceful cute face of my Omega.

I leaned down and planted kisses up his neck, to his jawline, and then all over his face until my lips landed on his. My arms hugged his Waist lifting him from the bed, I felt him slowly move and then his arms wrapped around my neck "hmm" I hummed a smirk forming on my face. I hugged him closely to my chest, I felt him tug on my hair softly. I pulled away reluctantly as we had to breathe, I lightly laid him back down laying down on him hugging him still. I laid in between his legs my head resting on his chest, I heard him start purring "God I love that" I mumbled closing my eyes and unconsciously nuzzling my head into him.

"Kachaan we have school" Deku said rubbing my head and I growled. I sat up and he pecked me on the cheek before we both got up and I left him so he could change.

Izuku Midoriya P.O.V

I got up feeling all warm inside, I changed into my school uniform (yes they have uniforms not sure if I told you that before) and hurried out to the kitchen eating breakfast pretty fast. I finished my morning routine by brushing my teeth and putting my green curls in place. I walked out of the bathroom and slipped on my bright red sneakers. Hopping over to my boyfriends almost literally I sat in between them and looked over Shochans shoulder to see what he was doing. I smelt something really good coming from him and I leaned my head on his shoulder sniffing slightly. I lifted his arms up and climbed under sitting on his lap facing him. I put my head on his shoulder and sniffed his scent gland willingly. "What's this?" He asked and I giggled, "You just smell so good~" I rubbed my nose on him trying to smell as much as possible. "Were gonna be late" I heard Kachaan say but I ignored him and started purring. I felt Shochans arms on my waist as he pulled me off him. "Noooooo" I yelled trying to cling back to him. I wanted to smell that peppermint smell! He set me on the floor standing on my feet and they both stood up. I groaned before grabbing my bag and following them out the door.

We held hands all the way to school luckily making it on time. I stuffed my empty bag in my locker, and carried my books with my boyfriends to class. "You'll be going with groups new ones that I will still choose and will have a project that will be due tomorrow and its worth half your grade" I heard Kachaan growl and his hand gripped tightly around my waist. "Ok for the first group- and for the last group will be Loke, Midoriya, and Sanji" my eyes widened and i wanted to slam my face on the table. Sanji and Loke were ractically best friends and both extreme perverts.

(Loke from Fairy Tail and Sanji from One Piece, I know they are like extremely straight but oh well! Also if you don't know them or the animes I strongly suggest you watch them but its fine if you don't know them, though all you need to know is that they are perverts)

I felt Kachaan pull me close and Shochan scooted closer to me. "Do you have to?" Kachaan and Shochan asked in unison. "Yes, guys don't worry its not a big deal." I stood up and walked over to their table and sat down. I watched as they each scooted to one of my sides, i knew what they were trying but they needed to be close so we could all see the project anyways. Kachaan was with Mina and Kirishima while Shochan was with Tsuyu and a guy named Iida. I trusted them all the way and either way they were with all Alphas.

The project had to be about a famous person and their life story. "Who do you think we should do?" i asked looking at them, "You" they said in unison. I felt my face go red in embarrassment "um haha How about someone else" I watched as Loke leaned onto his hand and looked at me softly but you could just see the lust in his eyes. I felt a hand on my thigh and I roughly pushed it off not even flinching at it.

Not even 10 minutes later he tries again laying his hand on my mid thigh but this time when i tried to remove it Loke tightened his grip "hng" my thighs were a weak spot of mine, I had very few but this... was different. "Please stop" I said looking dead in his eyes my emotions paused. He ignored it and squeezed roughly "hah" I gasped for air. "So~ Who are we researching?" Sanji asked and his hand reached out to caress my cheek but i slapped it away. I still attempted to remove Loke's hand but nothing worked.

The bell rang scaring me "Anyone who didn't finish has to do it at home" Mr. Aizawa said and I groaned "Looks like we'll be seeing more of you tonight~" Loke whispered into my ear removing his hand "I'll text you the address" Sanji whispered in my other ear. I shivered standing up and grabbing my books along with the paper that only had the name 'Mirai Sasaki' it was one of my dads friends.

Kachaan and Shochan ran over to me and engulfed me in a hug "God I hate them" Kachaan whispered and I laughed lightly. "Sorry, I have to work with them after school" I said hoping they wouldn't yell. I felt Kachaan pull back "What?!" I rubbed my neck awkwardly "I was um trying to get them to work and... off of me." I watched as their faces turned to anger and I rushed into my class. I sat next to Kaminari and I think he noticed the scared pheromones i put off "Hey you ok?" he asked rubbing my back gently. "Y-Yea I just have to go to Sanji's house to work on a school project with him and Loke" Kaminari slammed his hands on the table "What?! they are the biggest perverts!! even compared to Mineta! especially since their Alphas" I nodded "I know but I cant fail this class if I did I would be doomed"

He seemed to understand and we were shushed by the teacher so we didn't talk until the bell rung. "Ok you can go but, be careful ok?" I nodded walking with him talking about basic stuff.

I giggled at his joke and we walked into the locker room. Just in time too the bell rung. We walked to our lockers and changed, we were putting our books in our lockers when i heard a thump next to me. I looked over to see Kaminari pinned to the locker by Sanji himself. "Hey! Let him go!" I went to push him off but was pinned to one myself by Loke. "Hey get off me" I yelled but was caught off guard by a knee being shoved into my groin "Ah" I heard Kaminari yelp as I grumbled a moan. I struggled against his grip and seen Kaminari not being touched but was knocked out. I suddenly realized why when both Sanji and Loke's Alpha scents hit me like a bus. "Ahh" a moan leaked out and I bit my lip, Loke's knee not loosing its consistent pace. The scent was overwhelming especially coming from two Alphas at such a close range. I was panting trying to keep myself up, but it was to much. My legs gave out and Loke caught me, He picked me up and i watched as Sanji carefully laid Kaminari down on the bench. I was thrown over Loke's shoulder and he slapped my ass. That was the last thing I remember before passing out cold in his grasp.

Hehe so um Cliffhanger... Sorry for making Loke and Sanji the bad guys but.... Gotta love that Drama anyways see you guys next time!

Word Count: 1528

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