Chapter 17

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this story is coming close to the end. I had a lot of fun writing and be sure to check out my other books as well. In the next chapter or two i plan to end it.

Izuku Midoriya P.O.V

I woke up and got dressed, i walked out to see Kachaan and Shochan sitting quietly at the table. "Good morning" they said and i simply nodded. I grabbed some toast and put some jelly on it before quietly sitting down and eating it. I got up and put my shoes on before slipping a hoodie on and walking out the door, My Alphas soon followed.

It had been another week of me being pretty silent, I didn't bother eating much. Most of the time iv'e been sleeping or reading to pass time. I just didn't feel like talking to people, I still talked to Kaminari and Ochako just not very much. I also text them i just couldn't get happy anymore. I was drifting from my Alphas and i couldn't help but want them yet id push them away. I sometimes woke up in the middle of the night to go into the bathroom and cry. i always came back out an hour later.

Katsuki Bakugo P.O.V

I didn't know how to talk to him, and when i did he pushed me away. Not that he realizes it but i hear him get up at midnight and cry. Fuck i mean it kills me i want to be there for him and help him but he's fragile right now. Not that i like to admit it but i know im rough sometimes, okay all of the time. Todoroki has noticed this too, Deku has changed he doesn't eat as much. He tends to just go lay down as soon as we get home. Todoroki and I have talked many times about what to do but when we tried it we were pushed away. Shit he was kidnapped but, we never got him back.

Shoto Todoroki P.O.V

Not only was Deku far away but all three of us were nearing silence towards each other. Bakugo and I had made different ways to get Deku back to normal but none were working. Im pretty sure Bakugo also hears Deku go into the bathroom at midnight. "Bakugo, we might need to be... forceful" he understood what i meant not like hitting him but maybe holding him down to talk. "I guess your right but i wont hurt him" I nodded "of course not" Now we will wait until after school.

Katsuki Bakugo P.O.V

After school me and Todoroki walked not far behind Deku but we began talking quietly so he couldn't hear us. "After dinner" was the last thing we said before we walked into the apartment building. "Ill make dinner" I said and walked into the kitchen to begin cooking Todoroki nodded and sat on the couch. Deku was already in the room doing what i assumed to be reading.

Izuku Midoriya P.O.V (sorry im changing POVs a lot)

I was laying in bed thinking and i started thinking about all the bad things that have happened to me. My parents leaving me, Loke, Dabi i felt my eyes start to water and i walked into the bathroom. I sighed looking in the mirror at my tear filled face. "Im hideous" i rolled up my sleeves and traced the old cut marks they were only visible if you concentrated enough to see them. They used to be more visible but i haven't.... in a long time. I pulled open the cabinet door and pulled out a box cutter. I had it dangling over my wrists before Dabi flashed into my mind and i cut. I wasn't paying attention to how many but there were at least 12 i quickly washed up and "Dinners ready!" Kachaan yelled "Ill be there in a second" i said and heard an 'okay' I grabbed some bandages and quickly bandaged my arm. it went to about my elbow before i double checked for any blood on the floor or sink. all of it was clean so i rolled my sleeve back down and i walked out to eat.

It was another silent meal that i didn't know what to say too. I started feeling guilty for what i did. I looked down at my empty plate, i was distracted so i ate the whole meal. I was slightly happy i did though.

"Im gonna go to bed" i said standing up and going into the room. My heat starts next week i groaned getting into my pajamas and then under the covers.

Katsuki Bakugou P.O.V
Todoroki and i stood up and walked into the bedroom, We can get the dishes later. We walked into the room and Todoroki tapped on Dekus shoulder. Deku sat up and looked over rubbing his eyes quickly. "Whats up?" I closed the door and sat at the edge of the bed. "Why have you been ignoring us?" I asked and he looked down.

"I-I dont know can we talk about this later" He said getting up but i grabbed him and held him in my lap. He was facing outwards towards Todoroki and i held his arms down. Tight but not enough to hurt him. "Its time Deku" He curled up in my lap and i held him. " I I've just been tired so tired" he said his eyes closing. Todoroki leaned over and kissed him, Dekus eyes popped open. "Mmng" his arms twitched slightly before he melted into it.

I bent down slightly nuzzling his neck and taking in the scent I've longed for. "I wanted to be with you guys, but i was sc-scared" He said after their kiss ended. "Scared of what?" I asked still on his neck, "i was scared to be pushed away, after what h-happened" Todoroki sighed and i kissed his neck. "That would never happen" we both said. He seemed to smile at that.

Todoroki grabbed Dekus wrists but he whimpered. "What was-" we looked at each other and Deku struggled in my grip again. He kept trying to get out but we got him to stop. Todoroki held him by his thighs while i held his arms and waist. Todoroki rolled up his sleeves and we gasped. Deku had tears rolling out of his eyes and wasn't making eye contact.

Shit a bandage? He, he cut. "Fuck" i mumbled feeling tears threaten our eyes. We knew why but...

"Im sorry, im so sorry" Deku said breaking down in our arms. "No, were sorry, for not being there for you" we said. We sat in each others arms total silence but it was comfortable.

I grazed over the two overlapping bite marks Todoroki and I made on Dekus neck. He asked us to mark him that night so of course we did.

~time skip~

"Congratulations on Graduating!!" Our teacher yelled and we waved them off. We were currently at the after party our engagement rings clear as day shining on each of our ring fingers. We had gotten many Congrats over the year.

I walked up to Deku and wrapped my arms around his waist "what do you say we go home, and have some... fun?" I felt him shiver in my grasp and i smirked. All three of us got up and said our goodbyes before driving home.

Last chapter is Smut!! Hehe 😉

And Follow for more

Word Count: 1252

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