I // The First Day of Black Mayhem

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September 1, 1977

Kings Cross Station

Sirius Black is quite possibly the most dreadful human being to ever have been born.

In fact, I am not entirely sure that he is a person. He's probably a leech that's been transfigured into a humanesque form.

I don't even know what he was thinking, I mean honestly? I do not care if he was going to be given thirty galleons or that I would receive half of them. I honest to Merlin do not care.

There I was, I had just said goodbye to my mother and father and pushed my trolley through the barrier when he jumped me! No, "hi, Bishop!" or, "fancy seeing you here at the train station for the school we both attend!" It in fact sounded awfully a lot more like, "Despite the fact that you despise me, I think we should snog!" (Except without the despising part).


I mean, honestly?

Is he completely and utterly bonkers?

Has he been drinking too much babbling beverage?

I had walked in and was looking forward to starting the school year on a positive note. My mother no longer cried when she dropped me off at Kings Cross which I took as a good sign.

It seems I should not have taken that as a good sign, because as soon as I walked in I was ambushed from behind, and naturally I thought it was Lily or Charlotte, but no. If the force of the hug wasn't a big enough clue that it wasn't them, him whispering, "I think we should snog," cemented it (unless they had developed an odd Eva fetish overnight).

You know when you're in a situation and the adrenaline kicks in and you're no longer in control of your body? This was one of those situations. I took the opportunity to kick his shin. Hard. Very, very hard. I may have also elbowed him in the stomach. I am unaware if it's just me, but kicking people gives me a certain sort of happiness, especially when one of those people is a member of the Marauders, or, as they should be referred to as, the Bloody Prat Quadruplet.

"What the bloody hell did you do that for, Bishop?" Black growled, clutching his shin. I stared at him. I felt a grin coming on. Wait, never mind.

"I could ask you the same question, Black." He frowned and narrowed his eyes in apparent confusion. "Or have you forgotten already? Have you lost your bloody mind?"

Black's grin returned to his face. "Oh," he said brightly. "That."

"Yes," I glowered at him. "That. Mind telling me how life as the only living brain donor is?"

My poor attempt at insulting him ended up with his grin spreading even wider than it previously was. "Well I'm pretty sure you heard me the first time, Evelyn, but if you so desperately want to hear me say it again then I would be most happy to oblige."

"I don't know what you're talking about," I retorted.

Black took a step closer and then paused, staring into my eyes. "I think that we should snog."

Ahh, there it was again.

Here enters James Potter, the complete and utter hare-brained fool, with the witty, "well aren't you two bipolar today?"

"Well if you wouldn't mind telling me why he's lost his mind I would quite possibly be slightly more agreeable," I glowered.

Potter beamed. "Oh, yes. I thought it would go down a bit like this. You see, I woke up this morning and thought, my oh my, what would be a good way to make today a bit more interesting? I always have galleons to spare-"

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