VI // Maybe it's Called the Forbidden Forest for a Reason?

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September 6, 1977

Great Hall

I woke up this morning with a pillow under my head and a blanket over my back whilst sleeping on the couch by the fire in the Gryffindor Common room.

Despite my annoyance with Black and the rest of the bloody prat trio (quadruplet? What was Remus' involvement with my bed problem?), I couldn't help but feel happy that someone had thought to leave a blanket and a pillow for me. It did, however, leave another mystery; I didn't recognise either of the items.

Anyway, I was woken up by a group of raucous second-year boys stomping down the stairs, so I might have hexed them. Only a little bit. The tails should disappear in an hour or so. I hope.

I folded the blanket up and placed it on top of the pillow and ripped a piece of parchment out of my diary (which I had placed in between the couch pillows) and wrote: Thank you for the blanket and pillow. P.S. Keep doing whatever you're doing that makes them smell like that.

Maybe it was a bit stalkery but that's only a minor detail. If they felt compelled to be all Hufflepuff, then they will have to accept my stalkerish tendencies.

So now I'm down in the Great Hall at the normal breakfast time, which is weird because I normally wake up early, but I'm here with Lily and Lottie and we have plans to go into the forbidden forest this afternoon, after we've done some of our homework.

"So why were you asleep on the couch?" Lily asked with a raised eyebrow as soon as I made an appearance."

"Yeah," Lottie added with a mouth full of eggs, "why weren't you up in the dorm?"

I plonked down on the bench and folded my arms across my chest. "Someone thought it would be a good idea to leave frogs in my bed."

Lottie wrinkled her nose. "Gross."

"Potter and Black of course." Lily rolled her eyes. "Predictable."


"Well, today is a day to forget all of that!" Lily smiled. "I've planned it accordingly. First, we have breakfast. Second, we have more breakfast. Third we- wait, Eva, you don't have quidditch practice today do you?"

No. Thank bloody goodness.

"Potter wants us to practice during weekdays. The first game isn't for a couple of months yet, so no Sunday practices."

Bloody Potter and his bloody quidditch schedule. Last year our captain made us practice every day for a week leading up to the Gryffindor-Slytherin match. We won, but still!

"Okay, good." Lily smiled. "I wouldn't put it past him to schedule a practice today."

"Me either," I muttered.

"So after breakfast?" Asked Lottie, still with a mouthful of eggs. I swear, she literally only eats eggs. Eggs and more eggs.

"After breakfast, we go up to our dorm and straighten out, seeing as Eva here has had absolutely no chance to do so yet. First week and she's already shagged someone and been sent to the bloody hospital wing."

"I uh, I actually didn't shag anyone."

Lily waved her hand in the air, attempting to shush me. "Irregardless, we need to sort out our stuff, and then we'll grab some work, you missed out on transfiguration, ancient runes, herbology and divination on Friday by the way, so you'll need to catch up on that, and I'm assuming you haven't done any actual homework yet, so we have a lot to cover." She stopped for a split-second to breathe. "And then we'll have lunch and then go back to the library and then when our work is finished, and only then, will we head off to the forest. And then dinner. And bed."

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