CH.1 The Begining

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Its 4 years after the end of season 3 war is over though there is still hatred towards elves and humans from both sides
For context
Rayla = 19
Ezran = 14 1/2
Ellis = 14
Wether or not its accuriate those be the terms for the characters  also rayllum is dateing but marrage ?????? and ellis and ezran is a thing also janai and amaya but only bc its become common not bc its my fav ship xp

Forgive my writeing to btw first story
Also callum has grown a pair, in the sense of hes less shy more bold



Rayla walks up the steps towards the top of the spire as it was aptly named for its extreme number of steps. "well Callum is waiting for me at the top, I wonder what he was so exited about after we ate breakfast this morning?" Rayla thought to herself as she climbed to the top.

"Callum! Come out you big dumb human!" Rayla yelled when she got to the top of the spire. Little does she know Callum was above her glideing down to try and scare her, as he slowly creeps up on her from above Rayla notices and without showing it continues to play along.
Callum is about to grab her from behind when she wips around pointer finger out ready to tell him you can't scare a assasin  and wacks him right in the jaw "well you could have told me you knew i was there you dident have to hit me." Callum said in a suprised pained manner rubbing his jaw.

"I am so sorry Callum" she then in an attempt to heal the wound, kisses him on the lips french style only pulling away when they run out of breath "well I was not expecting that, not complaineing but i think you may have injured my jaw more with all that movment." Callum said with a sly smile, Rayla then turning bright red rapidly changed the suject "soooo what was it you wanted me to trek all the way up here for?"

"Ah that depends you already stole part of my thunder with the kiss but i guess the second half will do." Activating his wings he then said "grab on and hold on tight, unless you want to owe me for saveing you?" Rayla wraps her arms around him as he beats his wings higher and higher and higher untill they are over the clouds edge. "Callum its breath takeing." Rayla said awe struck by the pink setting suns glow on the horizon.

"Not as breath takeing as you Rayla" Callum said Rayla blushes a little takeing him into a light kiss "Now heres the fun part" Callum said takeing on a almost fox like grin
"CALLUM DONT DO IT! I know whaaaaa-" right that moment Callum dove out of the sky flying straight down falling as if they were a bag of rocks in the ocean. Then right before they hit the ground Callum pulls up and lands at the base of the spire in the  camp of the human half of the new dragon guard.

"Prince Callum, lady Rayla I have news from king Ezran and the dragon king" a officer said runing towards callum "well get on with it i i have something to do" Callum said grinning at Rayla
"Yes prince Callum here is a letter from king Ezran and the dragon king sent an elf with the message saying "ezran needs you return to katolis as soon as possible i will be fine here at the spire."after the officer handed the letter to Callum he finished, running off towards the mess hall/tent

"Hmm i wonder whats in the letter?" Callum said. "i wonder what it could be too." Rayla said intriuged by the seal on the letter. "Well shall we retire to my tent for kissing and find out?" Callum said grinning boldly. "So we shall my big dumb human" Rayla said returning his grin.

As they walk to Callums tent rayla Notices that the camp is more active than normal, brushing it off as they enter Callums tent.

Callum sits down on his cot and jestures Rayla to sit next to him, as soon as she sits down he pulls her into another kiss filled with passion and after a break continues for several minutes befor stoping, Rayla then out of breath says "well lets read what your brothers letter says befor we go to far." *winking at Callum* "I agree" cracking the wax seal Callum reads the letter with Rayla looking over his shoulder.

Callum, Rayla i have urgent need to talk with you through a safer form of comunication please come to katolis castle as soon as you can, ellis sends here love as well as aunt amaya though she leaves for lux aurea today, i will not go into detail but the "coins" have been found.
Bait misses you and zym said he would tell you to come should this letter not arive on time.

-love Ezran

P.s Callum dont show Rayla the note left in invisible ink under this note!

Callum then pushes Rayla away telling her why and uses a spell to activate the ink so he can read it.

Callum i know how you feel about this matter but i will tell you this and take it as an order from the king if not a request from a brother, ASK RAYLA TO MARRY YOU ALREADY, im begining to think Raylas right and that you are a big dumb human, i expect you to be engaged when you arive or you can postpone comeing, there will be a ball to announce it because it will not only be a royal wedding but the first elven human one!

"Well Rayla we are going up in the sky again" Callum said then kissing her lightly "why?" Because I have 2 options and the sky is more romantic  allocation because of the full moon tonight, I hope you're holding on tight to my neck" Callum began flying up again and as they looked over the clouds rayla said "wow it's even more beautiful than before"smiling a smile that melts, Callum.

"Rayla its time I asked you something rather important," Callum said with the smallest tinge of fear "oh?" Rayla said curiosity blooming on her face, "Rayla will you mar-" Callum started but then Rayla said "Yes yes yes I will marry you one thousand times yes" kissing him passionately on the lips for 10 minutes only stopping for quick breaths".

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