CH.6 The Spire

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Narrator pov

It has been a week since the last fight and they have had several more encounters with the undead army's of the instigator after sneaking past the main chunk of the instigator's army, they ran into several patrols, the smaller ones Callum burned to a crisp with lightning from his rage towards them for Raylas injury.

The larger ones he used a spell to warp a shimmer of air around them that refracted light in a way it made them invisible.

After this trek towards the spire, Callum and Ethari could see the Spire,
Rayla still asleep and getting worse by the day needed medical attention so they began to speed up, but once they could see the base of the tower Callum almost didn't want to continue forward.

"Well Ethari I think we have a problem," Callum said looking at the vast army of undead soldiers fighting against a "ragtag group of Sunfire and kaolin warriors."

Then turning his head towards the youngling dragons he asked: "can you guys fly?" Getting many head bobs and mini demonstrations he then turns to Ethari "Strap her onto my chest using that role then get on the biggest dragon, and hold on because we have to fly high to avoid arrows" Callum said as he grabbed out a roll of rope and lifted Rayla of the dragon
And held her close while Ethari strapped her in then walking over to the biggest dragon climbed on and held on tight.

Callum activating his wings said "now everyone follows me" as he began to fly up and up and up until they were way over the raging battle, then flying as fast as he could he flew for the best at the top drawing the rune for ventussporalis and letting everyone breathe as they reached the top.

After untieing himself from Rayla and leaving her in the hands of the royal healers he ran over to the edge and jumped flying down to the battle to find out what happens from whoever was in charge, getting down he finds a soldier telling him Soren is on the east flank and queen Janai is on the west with Amaya in the middle, running to the middle to talk with his aunt he finds her tearing apart a group of undead katolin soldiers.

Getting her attention she pulls away replaced by 5 Sunfire and kaolin warriors. (Callum it's so good to see you, I'm sorry for the bad reason but all the same, what are you doing here.) Callum signing says "we were warned by ezran when he felt zym injured, what I want to know is how you guys are still alive against these odds, and how long this battle has raged" Callum signed, then firing a bolt of lightning into the middle of the undead army (we have the Sunfire elves and their shields and Soren can be quite a battle genius when he's not a dolt, Janai and I arrived with the elves yesterday just in time for this attack we think we could hold the steps if we had to but we have held here so far, where's the girl?) "Injured" Callum signed then firing three more bolts into the crowds of undead and freezing a swath of them from atop a rock.

The battle raged for another 3 hours with the help of Callums as well as ibis huge groups of undead we're decimated and they slowly were wiped out.

After the battle, Callum flew up to see zym finding him in the best room with his mother Callum saw the wound, a large gash 6 feet long across zyms belly that was now scared over but looked fresh almost as if it wasn't healed at all, running over to zym the dragon said: "go to her she is worse off than you think I am fine I will need your help later but she is more important to me and you than my little inconvenience."

Running toward the infirmary Callum began to worry about how bad it was,
Arriving he saw a doctor exit a room he walked up and asked where she was put, the doctor replied "she is in the room I just came out of" seeing Callum walk towards the door he said "wait, she is not doing very well she may not make it she has been badly injured, the poison you spoke of sent in her but the rust and the fact that the arrow cut through an artery, I'm surprised she made it this far."

"She will make it, " he said sternly as he ran into the room to see a sleeping Rayla in bed, grabbing a small chair he sat down next to her and held her hand.

"She has to make it."

Ok well that's another chapter, I am surprised anyone reads my bad writing but whatever XD 100 reads wooooooooo.

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