CH.4 The Silvergrove

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Narrator pov

"Callum we need to rest you can't make a second trip like this with only a few hours rest don't push your self we will get there on time to help zym"
Rayla said drenched with worry for her fiance.

"Fine fine we can stop down on that cliff edge but only for an hour I would like to save zym sooner rather than later"
Callum said in a tired tone. As they drifted down Callum begins to fall asleep from exhaustion and 10 feet from the ground he fainted and his magic wings vanished knocking them to the ground "oww, Callum are you alright" Rayla said rolling off him and trying to stand up.

*snoring sounds coming from Callum* As she hears his snores she starts to drag him over to a tree thinking "when did he get so heavy, is it all the muscle from training at the spire?"
Rayla setting him down by the tree gathers some nearby wood for a fire and gets one going, sitting next to Callum leaning her head against his drifting off to sleep.

Rayla awoke the next morning not aware of how tired they were yesterday shakes Callum awake yelling "WE SLEPT THE WHOLE DAY GET UP WE NEED TO START FOR THE SPIRE!" "Whaaaa... Where's the jelly tart" Callum said groggy still half asleep. "Eat this so we can leave," she said shoving a jelly tart into his hands. "Were gonna have to walk I drained too much magic energy to fast if I fly it might kill me" Callum said between mouthfuls of jelly tart "we walk then" Rayla said, "maby we.... can find out what attacked.... the spire along.... the way" Callum said while sucking his fingers clean of jelly tart "ok let's get going then we have a lot of walking to do" she said grabbing her bag and beginning to walk.

Rayla took the lead guiding them through the forests of xadia towards the spire.

As they walked past a grove she heard rustling so she grabs Callum and shoved him into a bush with her
"Look over at those bushes and trees," she said pointing towards the spot she heard the sounds.

After a few seconds, an elf exited the bushes but something was fishy about the way it walked it was dragging its right leg and it had no skin on its right arm l and green fire in its eyes.

"Undead," Rayla said breathlessly
"No way, only dark magic can reanimate the dead, no elf uses dark magic it's against everything elves believe," Callum said fear tingeing his eyes.
Rayla grabbing Callums and starts to walk him around whispering "ok looks like this area could be dangerous let's go around to Silvergrove to get Ethari because we are going to free Runaan, it's only a minor detour."

"Fine, let's get going we need to save zym still" Callum gruffed. (He Hates silver grove)

After a days journey to Silvergrove, they arrived at nightfall, finishing the entrance dance (/ceramony I don't know what to call it) they walked through the portal into the Moonshadow elf village, Callum on edge getting strange stairs since the last time they visited, over a year ago didn't end well with An injured Callum almost dead, they walk to Ethari and Runaans house.

Getting to the door they knocked on the door and a smiling
Ethari invited them inside, "no time for tea Ethari the dragon king is injured we came to get you because he can free Runaan from the coin and my parents, we also need to save zym." Rayla said very quickly.

Ethari then rushed to pack some things and ran up to them and the left Silvergrove to start on there journey again. "Let's get going" he said cheerfully.

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