Anna's P.O.V
Today was the ever so famous, Brookes Christmas Party and as you can tell, im thrilled to be apart of it.
Ever since Draco and I have gotten back together, we seem to be more distant as the days go by. I wish he would just make up his mind already.
It has been 2 weeks since we spoke last and to be honest, I wouldn't even know what to say to him now.
However, I have better things to worry about like, how am I every going to survive this bloody party.
Waking up in my room this morning was an odd change from the dorms at Hogwarts, all I wanted to do was blink my eyes and it to transform to what I woke up to everymorning.
I didn't want to be home.
It wasn't even really home.
I rubbed my eyes a few times and was finally able to focas on a bright red note on the nightstand. Flicking it up between my fingers, I read the wispy cursive,
Dear Anna
I put your morning krumpit out for you on a plate. Please, remember to take the dog out will you.
I layed your outfit out for tonight, be ready 5 0'clock sharp.
Love always.
Jumping to my feet, I dragged my light blue stocking feet over to my dresser and started throwing some warmer clothes on.
After fixing my hair and putting on a bit of makeup, I noticed that big ol furry thing by my door; wagging his tail.
"You want out buddy?" I coaxed, walking past him out of my room.
"You coming" He followed me down the stairs and into the kitchen like he was my shadow.
I grabbed the old red leesh from the hook by the door and clipped it on.
The door easily slid open despite the frost and we stepped out into the frigid weather.
Duke did his best to trudge though the snow and I was thankful for the dense matter, at least it would slow that speed demon down.
After a few minutes walking through the blinding white snow, my eyes were blinded and my hands were numb.
Standing along the woods seperating our house from Malfoy Manor, I heard someone call my name.
A small flicker of hope rose in me and I spun around with a big smile on my face.
Only to be met with a grin from none other then Peter McKnight.
"Peter" I exclaimed, a hint of disapointment in my voice. "What, what are you doing here?"
"Your parents told mine that you might need some help setting up for the rest of the party. Thought you could use me" He chuckled.
Although Peter wasn't my favorite person, he did seem like he really was here to help and I guess that's all I can ask for.
"Well, you could stand out here in the cold for me and babysit the dog" I smiled
He had a thoughtful look on his face and waited a few seconds before answering, "Cant really screw that one up"
Lifting my right leg up and out of the snow, I started making my way to where he stood.
Before I could hand the leash over, Duke shot towards the woods in hot pursuit of a copper furred squirl. While at the same time, putting me up close and personal with the wet snow.
Falling face first, I peared up quick enough to see Duke in the Malfoy's yard racing around.
"I'll get him" Peter said, jogging toward me.
"Peter, your suit!" I scolded, giving him wide eyes and a small smile as he helped me up.
"It'll dry. Lets go catch that hounddog sha'll we" He chortled, nodding towards Malfoy's yard.
We chased after Duke for a few minutes and to my surpise, I was actually having fun with Peter.
"We should never start a Dog Catching Business" I laughed, making a go at Duke.
"Last time I ever help you Brookes" He winked, reaching down and grasping red fabric.
"How about, I catch the dogs and you handle the paper work"
"Peter you're Brilliant" I exclaimed, my mouth going wide at the sight of Duke undercontrol.
"Just dumb luck" He stated, pulling Duke back to our yard.
"Is someone modest?" I teased, following his lead.
"No, just honest." He said, sliding the back door open and pushing Duke inside. Holding the door open for me, I stepped inside and did a little dance in the warm air.
"Warmth" I sighed.
"Anna, your morning scon. You're welcome" Peter read off the note, handing the pastry toward me. "Go. Get ready, I can do what little work there needs to be done"
"Peter, are you sure?" I asked, feeling horriable that he was about to do my chores.
"I think i can handle it Anna" He laughed, "It's already 1:00 and you're soaking wet in the kitchen. Go get dressed"
"Thanks Peter" I smiled, more shocked then anything. Not only did Peter McKnight show up out of the blue and catch my ruthless dog, he offered to do work, for me.
I guess people can change for the better.
*Draco's P.O.V*
The Brookes were having their famous Christmas party tonight and of coarse, we must attend.
I hate everything about formal events but the only thing pushing me through this one is Anna. I'll finally get to talk to her after being forced to ignore her at Hogwarts and at any Death Eater cerimonies we attend, it's to risky.
Keeping her safe will be worth it in the end, even if it's killing me now.
Seeing her everyday, passing her in the halls, sitting behind her in class, watching her in the Great Hall, It was torture. Knowing I can't surpise her with a kiss or hold her hand at hogsmeade, makes my everday, just another day.
Never a memory.
Filled with thoughts of what could be, I made my way downstairs and into the kitchen. Mindlessly grabbing a piece of toast, I sat down at the table as Ralphin chuckled at me.
"What?" I questioned.
"Nothing, Ralphins just happy" He stated.
Before I could question him more, I spotted a swosh of dark brown run past the kitchen window followed by someone in formal attire and another with blonde locks.
"What the........" Getting closer to the window, I saw Anna and McKnight chasing Duke around in our yard. Having a wonderful time.
Why was he even with her?
Just happened to be in the neighborhood? I doubt that.
I was jelous, that much was for sure. I could feel it in my stomach, bubbling up and boiling.
Spinning away from the window, I stalked through the kitchen and up the stairs.
If McKnight thinks he even has a chance in hell, he's mistaken.
I'll make that clear tonight.
*Anna's P.O.V*
After taking a much needed shower, I stood in the bathroom inspecting my appearance.
Deciding to do something with my hair, I wand dried it and twisted it up into a detailed braided bun.
My skin was spot less and tan making it easy to move onto my eyes without worry.
Going with a black liner and gold shadow, I carefully applied it to perfection.
Remembering the note from earlier, I checked the dresser in my room for any sign of formal wear.
Of coarse my mom would never forget.
Picking up the black fabric, I held it in front of me.
It was a simple skintight black dress. The shoulders had some gold jewels but that was about all.
Slipping the dress over my head, I adjusted the fabric and looked in the mirror.
The dress stopped midthigh and was fit perfect to my body.
Spinning around, I noticed the draft and saw the dress exposed my full back.
Pulling on the black and gold platform heels, I finished the outfit off with earrings, braclets, and a swipe of red lipstick.
The clock on the nightstand read, 4:00 and I knew, people would be starting to appear.
Being careful about making my way down the steps, I entered into the kitchen that now looked more like a warzone.
My parents, house elves, and Peter were all rushing around checking the food and drinks. Making sure everything was up to 'Brookes perfection"
"Anna! Front door, I want the first thing people see to be my beautiful baby girl" My mom exclaimed, dropping the ice bucket and wrapping me in a tight hug.
Hugging her back, I did as I was told and waited for the first family to arrive.