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The week was passing by slowly, I had spent the last couple days inside the hotel room playing Sims 4, while Namjoon was at work. But it was his birthday today, and he was blissfully unaware that I knew, so I thought it would be a nice surprise if I did something for him.

Stepping into a pair of blue jeans and black Nikes, and pulling a bright red jumper over my head, I headed out of the door and into the city. It was busier than I was used to, and rather daunting. But I grew used to it as I navigated my way through the streets.

Hmm.. what cake does Joonie like, I thought, scanning the shelves of dozens of cakes. And then I spotted his favourite; Mint chocolate. Perfect. Grabbing a some balloons, candles and other decorations I made my way back to the hotel.

* * *

By the time I had finished setting up, the floor had disappeared, and was now just pure balloon. I'd hung 3 silver banners, with 'Happy Birthday' written on them, around the room. Id almost fallen off the swivel chair, trying to get one up above the desk. And I hid the cake in the bedside table. I was so excited to surprise him. The room looked amazing. I was sure he'd love it.

The last few hours before he'd be back, I spent creating and killing families on Sims. My favourite pastime.

Suddenly, I heard footsteps and hushed whispers outside. He must've been on the phone, which gave me a few seconds to light the candles on the cake ready for him. Finally, the door creaked open.

"Ugh, Mia, today has been-"

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!" I squealed holding the cake out in front of me with a huge, almost psychotic looking grin. Namjoon looked stunned at first, before the same smile broke out on his face. He fought his way through the balloons to make his way over to me and blew out the candles.

"How did you know?" He asked curiously, through giggles.

"How could I not know about my favourite persons birthday!"

"This is..." he started, looking around the room with content. "This is perfect. Thank you" he learnt over and kissed my forehead in gratitude.

I placed the cake down behind me and pulled him for a tight hug. Engulfing me in his arms, he rested his chin ontop of my head with a happy sigh. I was so glad he liked it. I loved making him happy.

"Do you want to go for dinner somewhere? Anywhere you want." I couldnt hold back my excitement. I think I was more excited than Namjoon was.

"Sure, Ill ring and make a reservation somewhere. I hope you brought smart clothes!" Booping my nose before he left.

I ran to the bathroom to get ready. This doesnt count as a date, does it? Or does it? Not that I'd mind either way. I was just happy to be spending the rest of his birthday with him. I zipped up my royal blue skater dress, with longs sleeves. It was my favourite dress. It showed off my curves and enough cleavage to be look sexy, but not enough to look slutty. I applied some make up and pulled on my black stilletos - I still wouldnt even be close to being as tall as Namjoon - and opened the door. As I emerged, I saw Namjoon laid on the bed, the back of his head resting on one arm while the other flicked through the channels on the TV. He wore a tightly fitting black suit and tie with a white shirt and black shoes. He looked HOT.

He glanced at me for half a second and then turned his head back to the TV, and then once his brain had processed it, back at me again. His jaw dropped, looking me up and down. Sucking in a deep breath of air, his mouth started moving but no sound came out, like he was trying to say something but couldnt fathom the words.

It took some time but eventually he managed to muster up a "wow... just... wow" he slowly shook his head as he contined to look me up and down. I cant lie, it made me feel really good leaving him speachless like that.

"Alright, eyes back inside your head please." I teased. "Youre not looking so bad yourself" giving him a wink, I grabbed his hand and pulled him up from the bed. "Coooomee ooon then"

* * *

"Mr and Mrs Kim?"

Before I could correct the waiter, Namjoon spoke "yes thats us."

Oof. My heart gave a little tug as my stomach filled with butterflies. Wowieeee. I hadnt felt this in a very long time.

We sat down at a small candle lit table by the window. Th restaurant was spectacular. A subtle red and gold filled the room, with a soft ambient light from a massive chandelier above, and the tea light candles placed delicately on the tables. Our table was scattered with rose petals, and had fancy silverware cutlery perfectly placed in front of each seat.

"This is nice." As I looked Namjoon in the eyes, I couldnt help the smile of complete adoration that was creeping onto my face. He really did look amazing. I took in every tiny detail of his face. The way his eyes squint with his smile. The dimple on his left cheek. The pool of chocolate in his irises.

"What you do wanna eat then?" He flipped open a menu and began scanning through the options.

"I kinda fancy duck" I said, as I concentrated on the menu to stop myself from staring.

"Aw not the poor little duckies" his eyes shot up at me with a fake sadness. "Theyre so cute with their little 'quack quack'"

"Shush you, pick your food."

The food was exquisite. I had duck pancakes, while he had his favourite knife noodles. The conversation flowed and the drinks went down. We werent drunk but we definitely werent completely sober.

"Ive had a really good time tonight." Namjoom smiled at me, holding the door to our hotel room open for me. "Thank you."

"It was my absolute pleasure" I gave a dramatic bow before kicking my shoes off and jumping onto the bed.

He stood over me, staring at me with a strange look in his eye, for a few seconds before joining me. Turning onto my side, so that his face was only inches from mine, I could feel the warmth of his breath. The whole room was silent other than the sound of us breathing in unison.

That strange look lingered in his eyes. "I-I love you, Mia."

Those words again. I was taken aback, eyes wide, mouth gaping open with shock. He meant as a friend right? The way Junkook and I say it to each other? Theres no way.. Its not that I didnt feel the same. In fact, the opposite. I adored him. I was just scared of feeling that way towards the only person I trusted. Scared of everything that could go wrong. Scared of losing my best friend.

"Love you too, Joonie" My eyes flickered around from our hands to the pillow to the walls, unsure of where to look. Anywhere but his eyes.

"Not.. like that..." It was almost a whisper. I could tell he was nervous, his breaths were shaking and he kept shifting in his position. He intertwined our fingers, his thumb gliding over mine. "I-I think Im in love with you..."

I really didnt know how to respond. I thought for a few seconds before closing my eyes and taking a deep breath in and out. I locked my eyes with his and cupped his face in my hand. "I feel the same way.. I just.. Im not sure if Im ready. Im terrified of losing you."

"You wont. I meant it all those times I said I was never going anywhere. I could never leave you." His eyes had a kind of sadness behind them, one that you wouldnt even notice unless you knew him well enough. "But.. Ive never felt this way before about anyone. I thought I knew what love was before, but now I've realised.. it's you. Its always been you"

Hearing that made my heart throb and butterflies erupt in my stomach. I searched his eyes looking for some kind of indication that he was about to jump out and yell "SIKE!" but, he was being deadly serious.

"I love you too Namjoon"

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